Heroic Wife Reborn

Chapter 27

Chapter 27: Qingyu’s Thoughts

Chapter 27: Qingyu’s Thoughts

Yu Xiaoxiao’s kiss of happiness made Gu Xinglang, a boy who’d never touched a girl’s hand in his life, flush scarlet.

“You–” Yu Xiaoxiao’s face finally broke into a grin at the sight. She’d never seen such a bashful boy.

As someone who didn’t usually smile, her sudden grin was radiant. Gu Xinglang watched her face and flushed even redder as he stammered, “T-the room’s a bit hot.”

Yu Xiaoxiao was incapable of lowering herself to the same bashfulness as him, so she simply declared, “I’ll go find some knives and antiseptic medicine. Wait for me, I’ll do surgery on you tonight.”

“What kind of knives are you looking for?” Gu Xinglang asked.

“Thin ones,” Yu Xiaoxiao mimed surgical scalpels with her hands. “I’ll have Wang momo ask a few doctors. It’s going to hurt, are you scared?”

He had experienced the pain of his muscles being torn apart, so what other pain could frighten him? Gu Xinglang shook his head and said, “There’s nothing for me to fear.” The worst outcome was that he couldn’t stand or walk for the rest of his life. But the doctors had already diagnosed as much, so he felt he could accept such consequences.josei

“I’ll definitely heal you,” Yu Xiaoxiao clapped before pecking Gu Xiaoxiao’s cheeks and running out of the room.

Gu Xinglang caressed the place where she’d kissed him and smiled. Maybe the princess really could grow to like him after all?

Meanwhile, Wang momo was standing in the covered walkway while standing at the fragile Qingyu before her. The girl looked like she’d topple over at the first gust of wind. By now, the eldest Gu son had already explained to her Qingyu’s situation, making her depressed. During a moment of life and death, this servant had pledged her body to bear third young master a heir. Not only that, she was an adopted daughter that could neither be scolded nor beaten. What was her princess to do?

Yu Xiaoxiao exited the bridal chambers and saw both Wang momo and Qingyu. “What are you two doing just standing there?”

Qingyu immediately put on a startled expression at the sight of Yu Xiaoxiao. Wang momo only ached for her princess. She had just ridden the bridal sedan chair to the Gu Clan’s gates and hadn’t done a thing before getting in a fight and losing her virtuous and affable reputation. Before her wedding night had come to pass, the concubine was already waiting in the wings. Wang momo wanted to shed bitter tears for her princess’s hard lot.

Yu Xiaoxiao saw that neither woman was willing to answer her question, so she asked Wang momo, “Momo, come call a few good doctors over here.”

Wang momo said, “Your Royal Highness still wants doctors to examine the royal son-in-law’s legs?”

Yu Xiaoxiao nodded. She needed some antiseptic medicine, but she didn’t know what kinds existed in this world. Wang momo wanted to speak, but suddenly recalled that Qingyu was eavesdropping nearby and said with irritation, “Why are you still standing here? Withdraw.”

Qingyu finally withdrew with an aggrieved expression.

Yu Xiaoxiao said, “Momo, why do I feel like she’s afraid of me?”

Wang momo said, “It’s alright. Princess, ah, momo will be here in case anything happens.” I can talk to her about the concubine business after the wedding night. How many first-time wedding nights could a woman have in her lifetime? She should spend it happily.

Yu Xiaoxiao really did drop all questions about Qingyu and said, “Find some good doctors then, I want to do surgery on Gu Xinglang.”

“What is surgery?” Wang momo asked.

Yu Xiaoxiao replied, “Surgery is, how to say it, basically it means I can cure his injuries.”

Wang momo reeled. After a bout of illness, Her Royal Highness had not only turned into a martial arts expert but a miracle doctor too? “Princess, ah, just what’s happened to you?” She couldn’t help asking her now.

Yu Xiaoxiao didn’t know how to explain it, nor was she good at spinning lies. She just decided to stay quiet. Wang momo examined the girl she’d raised from childhood and asked, “You are Princess Linglong, right?”

“I am,” Yu Xiaoxiao nodded quickly. This chubby nanny loved and doted on her, so she really didn’t want to see her sad.

When there were things that seemed unfathomable, Wang momo was in the habit of ignoring them entirely. This time she shrank from the possibilities as well. No matter what, she would refuse to believe the princess had turned into some sort of freak even on her deathbed. Rubbing her face, she asked, “Princess, can you really cure the royal son-in-law’s legs?”

“It’s a rough possibility,” Yu Xiaoxiao said.

“This servant will go find the doctors,” Wang momo said before walking off.

Meanwhile, the rest of the Gu Clan were busying themselves with either the wedding feast or cleaning up. No one noticed Wang momo leave the manor. Old Madam was sitting in her rooms listening to Qingyu talk about Yu Xiaoxiao dumping the bowl of medicine with disbelief. “She lost her temper at you and splashed third young master’s medicine on your face?”

Qingyu lowered her voice. “Her Royal Highness didn’t do it on purpose. Moreover, what does this servant count for? It’s good if Her Royal Highness can use me to vent, but I’m anxious because third young master hasn’t taken his medicine yet.”

Old Madam ordered one of the elderly servants by her side, “Hurry to the kitchens and make another bowl of medicine for third young master.”

As the servant left, Qingyu tearfully cried, “Old Madam, this servant should return to serve by your side. Her Royal Highness doesn’t want to see me.”

“Withdraw first,” Old Madam’s complexion looked unwell as she waved Qingyu away.

Qingyu bowed and left. She knew her place and didn’t expect Old Madam to take the side of a mere servant right now. Her motive was to leave a bad impression of the princess in Old Madam’s mind. The rest could come step by step.

“Why did you choose to tattle at a time like this?” Outside, the head servant Qinghe (青荷) muttered at the sight of Qingyu’s red-rimmed eyes. “Are you out of your mind?”

Qingyu wiped her years and said, “All I did was tell the truth.”

“Do you think you could take one of the princess’s punches?” Qinghe asked.

Qingyu was unafraid. “Will the princess still hit me if I’ve done nothing wrong?”

Qinghe grew anxious. “You’re a servant. Even if Her Royal Highness beats you to death, who would speak up for you?”

“I’m going to the kitchens to check on third young master’s medicine,” Qingyu said as she circled around Qinghe. Serves you right, being nothing but a servant girl in this lifetime. In the end, Old Madm had given her older sister to a pageboy for the rest of her life. The imperial princess might be noble, but she couldn’t very well be labeled as a jealous wife. Since ancient times, concubines had always been inferior to wives, but she had nothing to fear as long as Old Madam was still the mistress of the household.

In her rooms, Old Madam slammed her hand on the tea table as she lost her temper at another servant girl. Did she have to go so far as to dump my grandson’s medicine? Ah, imperial clan! Old Madam began to resent Yu Xiaoxiao. How could her temper be so bad? One’s husband is one’s Heaven, does she understand that principle?

Gu Chen had just strode in with his hands behind his back when he noticed his wife’s behavior. “What’s wrong with you now?” he asked

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