He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 118

Chapter 118: Last Night... I... What Did I do?

Xiao Yun's fingers gently slide it through each frame while imagining what kind of endearing smile Wang Li Lei would have while gazing at her picture. 

Looking at the pictures, Xiao Yun realized that she didn't have that much picture with Wang Li Lei. Wouldn't it be better for them to have a picture together... A selfie?josei

Xiao Yun gazed at Wang Li Lei who was still deep in his slumber and mumbled. 'When he woke up later, I should go out with him on a date again and take a lot of selfies.'

Thinking how fun and exciting the date would be, Xiao Yun couldn't help but giggle. As she continued to explore Wang Li Lei's desk, her eyes noticed a very eye-catching white frilled handkerchief that looked fairly old but was taken care of very well.

Taking the handkerchief, an embroidered initial was stitched on the corner of the square handkerchief. 

'X. Y.'

'This handkerchief is surely isn't Wang Li Lei, but whose? I think I've seen this before.'

Xiao Yun didn't take much attention to the handkerchief and placed it carefully in its place. Before she took care of everything else, Xiao Yun washed her face and makeups and continue to take care of Wang Li Lei as he slept. 

Every time Xiao Yun tried to leave the room for one way or another like magic or possibly Wang Li Lei's sharp senses, he would furrow his brows heavily. And so, Xiao Yun stayed in the room to the care of him as much as she could. 

Although Xiao Yun claimed it to be "taking care" she was only gazing at Wang Li Lei's face while waiting for him to possibly sober up.  Wang Li Lei was the type of person who would usually take a very light sleep, perhaps the tiredness of flying from one country to another caught up and resulting in his long sleep at the moment. 

Since he wasn't the type to have a person who loved to burden others, Wang Li Lei slept without letting out any voice of nightmare or soreness, he quietly slept in a very formal and straight position while folding his hand to his chest. 

Xiao Yun who rarely saw his sleeping face coquettishly poke his cheeks and sneakily took some pictures of him. As she did so, Xiao Yun finally realized that Wang Li Lei had been sleeping with his suit that seemed to be very suffocating and stiff. 

'That's right! He was still in a suit!'

Perhaps it was because she had always looked at Wang Li Lei under the suit and familiarized herself with it thinking that it was something that glued to him...

Carefully without waking him up, Xiao Yun pulled down the thick white blanket on him and her pale fingers reached up to his necktie. 

Loosening it slowly, Xiao Yun felt like an agent who was granted with a very fragile jewel. Her breathings stopped involuntarily as she worked. 

What was supposed to take only a minute to do felt like a whole week to her. Done with the necktie, Xiao Yun proceed to take off Wang Li Lei's outer suit. Because she had tried to shook him a few times to test whether he would wake up and did not, she decided to do this quickly while maintaining her gentleness. 

Sleeves by sleeves, the folding of the clothes creased and slid off from his waist. Xiao Yun had noticed it since before but Wang Li Lei is certainly slender. His waist was well-defined but slender. 

Shooking her head to keep her intention clear, Xiao Yun took off the last piece of clothes and folded it to the chair where she sat on. However, Wang Li Lei still looked stifled by the shirt that was buttoned up to the collar and her fingers nimbly buttoned off the two buttons. 

As she did so, abruptly a hand caught her waist perfectly and brought her to the side of the bed in a still gentle manner. 

Seeing her vision tilting and felt the fluffy flop to the bed from her back. Xiao Yun gasped and covered her mouth. Abruptly trying to raise her body but soon realized that Wang Li Lei had already embraced her with both hands, making it almost impossible for her to do anything other than lay like a log. 

"Li Lei...? Have you woken up? I..." Xiao Yun turned her face and received Wang Li Lei's handsome face that made a feeling surge to her heart. 

His eyes were still closed tightly while hugging her. 

'He is sleeping? I thought he woke up...'

But! Wait!

Xiao Yun once again called his name in haste as she was unable to let her hand put from his tight embrace. "Li Lei... Wake up... Please?"

In her mind at the moment was chaotic, as if a large ship crashed to her, she could see stars twinkling in front of her eyes. 

'If Li Lei keep hugging me... Then... Then... Where can I sleep? Here with him? While being with him?! I do not have any complaints but... But! I would die if I sleep with him! My little heart can't keep up with this!!! It's crying and laughing at the moment!'

God above!! I'm still not prepared for this!!!!

Xiao Yun tried to swarm around his firm arm like a worm, trying to let out at least one of her hands out but whatever she did was futile an at the end stopped doing anything and accept her fate... Her fate to sleep with Wang Li Lei for the night while suffering from a disease called "Wang Li Lei heart race" 

The night slowly passed with Xiao Yun laying beside Wang Li Lei's tight embrace for the whole night. 

While a certain someone was sleeping peacefully and subconsciously embracing the wide-awake Xiao Yun. She counted to nearly 1500 sheep before finally able to sleep. 

Xiao Yun grunted for a while and scratched her back while unconsciously pulling down her dress zippers, before continuing to place her hand on Wang Li Lei's waist and hugged it closely. Nuzzling to his war body, her lips also kissed his bare skin. 

When the bright morning sun rose up from the west, the horizons lit ups brightly and shone the darkroom dimmed. Wang Li Lei had a habit of waking up early because he rarely spent a clear whole night of sleep.

His eyelids flickered the long lashes languidly and immediately sensed Xiao Yun's presence right under his arms. Following his thoughts, what he found was indeed the only girl to his heart hugging her while being embraced by his hand.

His cold eyes widened and his lips parted slightly. 

'What happened last night?'

While asking that, his eyes couldn't tear away from the mesmerizing view of Xiao Yun sleeping on him and gulped.

Xiao Yun's delicate and sharp collar bone showed from the dress that slid off. Her red supple lips that looked very dewy and sweet to bit on and her warm breathes that waft on his skin allured him. 

In a split of a second, he thoughts of the following things that happened after he drank the wine glass but couldn't remember anything until he was being overly jealous with the eyes of the people who were staring at Xiao Yun. 

He didn't know what happen, but now, Xiao Yun was certainly hugging him tightly with her shoulder fully exposed. 

He was dead drunk last night just after a full glass of wine... But then, what happened after that?

How did she arrive at his house, no- his room? and spent the night with her. 

Wang Li Lei carefully slid off his arm from Xiao Yun slowly. Feeling something missing, Xiao Yun rubbed her eyes slowly and muttered with her just woken up voice, moist and lingering. "Li... Li Lei?"

Something inside Wang Li Lei's heart that was caged harshly by him started to rebel wanting to go out and swallow him. 

Wang Li Lei regain his composure with a very hard try and spoke hesitantly. "Last night... I... What did I do?" 

His voice trembled at the end. Wang Li Lei who had never used such a hesitant voice start to doubt his drunk habit that consisted of sleeping and confessing his love for Xiao Yun like a broken record. 

With such a very tempting and delicious-looking Xiao Yun, Wang Li Lei couldn't promise to himself that he certainly didn't do something last night.

However, if he really did cross the line... Did he possibly forget everything?

Wang Li Lei covered his face in deep thoughts. 

Should I hypnotize myself to remember back all that I did?

Xiao Yun was still drowsy as she slept very late last night and answered. "L- Last night, you slept and I brought you home. When I was helping you, you hugged me to sleep so I slept here..."

Wang Li Lei felt relieved while processing Xiao Yun's words. Thankfully they didn't spend their first night while he forgot everything. 

While thinking that, Wang Li Lei's eyebrows furrowed heavily. 

Wang Li Lei was in a hurry to make sure Chu Bing Lou wouldn't place his eyes on Xiao Yun knowing his playboy attitude that would chase anything as long as it is women and didn't pay attention to the drink that he drank. 

Partly was his fault, but the rest was Chu Bing Lou's.

Definitely this was all Chu Bing Lou's fault.

A hundred percent his.

For now, he would make sure to pay him back for his glass of alcohol-

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