Hero System! Transported to Another World

Chapter 8

Chapter 8: Ability: Might

As Alex turned towards the huge enraged man, he could see a prompt.

[2 minutes]

'Ah shit. Only 2 minutes? I'll need to be quick to defeat this guy. If not, I'll just be dead meat.'

Alex said as he ran head on towards the man. He could guess that his current strength was similar to the man's. But this main reason to attack now was as this might be his only chance at defeating him.

Alex had a plan.

He rushed to the man's head one; the man did the same.


The two punched, hitting each other's fists.

Both were blown back by the force, but Alex managed to get up as soon as he fell.

"ARG!!!!!!" The man screamed in pain. It seemed like he fell on his back, which caused the dagger to sink in deeper into his back, hurting him even more.

Alex knew that this was the perfect moment, one quick attack to the man's jaw and he would be unconscious.

"Let's end this here!" Alex roared as he once again ran straight towards the man.

The controlled man couldn't move, his legs were shaking, blood drenched his body. He could do nothing but await his fate.


A swift kick to the jaw.

It was clean and precise, the enhanced speed and strength by the Might was just amazing.

'Is he unconscious?' Alex said as he watched the man's body slide across the ground by the force of his kick.

Alex quickly hurried to the body. He needed to take his dagger as well as check if the man was unconscious or not.

[Player out of combat]

'After hearing these words, Alex felt relieved. He knew that this meant the man was unable to fight him anymore.'

Alex walked to the man's body, a small dagger had penetrated the man's back very deep. It was close to the spinal cord, which meant that some important arteries and veins were cut. If the man didn't get help soon, he would die from bleeding.

'It looks like I can't take my knife out, it's the only thing preventing him from bleeding even more.' Alex said as he looked at the dagger. But as soon as Alex saw blood, another thought came into his mind.

'Wait, the girl!' Alex quickly ran towards the girl and checked her pulse.

*BOOM!* but before he could, the doors behind him flew by sheer force. Someone had forcefully opened it.

"Alex! Are you okay?" A familiar voice entered Alex's ears.

[EXP gained]

Alex ignored the prompt of him gaining experience and looked towards the source of the sound. As soon as the doors opened, a woman ran inside, a gun in her hands.

"I'm fine. This person seemed to be under some influence or mind control. At first, he sounded human but then he started to say things like, 'I'll kill you human!' or 'Foolish human'… He didn't speak like he was a human himself. But it doesn't matter, you can question him yourself. I didn't kill him, I just hurt him. A lot." Alex answered Hana. He then looked towards the girl and said, "Save this girl first! Her pulse felt so weak, and she has lost a lot of blood…"

Hana shook her head, "You might have already guessed, but this was a test, just gone completely wrong… We don't know what happened so you will be questioned. I can't do anything about that. I will do the questioning myself so you don't need to be worried about harsh treatment. For now, just follow me." Hana looked towards Alex with a serious expression.

Alex nodded, but then looked towards the man, more specifically the dagger in his back. "My weapon is lodged into the man's back. I didn't remove it as it could cause more damage and might have been the fatal blow and killed him. Will I get it back?" Alex had no other weapon, plus the skill he acquired from the reapers required him to have their Dagger. He didn't want to lose it.

Hana looked towards Alex with a hint of surprise, "I'm surprised that you defeated Rhino. If you have that much power, that means you could be useful to us. So we will give you your weapon back, don't worry. But it might be examined before. I don't know. My mind is just currently filled with many, many questions. All of them are about you, Alex. This situation is very confusing." Hana said as she waited for Alex.

"Now, hurry up. The soldiers will clean up the place and keep Rhino locked up. He will then be interrogated, but you don't need to know all the details."

Hana looked outside and said in a louder voice, " It's clear. Rhino has been dealt with, no casualties. Suspicion of Reapers being involved in this. I will take Alex_01 for questioning on what happened."

Alex looked outside and was surprised to see a lot of military outside, standing ready. Hana seemed to have a lot of influence over them.

"MAAM! I disagree." Another familiar voice yelled.

"Captain, I know you well enough by now. But do remember that I am your superior as well as the head of the investigation. I have all the right to call the shots here. Last time you did the same by trying to refute my words on taking this one to the facility myself. I ignored it. But this time, I will remember your actions. Speaking of remembering things, Do you remember my powers after I awakened? Or is your refutal for another reason?" Hana replied in a stern and angry tone. She seemed to dislike how the man spoke to her.

"Uh. No ma'am! I apologise for doubting Maam's powers. This will not happen again." The man quickly apologised by bowing down. Alex was just surprised to see his actions. He was even more surprised by Hana's words. 'What is her power? I don't even know yet… To be someone who is in charge of investigations… she must some special powers…' Alex said to himself as he looked towards the woman's back.

"Go and do your jobs. Call in more medics as well. Rhino is hurt." Hana said in an annoyed tone as she walked outside. Alex quietly followed behind.

As Alex followed, he could see that the facility was under some kind of lockdown. The windows were covered, blocked by iron curtains. Letting no light enter or escape. There were helicopters in the air. Military personnel with weapons had their aim on Alex the entire time he followed Hana.

'It seems like they still don't trust me. The only reason they didn't use force on me must be because I'm with Hana.' Alex took a deep breath of relief. He couldn't imagine how the military would have taken him if Hana wasn't there, especially after he saw how the captain was still glaring at him.

'What did I do to him anyway?' Alex questioned by the captain disliked him so much. It seemed dumb that he would just glare at him like Alex was some type of criminal.

"Don't worry about him. That damn captain is only acting like that because of the past. He can't seem to let go of what happened. It's partially my fault that your getting glared at like that, but It's okay. If you were able to take down Rhino, you will be important to us. I will explain more than we travel to the questioning faculty. But once we enter there, you will be the one that will do the explaining, not me so be completely truthful, I have my ways to know lies." Hana opened the door of the car and smiled at Alex.

It was the first time Alex saw Hana smile that way. He could help but replay the memory of her smiling in his mind. 'How can a woman be this beautiful?'

"Are you going to enter the car or just continue staring at me?" Hana said as she pointed to a seat.

Alex laughed awkwardly and quickly entered the car.

Hana just shook her head and entered the car after Alex, "Men will always be like that."

Alex just smiled and waited.

"Okay, I guess you already had a hunch that it was a test, right?" Hana asked.

"Uh, I did guess that it was a test. Everything seemed too conveniently placed. How could people not think that it was a test?" Alex said as he remembered the situation. It was all too perfect: Dark lights, a heavily injured person, and a big bad guy.josei

Hana nodded, "It was indeed a test, a cliche one, but cliches are used for a reason. They work."

Alex agreed with Hana, cliches work.

"But if it was a test, then why do you need to question me on what happened. Weren't you all watching on video? It would be dumb to make the test but not have any way to watch the test while it goes on, right?" Alex asked Hana.

"You are correct. We did have cameras hidden all over the room, but all of them were jammed. As soon as we found out, we tried to open the doors to find out what happened, but everything was locked. We could have come to save you as soon as we realized something was off, but it seems like you didn't need it."

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