Heyday Love: A Heaven-sent Husband

Chapter 61

Chapter 61

Chapter 61 I am Married

“Hello? Miss Xia? Do you want to leave a message? When Commander finishes the meeting. I will tell him.” Hearing no response from Xia Ning, Mei Ruo asks again.

“Oh...No. It is OK. Bye.” Xia Ning hangs up.

“What’s up?” Li Baoer finds that Xia Ning looks uneasy. She is worried, “What’s wrong in the phone?”

Xia Ning hesitates but at once smiles, “No. Nothing. It is just that Rui is too busy and has not had lunch till now. Come on. Let’s have a taste.”

Saying this, Xia Ning pours the foods in front of her into the hot pot.

Xia Ning puts on a smile on her face, but she is jealous in her heart. In the past, Political Commissar Xue had never answered Yi Yunrui’s phone. Isn’t only Feng Le supposed to answer the phone for him?

After the meeting, Yi Yunrui looks tired. He glances at the clock and wants to take out his phone. But he remembers that he gave it to Feng Le before the meeting.

At the time, Mei Ruo hands a cup of warm tea to him, “The meeting last for a whole morning till now. Are you tired?”

Yi Yunrui nods, but he doesn’t reach to take the tea. Mei Ruo’s smile lightly freezes. She puts down the tea by his side.

“Where is Feng?” Yi Yunrui asks.

“Oh. I asked him to go out.”

Yi Yunrui frowns, “Tell him to come in. He takes my phone with him.”

“Your phone is here with me.” Mei Ruo smiles and takes out the phone.

Yi Yunrui is surprised, “Why is my phone here?”

“I am your Political Commissar. Isn’t it a part of my job?”

Yi Yunrui’s eyes darken, “You don’t need to bother with it from now on. Let Feng do it.”

Saying this, Yi Yunrui takes the phone and opens to check it. He frowns more seriously, “Did you answer the call from Ning?”

“Hum.” Mei Ruo nods, “She called just now. I asked her to leave a message. She did not.”

Yi Yunrui’s eyes get cold, “Let Feng answer the phone for me in the future.”

“Rui, did I do something wrong? Isn’t this my job as in the past?” Thinking of her privilege in the past, Mei Ruo is upset and anxious.

Yi Yunrui looks at her for a while, “Past is past. Now is now. Political Commissar Mei, I hope you can understand.”

“I don’t think there is any difference.” Mei Ruo curls her lips, “I went abroad for a year. I am back and I am still your Political Commissar.”

“There are many opportunities abroad and in Beijing. Why do you come back to C city?”

Mei Ruo softens her face and looks at Yi Yunrui more gently, “You know why I come back.”

“I don’t know.” Yi Yunrui turns his face and answers quickly.

Mei Ruo widens her eyes. She is a little angry, “Rui, you said it. You will wait for my coming back. I am back now. Aren’t you happy?”

Yi Yunrui frowns, “I have never promised anything to you. Whether you would like to stay in Beijing, abroad or in C city is completely up to you. And there is another point I hope you can keep in mind. I am married.”

Unexpecting Yi Yunrui will speak so heartlessly, Mei Ruo is shocked. A little while later, she smiles faintly, “Rui, you have changed...”

Mei Ruo looks sad. Yi Yunrui is bored. He stands up and wants to go out of the office. Just after he takes several steps, he hears Mei Ruo say, “Rui, Miss Xia is pretty. She looks a little like me.”

Yi Yunrui glances at her coldly and turns to leave.

Looking at Yi Yunrui go away hurriedly, Mei Ruo smiles and lifts the corner of her lips.

Rui, your words don’t follow your heart. You obviously still love me. Why don’t you admit it?

Married? Well, how long can a marriage without true love last?

Let’s wait and see. One day, you will come back to me.

I have got plenty of time!


They are still eating while Xia Ning’s phone rings. It is from Yi Yunrui. Xia Ning presses the button at once, “Rui. Are you free now? Have you had lunch?”

Yi Yunrui smiles at the other end, “Hum. I am free now. I will have another meeting this afternoon. I am going to have lunch now. What about you? Are you eating?”

“Hum. Colonel Dai recommends a nice hot pot restaurant. We are having hot pot now.”

“Good.” When does Dai Zhongheng become a gourmet? “Then you may have more. Well, what did you call me for?”

Xia Ning’s heart tightens. She shakes her head, “Nothing. I just called to check if you had your lunch. Ha...”

“I will let Feng keep my phone in the future. When you call me, I will answer the phone as long as I can.”

As if he understands what she thinks, Yi Yunrui explains at the other end. Xia Ning feels warm, “It is OK. You may go to work. I don’t have any important things, but some trivial stuff. That’s what women do...”

“I like that. It was often me who did the trivial stuff at home. Were you bored by me?”

Xia Ning feels better. She says shyly, “Rui, there are some other people here...this topic...”

“OK. I will come home earlier this evening and go with you to Commissar Mei’s house to have dumplings. I will call you then.”

“Aren’t you going to pick me up with Commissar Mei?”

“No. I will go with you.”

Warm in her heart, Xia Ning says, “OK. We go together.”

“Have you settled the things for your friend?”

“Yes.” Xia Ning is aware that everyone is looking at her. She is shy, “Rui, I will talk to you later. I may hang up now.”

“Hum. Have fun.”

Xia Ning responds and hangs up. josei

“Wow. Is this the love show? Mrs. Army Commander, would you please tell me your skill of training your husband? It is really enviable.” Li Baoer teases her.

Xia Ning gives her a push, “What skill of training husband? You gossipy girl, have your lunch.”

“Wow, are you afraid that someone will snatch him from you or what? You keep it secretly! Ning, when did you learn it?”

Xia Ning rolls her eyes at her. She blinks her eyes, “Yes, I keep it as a secret and will not tell you. If you are not happy with that, why don’t you find your husband and show off love in front of me?”

Unexpectedly, Xia Ning makes a countercharge. Li Baoer widens her eyes. She stutters and at last snorts, “Good girls won’t fight against the bad ones! I will change the bitterness into appetite. I will eat more and spend all your money.”

Saying this, Li Baoer puts a big piece of beef into her mouth.

Xia Ning smiles. She takes a secret glance at Dai Zhongheng and finds that he eats quietly, but he glances at Li Baoer from time to time. He takes quick moves, but is still caught by Xia Ning.

She wonders how it is going on between the two. As regard to romance, Dai Zhongheng is more introverted than Yi Yunrui. He stays at the Military Region all day long. If the relationship is not confirmed soon, she doesn’t know when she can catch Dai Zhongheng around again. After all, as the leader of “Falcon”, he is not always available.

If someone is needed to give it a push, though reluctantly, she will take the job of matchmaker.

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