He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 140

Chapter 140: Secretary-II

Jang Hyun draw in a mouthful of air and inhaled. Jang Hyun's name wasn't his real name. To be precise, he was nameless since birth. It was a name that he got from Wang Li Lei after he worked under him. He could never remember the first time when he started killing a person under his superior's order. The only thing he had since his childhood was his sharpened knives and himself. 

"Being an assassin ran through your blood", that was what his superiors told him before sending him once again to assassinate a family of three. He never felt the need to feel guilty as he had done killing since he was young. However, for the first time, he was asked by the little boy at his age who cursed him as a devil before asking how could he kill people without a heart. 

The question that stayed on his head to wreck his composed self was. "Don't you have your own parents?" 

His heart that always beats in a serene beat, for the first thumped loudly shouted from the adrenaline rush. He couldn't find the answer to such a question nor the will to ask his superior the question. 

What's the use of a family? What's a parent? Is it something that would make you feel calm? or was it something that would only drag your feet?

He always saw the families on the street, laughing brightly, talking to each other, and staying beside each other no matter how much misfortune befell on them. 

Every time he saw a family, he couldn't help but noticing the gaping hole in his hallow heart. It wasn't until he stayed beside Wang Li Lei that he understood his feeling was called as "Jealousy".

Through his teenage years, he couldn't find the answer and whenever he was ordered to assassinate a person especially a family, he asked a single question. "What's a family?"

Not soon the doubt that was in his heart ruffled after he met Wang Li Lei. Using the knife that Jang  Hyun used to threaten him, Wang Li Lei flipped the table and replied to him with an indifferent face. 

"I don't know. It isn't something that anyone could define other than you yourself."

Jang Hyun who received such an answer froze. It shocked him. How could a person who brightly lived with his family replied with such a cold word? 

However, he soon understood his words after staying beside him. 

"Choi group is largest group of all the Korean's Mafias. The head of the Choi Group, Choi Go Suk, is also the leader to the other five groups in the underground. The group consists of many stores under the group, although they perform a flawless act, they had an illegal business of human and organ trafficking behind the scene. "

Wang Li Lei tapped his hand. "You know a lot." 

Jang Hyun gave a bitter smile. "It was the place where I was in before, young master. My superior."

Wang Li Lei looked away at the door where his darling girl was sleeping and continued. "What do you know about the eldest son of the Choi Group?"

"E- E... Eldest son of Choi Group...?" Wang Li Lei gave a tacit confirmation to see Jang Hyun staggering back with a dark expression. 

He raised his brow, when he asked his loyal subordinate about Choi Group, although his voice shook, his face was still composed. However, when the eldest son was mentioned, Jang Hyun's face dropped as though he had just heard a dead person came back to life. 

"Young master, I advise you to ignore that person even if you meet him. That person isn't a human, he is a monster, no- a demon!" Jang Hyun's gruesome voice thundered around the room and the two people hiding behind the intersection pillars. 

Wang Li Lei calmly heard Jang Hyun's words, but his heart felt tugged by the person that was able to make his secretary that shaken. He knew better than anyone else that his instinct was far keener and followed it without any hesitation. 

Jang Hyun took his time. "Young master as you know, years ago I was a hired assassin under the group, I don't know how I ended up there but they had taught me how to take people's life since young. But the person who ordered me to kill wasn't Choi Go Suk, however, it was his eldest son."

"Eldest son, a child?" 

"He wasn't any normal child. When he was young, Choi Go Suk took him from his mistress and since then he start to work in the group. Choi Go Suk's eldest son, Choi Yeon Jun." Jang Hyun told the demon's name.

"If he was the one who ordered you, what about Choi Go Suk?"

Jang Hyun sneered, "Choi Go Suk was used by that demon. Since he was young, he sees people as nothing more than animal- or perhaps lower than that."

Wang Li Lei swept his eyes down to his heart that clenched from Jang Hyun's words. Choi Yeon Jun, he thought to himself. "What about Choi Go Suk's younger son? "

"Choi Go Suk younger son?" Jang Hyun's dark expression seemed to ease from his master's second question. "Do you mean, Choi Kang So?"

"The Choi Group had been sniffing around China to search for the second young master." Wang Li Lei added the information. The more he heard about Choi Yeon Jun and the Choi Group, his heart felt uneasy for the first time. 

Jang Hyun raised an eyebrow, "The second young master disappeared?" 

"Ran away from home."

"Choi Kang So was a very kind person unlike his father and older brother. Even though Choi Kang So was the original heir to the Choi Group, I couldn't see him as a person who would take over the Group. For him to run away to China is very surprising."

Although Jang Hyun never saw Choi Kang So by his own eyes or greeted him, he had seen him once or twice when he visited the Choi Family's house. The boy was very friendly and bright utterly different from his stern father and sly older brother. 

Wang Li Lei placed the case aside for the moment to hear his secretary giving another report. 

"Master, it's about Young Lady Lin Chang Lu." Jang Hyun looked down at the white marled floor to hear the expected annoyed note on Wang Li Lei's words. 

"What is it?"

"The young lady Lin has come back from China and she demanded to meet you tomorrow." 

"Reject her." He gave a cold rejection. 

"I did. However, Seria company had been pushing the deadline for the meeting of the third project. "

"Tell her to meet Head Director Chu, I trust even he could do his job once."  Wang Li Lei drew an air to inhale and turned his back to open the door in his room. 

Jang Hyun ruffled his hair to the matter of young lady Lin who had been riding her parent's coattail to force a meeting with his master. When he saw young lady Lin's face for the first time, the little secretary always wondered whether the young lady is actually a masochist for liking the master's cold rejection with a heart-struck smile.

As he walked to the intersection where the spiral staircase where attached, his eyes snapped to his left where he felt the presence of a person.  Walking there, he found no one and doubted his sense before retiring to his room. 

Hi Gu Yan and Tian Yi ran back down to their room in surprise like a child who was about to be capture in a game. 

A few minutes ago, before their senior and master were talking, the two was about to ask Jang Hyun for their future instruction before the morning came. Some of the servants pointed that at the time, Jang Hyun would usually patrol around the house to confirm the rest of the house's safety. 

They dispatched from the first floor before going up to find Jang Hyun discussing something with the young lady's fiancee. Thinking it was rude for eavesdropping, the two quickly went back from their path but stopped when they heard Jang Hyun conversing with his master and hid behind the pillars. 

On the way back to their quarter, Hi Gu Yan kept on being reminded by their conversation and spoke aloud. "Choi Group? Do you know what they were talking about, Tian Yi?"

Tian Yi shook his head. "I also can't understand anything that they were talking about, but it wouldn't hurt to note down the name."

Hi Gu Yan opened the door to the third corridors and continued. "The young lady said that she isn't a daughter of mafia and her family is very kind. I wonder how the master become her fiancee? He always kept distance between him and the others, but never when the young lady was around."josei

"I also wonder about that. Speaking of that, unlike how he look actually the master is a very romantic person. I nearly thought that he was stiff as a rock-"

Hi Gu Yan had the same thought and agree by lifting his shoulders. 

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