Hero System! Transported to Another World

Chapter 97

Chapter 97: That Felt like Hell

Imani looked at Alex heal himself for a second before starting his push towards the Long Ranged Reaper. Her hands were hovering over the stop button but after seeing Alex heal, She smiled and spoke, "Well, Isn't that a big surprise. His wound didn't completely heal but it looks like he stopped the bleeding… So that also probably means that he stopped the pain as well so he can go on without feeling like he has to carry a huge burning load on his back all on his own." She nodded with approval. 

The scientist nodded as well, "Well, It seems like This kid can get some energy back during battle so in theory, if he just waits it out, He can completely heal without a problem… But I don't know the limitations of his healing. It might be a power that he can only use a few times every day or something like that." He looked at Imani. 

Imani nodded back and spoke, "That's also very true but we know nothing about his powers at this moment so the only things we know are the things he tells us or the things that we observe from him. That's why I was tasked to teach him as well, To observe if Alex has some other hidden powers or things that he might be hiding from us." She looked at the 8 remaining reapers that Alex had to battle. The Scientist nodded and continued to watch Alex as well.

By this time, Alex was already running towards the Long ranged reapers. He didn't pay attention to any of the other reapers between him and that reaper. He ignored any reapers that attacked him, leaving them open for his attacks. He didn't jump however, He seemed to have a different plan than his previous repeated plans of jumping towards his enemies. Alex continued until the reaper was only 10 meters away from him. He had a few arrows be shot towards him as he ran but all of them missed Alex. 

Alex took a deep breath and sprinted at the Reaper with all his strength. The reaper pulled out its dagger and was ready for Alex's attack. Alex winded his hand back, it looked like he was ready for a huge attack. The reaper looked at Alex and put it's hands up to block Alex's attack. Alex smiled when he saw the Reaper trying to block his attack at its chest and slid down and kicked its legs. 

Imani's eyes opened wide when she saw what Alex had just done. 'That… That attack…' She replayed Midnight doing the same low kick to her in order to win the match. Imani thought back to the entire day which she overlooked Midnight training Alex but didn't remember Alex ever learning that move. A sudden moment of realization him Imani and she fell back on his seat. She put her hand on her forehead and started to laugh.

The scientist looked at Imani in disbelief, 'Did she lose a couple of screws? Why is she acting all crazy like?' He was just confused looking at Imani suddenly act like that. "What happened? I see that the kid did a pretty good attack, feigning a punch to the chest but attack its legs with a slide kick but that isn't impressive enough to fall back on your seat and laugh like a mad person. Not when compared to the healing ability he has shown us…" The man asked, a little bit confused.

Imani laughed and looked at the scientist in a defeated way, "What if I told you that Alex had 0 knowledge about combat before today morning. All he knew was copying the ridiculous punches they like to show off in the movies. So it was just no power behind those punches. He knew how to attack with the dagger from some form of ability that granted him to use the weapons that he casts but ignore that for a second." 

Imani took a deep breath and continued, "Imagine a kid, who knows nothing about combat. He doesn't even know the basics when it comes to punching and kicking someone… That person just doing an attack like that… It isn't him lying to us, It seemed to be a complete truth… Midnight taught him a few punches and one sidekick this morning. He learned it all within a few hours… But she never taught him how to slide sweep… That kick… Alex learning all by himself from watching Midnight take me down the same way." 

The scientist looked at Midnight in shock, "So… He learned that kick from just looking at it and never having practicing it before?" He was in disbelief as well, "What kind of monster do you people have among you? He looks so young, did he have anything else special as a background? Maybe he was some prodigy in studies and just turned into a really good observer?" He seemed to be curious about Alex.

Imani shrugged and spoke, "We have no idea what he was. We can only take his word for what he was and what he did before…" The scientist looked confused by Imani's words but he realized what she was trying to say, "He is an immigrant? An actual dimension crosser?" He looked excited. Imani nodded when she heard the scientist's words and spoke, "He is true-" But she was cut off when she heard Alex's voice, "Shit!" The two focused back on the screen and saw that Alex had stabbed the down reaper but another reaper just ran to him and sliced his back once again. 

Alex groaned in pain and ran back. He looked at his health [Health - 14] and spoke, 'I'm at 14 now… But this wound is deeper than the previous ones on my body, It hurts just to move…' He thought as he jumped back, avoiding the 7 reapers all chasing after him, trying to kill Alex. He looked overwhelmed by the sheer number and kept on dodging them.

Imani took a deep breath and started to type on the keyboard, 'It seems like I don't have to use the emergency stop button but I can at least pause the time for everything else and stop the battle without needing to stop the simulation… Luckily you Alex.' She smiled. 

Alex continued to run but the silence confused him, The creepy laughing on the Reapers was no more, He turned back and saw that all of them were frozen. Alex looked around and realized that everything was frozen. "You can relax now. The battle is over so just sit down. I'll send some healers your way so we can stop that pain, how does that sound?" Imani's cheery voice entered Alex's ears. He nodded and sat down. His back, his thigh, and his shoulders, all of them were soaked in blood. He looked at them and shook his head, "It feels like shit but I'm surprised by why I haven't bled out… I did feel a bit weird before but after healing myself and stopping the bleeding, It felt much better. The healing must have regenerated some of my blood as well.' Alex took a deep sigh of relief and lied flat on his stomach. "I don't care where I am, I just want to relax," Alex said as he lied on the street. 

[Combat Ended]

He watched as the Reapers disappeared and a few people ran towards him. They looked at Alex and smiled, "You're our hero… You defeated all of those monsters on your own. Let us help you with our abilities as well." The men and women put their hands out and started to heal. 

[External Healing.] The system's voice entered Alex's mind. He nodded and lied down as his health started to regenerated and his wounds started to heal. After a few minutes, the People looked at Alex, "It would have taken us around 10 minutes to heal such deep wounds but seeing the saviors kill all these monsters on his own, It seems like we have also gained some of his strength." The men said with a smile. Alex smiled back and spoke, "you're the heroes here, Thank you." He slowly stood up. josei

[Level- 11]

[health- 70]

[Mana- 10]

Alex looked at his mana, 'It's regenerating quickly after the battle ended.' He then turned his attention towards where the gate where the huge number of reapers were. "That felt like hell."


Thank you for reading. I'm writing this here to ask an important question, what do you people actually prefer? Two chapters a day or just one long one? It would be the same and the prices of the chapters wouldn't be that different so it wouldn't affect you so it's more on personal preference. I want this novel to please as many readers as possible so having your opinions on this topic would be helpful.

I hope you all are enjoying this novel so far! Christmas is coming soon, so why not give out some power stones to me? )0.0

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