Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 409 Attacks

Chapter 409 Attacks

Chapter 409 Attacks


A shield smashed into two mutated behemoths, Captain Rogers looked at the various mutated beasts cramped in the corridor and frowned. Although these mutant beasts are only stronger than ordinary beasts and will not cause them any harm, they are enough to slow down their pace.

As Rogers walked along, he felt something hiding in front of him. First, it was the normal army that stopped them, then it was the Alpha team, now it’s the Mutant and Mutant Beasts that are attacking them, and Rogers’s Avengers four-man team is already using up a lot of their physical strength.

Dī Dī!

As Rogers and others struggled to battle the Mutant Beasts and the Mutants, their communicators suddenly went off in an emergency. At first, the communication was cut off shortly after they broke into the base, and after a while, they recovered again. After the recovery of communications, Rogers knew that the situation outside was not good, so the support might not come soon.

“Steve, you’re going too slow! There’s a team on the run ahead of you, they probably are this base’s hidden Hydra executive! My Iron Man Army is almost here, along with Mirage Knight and Spiderman, but I need you to stop them first!” Tony’s voice came over from Rogers’s headset as the emergency communication was put through. He first rudely told Rogers and his men that they were slow and then he ordered with a tone of command.

“Captain Rogers, those who are running away may be very important people of Hydra. I hope you can stop them!” Before Rogers could respond, Mirage Knight’s voice cut in. Compared with Tony’s patronizing tone, Lin Rui’s tone is softer. What’s more, what Lin Rui says can be guessed by Rogers to have something to do with Magic Cube.

“Give me their specific location!” Rogers replied faintly while frowning.

JARVIS then sent Rogers the direction and location of Red Skull’s flight. In fact, Lin Rui and his team are not far away from this site, but Rogers and his team are closer. In order to intercept them early, it is better to let the four on this side stop them first.

“Got it! I will stop them!” Seeing the location of Red Skull given by JARVIS, Rogers agreed seriously.

“Relax, my Iron Man Army will arrive in a minute.” Finally, Tony’s voice was heard again from the headset.


Without listening to Tony’s words, Rogers kicked a Mutant Beast and rushed towards Falcon in front.

“Falcon! You heard Mirage Knight. Go ahead and stop our targets, don’t let them run away!” Rogers shouted loudly while helping Falcon clear some enemies.

Although this passageway is not spacious, Falcon’s flexibility is already the highest of the four of them. So, for speed, Falcon alone would be the fastest.


With a laser gun in his hand firing a beam of light to defeat the two mutant beasts, Falcon’s back wings popped open in a flash and he took off in the tunnel.

“I Know! Cover me!” Falcon, who was flying, rushed towards the passage, shouting while rushing.

“Hawkeye! Daredevil! Cover Falcon!” After Falcon took off, Rogers ran to intercept the enemy, yelling at Hawkeye and Daredevil.


Pū Pū Pū!

The shield, already stained with dust and blood, was violently thrown by Rogers, flying around the tunnel and back into Rogers’ hands. The shield had hit many enemies but it returned to Rogers each time in a way that violated the rules of physics.

Hawkeye and Daredevil were on their way as Rogers tried to cover Falcon’s departure. Hawkeye pulls three special arrows straight from the quiver behind his back. After he attaches them to the bowstring, Hawkeye’s eyes narrowed slightly as he looked ahead.


After a second of concentration, Hawkeye’s pupil constricts into a small dot. Then the hand pulling the bowstring loosens and three special arrows shoot out in their respective orbits.

Howls whew!

After leaving the bowstring, the three arrows flew in three directions, two of them in the direction of the Falcon’s front charge and the remaining one in the corner of the passageway.

Pū Pū!

Boom! Rumble!

In less than a second, three different voices come up and down the channel, and Hawkeye’s three arrows have hit their target. Two arrows flying towards Falcon hit two Mutant Beasts trying to stop him from leaving, piercing their chests and pinning them to a wall. The arrow that hit the corner of the tunnel hit the corner and exploded, helping Falcon clear a part of the ground.

As for Daredevil, he doesn’t have much long-range capability. So he went straight to Captain Rogers’s side and joined him in hastening the fight to clear the enemy.


With the full help of the three teammates, Falcon flapped his wings and quickly rushed out of the passageway, rushing towards the position given by Tony. Behind Falcon, Rogers and the other two also tried their best to quickly defeat their enemies.

“Captain Rogers’s side has picked up the pace and they should be able to stop the Hydra team from leaving. If they can stop them for some time, we’ll be there.” Through JARVIS feedback, Lin Rui keeps track of Rogers’ progress and the progress of Red Skull’s flight. josei

“Jackson, I have sent out all the remaining Iron Man. No matter what’s in that team, as long as there’s no Space Attack, they would be stopped. As for that Space Attack, I’ve just had a little look at their machines. They need a very stable place to fire them out. They can’t fire them out in a flight.” After Lin Rui made his judgment, Tony’s voice also rang out from the helmet of an Irom Man.

“Yeah, I know. Now we only have to worry about what other surprises might crop up, and if Magic Cube is actually on that team, there might be some heavyweight among them. After all, something like a Magic Cube is supposed to be top-secret even on Hydra. To get a Magic Cube, a Hydra…” Although Hydra is on the verge of dying in this situation, Lin Rui has a bad feeling in his heart. In the middle of his sentence, Lin Rui suddenly thought of something and his eyes widened.

“Well? Jackson, what happened?” Although Tony doesn’t know where Lin Rui had learned so many of Hydra’s secrets, But Tony has always believed them so he asks after Lin Rui’s apparent silence in mid-sentence.

“I just thought of something, but it’s been more than sixty years. It should be impossible.” Lin Rui replied after hearing Tony’s voice.

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