Hero System! Transported to Another World

Chapter 81

Chapter 81: Observations

"What? I'm now a B rank awakened?" Alex questioned. He was curious about the Bot but his curiosity was taken over by the shock of suddenly being a B ranked awakened.

Midnight nodded and smiled, "Technically, you aren't one but you have already the capabilities of defeating a C rank. Your strength also rivals that of a lower B ranked awakened. So It's safe to say that your card will be changed and you'll be given a new one… Talking about cards, where is your card?" Midnight looked around Alex's body curiously. Alex felt his pocked and looked at Midnight with a slight smile.

"It seems like I left it in the room with my dirty clothes… I'm really not used to keeping a card around me at every moment of my life. The closes thing was my citizenship for my previous world but that was in my wallet always so I never had to remember it, It would always be with me. But here, I don't have a wallet so I forgot to keep it with me." Alex awkwardly explained. He was telling the truth, he didn't have a habit of keeping a card on him all the time because it would have always been in his wallet. 

MIdnight nodded and looked at Alex, "You'll get a wallet soon. And it'll have some money in it as well. The bureau keeps track of everything so every reaper you've killed as well as every gate you clear will sum up to an amount which will be transferred. It's easy to earn money if you keep on clearing gates but it's a risk as well if you're not well trained. You don't need to worry too much about money, at least for now. You're in this amazing hotel, paid for by Hana… I don't think she will ever try to live there so It's yours for who knows long. But other things will need you to pay them, food, clothes and other personal expenses." Midnight slowly explained. "While you're doing that, just keep the card in the wallet, It's very important for everything." 

Alex nodded and made a mental note to keep the card with him at all times. He then looked at the bot and spoke, "But what was the reason to make me battle with this? To check my power or to check my combat capabilities?"

Midnight looked at another wall and smiled, "I was about to train you my way but it seems like she already has plans. It's her idea but now it looks like she doesn't want to come out and give the explanations…" 

Alex turned towards where Midnight was looking and saw a small door like shape pop out of the wall. Imani then walked out of that area. "I just thought these answers would be easily explained By Miss Midnight in a more clear way, that's it. As for the rest… I guess I'll have to explain…" Imani slowly spoke as she looked at Alex. 

Imani turned to the bot and smiled, "This was to test your strength… I do apologize but we used a similar setting to when you were attacked by the mind controlled Rhino. It was to make you feel a bit more scared or at the least on edge that things might have gone bad. It was pretty obvious but that thought does stay at the back of your mind and I wanted to see how you would react." 

She then turned to Alex, "It was also to test how you would attack. What your plans were. Would you have stayed close to the doorway where it would feel more safe at there was a small source of light or would you have gone to attack the bot… Would you have just frozen, being unable to do anything? How long would you take to process everything… These things were what I wanted to observe and it was pretty successful. I got all the intel I wanted to train you." 

Imani looked at Midnight and then turned to Alex once more, "In terms of combat awareness, You're is scarily amazing. You instant cast a weapon when the Bot was turned into combat mode… You were also able to keep a cool head… Well not entirely, some parts you could have done something else. Throwing the dagger was a stupid move as you'd have no other weapon on you if it were to be lost or out of reach. Your movement was okay and your attacks were good. Overall, I'd say that you have some good parts but many things need improvement."

Midnight nodded and spoke, "I guess that You'll have more combat training. Combat basics as well, Your punch was all over the place. It was more like you were imitating something that you've seen before. It requires form and good foot placement. You were pushing your fists towards the bot but it will do more damage if you were to put the weight of your entire body in the punch. Twisting the body and rotating it in such a way that the punch has more impact… Your footwork also needs more work." She said as she showed Alex a few punches. Alex watched as Midnight's body twisted towards the direction of the punch, he could feel that the punch was deadly just by looking at her demonstration.

Midnight then looked at Imani, who spoke, "I will help you in terms of the mind… Keeping calm and having proper awareness. While Miss Midnight will help you learn Hand to Hand combat."josei

Alex nodded, "Okay… But how will the training proceed?" He questioned, looking at Both Midnight and Imani. 

Imani looked and Midnight and shrugged, "It depends on her. I've already given her the time frame, So she is free to teach you however she feels comfortable. For 3 days, you will be learning with her from morning to noon." 

Imani then smiled, "Then after some break, I'll have you from noon to evening. That's the best way that you will be able to improve. You've already shown the power of a B ranked awakened so by the end of all this, I hope to make you at least the mid range of B ranked or even the peak!"

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