He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 120

Chapter 120: The Bullying Started

Wang Li Lei sensed the rabbit Yun whose presence getting closer folded his newspaper. At the same time he placed down the newspaper, Xiao Yun arrived at the dining room. 

"You are done? Sit here." Wang Li Lei patted the chair next to her.

Xiao Yun's eyes slightly widened from the new look of the table in the dining room. The last time she came to Wang Li Lei's house, the table was an oval long one with only one chair on the top right of the table edge. But this time, the table became a long rectangle with a twin luxurious chair on the top right; the position for the master and mistress of the house. 

For her whole life including her pasts, Xiao Yun took pride in her memories and wouldn't forget such detail. 

So, there was only one possibility. After that day when Xiao Yun went back from his house, he remodeled the dining table so both of them could sit by each other side by side! 

How thoughtful and adorable! Xiao Yun laughed at her heart while fixing her seat next to Wang Li Lei. 

Wang Li Lei considerately poured a glass of milk and spread the jam on her toast as to how Xiao Yun's preference was. Not to mention, it seemed Wang Li Lei also knew about her large appetites and placed a few other toasts on the side as a refill.

Xiao Yun took a bite of her toast and gave a thumbs up brightly toward Wang Li Lei. Without answering, Wang Li Lei replied to her with a gentle look. 

As she bit more into her food, Xiao Yun realized something important and wiped her mouth before starting her words. "Li Lei, about this Friday, you would be resolving the problem with SLP Food Company, right? Can I also come with you?"

Wang Li Lei nodded. "Mn."

Xiao Yun had guessed his answer and prepared her next question. "Also- I will be going to Hangzhou two weeks later, do you have anything you want as a souvenir? "

Wang Li Lei shook his head. "No need."

Xiao Yun nodded and finished her milk before jokingly said. "If I will be leaving for a long time, wouldn't you miss me too much? I'm worried that you would die out of loneliness." She giggled. 

Wang Li Lei's eyes slightly widened with an expression of 'How do you know that?' and answered. "You are right-" 

Xiao Yun choked up to her own laughing and turned her reddened face toward Wang Li Lei's affectionate black eyes that reminded her of the color of the space. 

"I would miss you so much. That I'm afraid I will die out of loneliness." Wang Li Lei added his words with an exact copy of Xiao Yun's jest. 

Her face whole-heartedly reddened. Feeling the steams coming off her cheeks, now if someone made a dough of a meat bun and placed it to her cheeks, the meat buns would instantly be steamed in less than a minute. 'Is he still drunk?!' Xiao Yun thought. 

Her lips quivered. Wang Li Lei looked at her expression in amusement and endearing. 

He never knew teasing someone would be this fun and exciting. Having Xiao Yun giving expressions as she heard his words, was akin of a way to show this in the only face that was reflected on those big round eyes was him and the voice that passed through her ears was also his. 

That day- The Demon Lord found a new hobby that would never tire him to the end of his life. 

Wang Li Lei looked at his watch and asked the still flushed Xiao Yun. "Are you finished? Let's go."

Xiao Yun nodded obediently and followed him. In her heart, she still couldn't understand why Wang Li Lei EQ could ever be this high... 

Knowing how cold Wang Li Lei was, Xiao Yun thought that she should be the one who would rain him with seductive teasings. However, he actually flipped the whole table along with her rational mind!

Before they left, Wang Li Lei opened the car and helped her enter before entering the car. In every slightest movement, Wang Li Lei would prioritize her comfort. 


A few minutes after the Wang Li Lei and Xiao Yun arrived at her school, Wang Li Lei stopped her for a moment. "Wait."

Xiao Yun stopped and turned her face with an innocent look. "What is it?"

Wang Li Lei fixed her long black hair for a moment before moving forward and gave a kiss to her forehead. "Morning greetings. If you can't get used to this, I'm afraid that you'll faint before we proceed. "

"P- Proceed?" Xiao Yun's lips moved on its own involuntarily. 

The edges of Wang Li Lei's eyes curved down softly along with his scarlet lips that lifted up. Without any other answer, he reached out his cold fingers on her lips, softly caressing it. "Your lips."

Even as a few minutes passed, Xiao Yun who had stepped out of the car could only speechlessly place her hand over to the defenseless forehead with a face that almost melted like a cube of ice under a scorching sun. 

'He's... Too good at this!!!!'josei

With a hard struggle, Xiao Yun pulled herself together and walked to her class while cupping her warm pink tinted cheeks. 

After a few steps more to the door of her class, Xiao Yun heard a young girl's voice sternly speaking. "Who did this?"

The voice was none other than Nie An's voice. A bad premonition crept up to her heart. Nie An was the type of person who would never raise her voice unless it was needed. 

This time, her voice was full of anger and irritation. Xiao Yun opened the sliding door and entered the classroom. As she entered the full of chattering room silenced down instantly as fast as the speed of light. 

Xiao Yun ignored the stares and mutters easily, instantly her eyes spotted Nie An standing in her upright posture with dark clouds afflicting her face. 

Nie An was frowning heavily and in front of her, a desk lying on the floor and was ransacked in a very ugly manner with cuts all over the wooden desk and writings that were used by colorful markers. The writings on the table were none other than curse words and scribbles that were obviously written by hatred.

That table was none other than Xiao Yun's desk. With a sideways glance, Xiao Yun walked up to the table with an indifferent face. 

The classmates who were anticipating Xiao Yun's reaction as her table was horribly wracked, had their eyes glued to her. 

At first, some of them muttered to each other in pity and some with gladness. 

"Look, the angel's face couldn't make any other expression in shock."

"Who did this?"

"How frightening."

"She had been an eyesore- so who cares."

Nie An turned her face toward Xiao Yun and her irritation faded into sympathy. "... Xiao Yun-" words that Nie An wanted to say to comfort Xiao Yun felt choked on her throat, she couldn't feel anything other than sadness for her friend to become bullied. 

"Don't be sad, this is..." As she was trying to start comforting Xiao Yun, an angelic smile lifted the corner of Xiao Yun's lips. 

"Don't worry, Nie An, I'm not sad!" Xiao Yun fixed her desk and looked at the type of the marker silently. 

'This colorful marker... This type only needed water and soap to wash through.'

In the past, she had been bullied, with only this type of bullying, did those bullies really thought that she would give them the sad or angry reaction that they wanted?

When the bullying of her started, the first thing they did was the same. So, perhaps the bullying would also be the same person? 

But that time, Qu Mei Xing worked together with Chong Rang as the head of the bully group, so is it possible now that they're not here it's someone else?

Other than Chong Rang and Qu Mei Xing there are only three other girls that could become her suspect. 

If it is one of them, then... 

"You've lost." Xiao Yun muttered with a devilish smile. To other's eyes her smile was gentle and beautiful when in reality, it was hiding her devilish smile as she was thinking of a way to expose the bullies. 

Xiao Yun pulled up a handkerchief and her water bottle when she realized that she still has something missing and asked toward Nie An. "Can you help me and bring a soap?"

Nie An blinked twice before nodding dartingly and left to do Xiao Yun's quest. The people were surprised by Xiao Yun's actions and her compassionate behavior. 

Most people in her place at the moment would became angry or show sadness and confronted anyone "Who did this" Like how Nie An reacted. 

But like a pure untouched and unstained white Lotus, Xiao Yun didn't ask the person who bullied her and instead first thought of a way to clean her desk. 

It wasn't only her look that was akin to an angel! But also her heart!

Some of the classmates who felt timid and afraid to help Xiao Yun thinking that they would become the next target of the bullies could only lower their heads in shame in front of Xiao Yun. 

When Nie An came back, she helped Xiao Yun to clean her desk. Before the homeroom started, Xiao  Yun was able to clean her desk and didn't forgot to thank her friend for lending her a hand. 

"Thank You, Nie An."

Nie An instantly shook her head. Xiao Yun had helped her with a greater thing, what could possibly this worth in the level of kindness?

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