He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 125

Chapter 125: Youngsters These Days

Wang Li Lei's relationship with the head of mafia was as to how Wang Li Lei called him "Shifu".

After his parent's death, Wang Li Lei was targeted by many people especially his evil uncle who wanted to covet everything including Wang's company and the position as the heir of Wang Family. 

However, that wasn't the reason as to why Wang Li Lei bear much hatred to his own uncle. It all started when Wang Li Lei heard the truth about his parent's death from his own uncle's mouth. 

His uncle clearly said. "Killing them wasn't enough, I should have killed their child too-"

Wang Li Lei was 12 years old when he knew the truth. Anger and rage-filled his heart, but at that age, he couldn't do anything much less giving a straight punch to his uncle. Not soon after, because Wang Li Lei was underage, his uncle took the place as Wang's new CEO and the next heir. 

That was also when Wang Li Lei met Suan Lung and asked him to become his teacher. Years passed and after Wang Li Lei turned 18 years old, he requested to leave the group to perform his revenge. 

And Suan Lung secretly support Wang Li Lei from behind- 

Wang Li Lei was never the type to forgive someone, especially to the person who had killed his parents. With a frightening revenger plan, three months after Wang Li Lei walked out of the group, his uncle was destroyed in a dreadful manner by Wang Li Lei's own hand. 

This was also the reason why many Wang Family members feared him until now. Wang Li Lei precisely placed his uncle as an example to all his family members to never walk out of their way. 

Wang Li Lei answered with a blood-curdling smile. "I have given him back what he gave me."

Suan Lung raised an eyebrow with a reflective chilling smile. After giving some thought, Suan Lung raised up a topic that started the whole meeting. "I heard about Wu Shuen. He had been making a racket and irritated me with his business of selling drugs. Just when I was thinking about what to do- You help me. He got what he deserved and with this, you also gave some help me too-" 

Suan Lung's eyes deepened with an idea that he deemed to be very bright. "Now that you have finished your revenge and get your girl. Don't you want to become my successor?"

Wang Li Lei knitted his brows for a moment and voice out his straight rejection. "I don't."

Suan Lung persistently didn't falter back even after receiving such a curt answer. "Why? "

Wang Li Lei glanced at his phone that held Xiao Yun's picture and smiled as he replied. "I do not want to drag her to that world."

Suan Lung's eyes slightly widened. He knew that Wang Li Lei had always held a deep feeling for that girl, but he never knew that it was that deep, that Wang Li Lei would reject his offer without any single thoughts or hesitation. 

"Well, speaking about the successor, the Korean's mafia had been making some very subtle moves among themself." Suan Lung spoke while tapping the corner of his fan. 

As he did that, some ladies walked into the room with a professional face, trying to hide their fear as the served the food. 

Eventually, all the people walked out of the room and Suan Lung continued. "It seemed the new successor of Choi Group was searching for his younger brother who had been missing in China."

Wang Li Lei took some dishes with his chopstick and placed it on Suan Lung's plate without any reply, silently hearing the words. 

Suan Lung chewed on the food while rubbing his chin and continued. "But it's weird enough that his younger brother suddenly missing- and he gave off a very simple excuse of his younger brother trying to act rebellious. Until now, there had been no news- But that excuse that he gave, I can't seem to put my trust on it- Have you seen the new successor before?"

Wang Li Lei paused his fingers before replying. "I haven't"

Suan Lung continued. "I have seen him before, he almost looked like you that I even mistake him for you. However, he was always smiling unlike you."

Wang Li Lei didn't budge from his words and continued to eat while attentively taking care of his teacher. 

"That smile of him, I don't like it- it was not only disgusting but something you need to watch of. He was almost like a snake slithering at your neck in threaten. Just remembering his face making me lose my appetite." Suan Lung took a few gulps of his tea at the end of his sentence.

Wang Li Lei gave a silent answer in a train of thought. Suan Lung wasn't the type to usually gave off such bad comments, but now his face was utterly annoyed without a single gap. 

A few minutes after their talk, Suan Lung put down his chopstick and put an end to his dinner. Wang Li Lei also did the same and dabbed a tissue to his lips, ending their dinner for the day. 

Suan Lung stood up from his seat and opened his fan with a flick of a wrist before speaking to Wang Li Lei who also stood up from the chair. "It's been long since we last meet. If you ever found yourself in a bad position or if there is anything you want me to help, don't hold back and come to my place." 

Wang Li Lei nodded with a reply. "Thank you very much Shun Shifu. Please do not hold back and call me. I would also accompany you to lunch whenever you have time."

Although his tone was robotic, it was the first time that Wang Li Lei voiced out his thoughts toward him. Suan Lung patted Wang Li Lei's shoulder with a proud smile. "You have grown well. I should thank that girl of yours for changing you in a better way. But judging by your personality- I guess many women-- are still chasing after you?" 

Wang Li Lei gave a silent answer accompanied by an irritated frown. 

Suan Lung thought for a moment and added. "That girl of yours, she must be also very beautiful and well-like by many men that you fell so deep to her, right? "

Wang Li Lei gave an even more heavy frown and tightened his palm into a fist while emitting a very murderous aura. 

Suan Lung saw his jealous reaction and laughed while fanning his face with a side chide. "Don't drink vinegar too much, or else, people would call you Vinegar Demon Lord later."

Wang Li Lei lifted an eyebrow, it seemed not only Andy called him that but also his own teacher. 

Wang Li Lei replied cooly. "If it's vinegar for her, then I do not care."

Suan Lung fan nearly dropped from his finger as his entire body froze into a hard statue. "W-..." He folded his fan before tapping it on Wang Li Lei's shoulder before continuing. "How cool, how cool. Youngsters these days are very cool..."josei

Wang Li Lei helped his teacher to raise the curtain and gave a polite salute to him. "Suan Shifu- please continue to take care of yourself well."

Suan Lung nodded with a tender smile as if he was looking at his own child. "You too. See ya later."

As he finished his words, Suan Lung left the private room and Jang Hyun coincidently bumped to their way and nimbly gave a polite bow that was replied back by Suan Lung with a slight glance and faint nodding. 

Jang Hyun continued his path behind his master and reported quickly. "Master, the young lady at the moment is in Yu Corporation, she would be back at home to meet you at 7 o'clock."

Wang Li Lei gave a positive. "Mn." and continued his walk to his next appointment with a rather tender expression. 


Back at Yu Corporation, Xiao Yun gave a long exhale and yawn before putting down the papers that were stacked into a mountain with a tired yet sparkling expression. 

Although it wasn't the first time she learned something about business since in her past life she had seen all this, learning business was very exciting and fun for her. 

Yu Xing Fu also folded his reading glasses before standing up from his seat and gave a stretch to his sore back. "Are you going home now?"

Xiao Yun gathered all her things before answering. "Mn! My darling is waiting for me."

"D-... Darling" Yu Xing Fu muttered in a somewhat shocked tone before once again muttering with an understanding tone. "Anyway, Xiao Yun, when you will be meeting the people from Azure Company? I still think that's would be better if you bring someone else."

"Hm... That's true..." Xiao Yun answered before standing up with the documents that she marked as important for her future business. "Then, I guess I will be bringing my bodyguards with me. Ge- Ge."

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