Hidden Assassin

Chapter 14

Chapter 14

Chapter 14 – Acting Together

TL: Milaryn

Edit: IlkonEbi

TL Note: Bold is spoken in English.

The end of school bell rang and Jiaming slouched on his table to take a nap.

He did not go to bed early, and he also had early morning training. To a child, this type of schedule was bad for his body’s growth. Even though it had become a habit, during the day, he would nap as much as he could to make up for the loss of sleep.

As to the mother-daughter pair that had been chased early that morning, Jiaming did not think with them again. Even though he had handled the assassin, the two of them had babbled at him in English for help. He pretended he did not understand and left under the cover of the night. He believed that the two survivors would not be able to recognize him.

However, in the morning, when he met up with Lingjing and Huaisha and they ran to the grassy meadow, around ten or so dead bodies were found inside the woods. This caused a large uproar. The truth was that the first time Jiaming saw the assassin, he had recognized him. He was Number Seven, an assassin from Pei Luo Jia’s Asia division. Originally, in his previous life, when Jiaming officially received the assassin identity at age seventeen, that person had been categorized as a B rank assassin. This was due to his crazed lust for killing to the extreme and he liked to publicly flaunt his kills, however his actual skills would have placed him as an A rank.

Getting rid of this crazed assassin was a small thing though, the question was whether Pei Luo Jia would investigate this matter or not. Even though it was not likely that anything would link back to him, he was still feeling worried about it. Also, when he left in the darkness, the little girl’s cries of “Help… Help me…” sounded sweet to his ears… ‘I’ve really become a pervert…’ he thought to himself.

Even though Lingjing, Huaisha and him entered the same school, they were all in separate classes. Starlight Secondary School split each grade into three classes; generally speaking, as an exemplary student, Lingjing was in class 1, Jiaming as an average student was in class 2 and Huaisha as a problem student getting into fights every day, was in class 3. It was because the three of them were split up that Jiaming had the freedom to daydream and nap during school hours. However, in between classes, Lingjing and Huaisha would often come to look for him.

Ignoring the chaos and noise in the classroom, he had tried to take a nap. However he was rudely woken when someone suddenly smacked his desk. Startled, he sat up and saw that it was the fatty and the few boys who had surrounded Huaisha at the dead-end from yesterday. The fatty’s nose and mouth were covered with a gauze patch and he looked quite ridiculous. Jiaming could not hold back his smile and yawned while saying, “Are you guys looking for Shasha? She’s in the class next door.”

“F*ck you, I’m looking for you today!” The fatty snapped when he saw that Jiaming dared to laugh at him. The whole classroom suddenly fell silent, and the fatty glanced at them guiltily before pulling Jiaming up by his collar. “You, come with me.”

With an exhausted expression, Jiaming weakly followed him out.

In fact, these people did not actually want to find Liu Huaisha, because she was very aggressive and carried a baseball bat around with her all day. If they were to fight her, they would definitely not be able to do that at school, so they changed their target to the obviously weaker Jiaming.

The five of them pushed and shoved Jiaming as soon as they left the classroom, taunting him with, “Yesterday, you were all arrogant and everything.”

“Not so brave today, are you?”

“If you have the balls, then try again.”

Grade Six classes were on the first floor. The group of five and the quiet Jiaming headed outside to find an empty location. As they were passing by, the students pointed and whispered, wondering how the honest and earnest Jiaming could have offended this group of high school delinquents. However, when they passed by one of the classrooms, a girl actually rushed out shouting, “What do you guys think you’re doing?!”

Class One’s president, Ye Lingjing, rushed out like a female warrior. She was wearing a light blue floral dress, and two braided pigtails framed her elegant and delicate face. She wanted to take Jiaming’s hand and pull him away, but was blocked by two of the high schoolers.

“And who are you? Don’t butt in!” they shouted, obstructing Lingjing with their hands.

“Well, too bad!” The normally gentle and refined girl did not back away at all and firmly pushed aside the blockade, “You will let go of him, otherwise I’m reporting this to the teachers!”

Jiaming’s expression changed to an amused smile as the several high school students burst out laughing in ridicule, “Haha, she said she’d tell the teachers…”

They were still laughing when Lingjing took the advantage and kicked the shin of the high school student in front her. She then strongly pushed another with both hands causing a third boy to fall on the lawn. She regularly practiced martial arts on weekdays even though Jiaming considered it to be mostly fancy footwork. She grew up looking elegant and refined, but she actually had a lot more strength and stamina than regular girls. The boy lying on the grassy field had not expected her to be able to shove him around, while the other student whose leg had been kicked by Lingjing’s small, red-colored leather shoe, had retreated a few steps, clutching his leg and groaning in pain.

This was truly a case where nurture rather than nature influenced a person’s character… Jiaming smirked internally. Huaisha was the one who had taught Lingjing that the lower leg was one’s weakest area.

Originally when Jiaming and the group had come out to the field, the other middle school students who were resting had noticed them. They were all were all watching the commotion and the fatty was also surprised by Lingjing’s sudden movements. Thus, his response was delayed. He rushed forward to help the others, but at that moment, Jiaming quietly moved his left leg in front of him. The fatty did not notice and tripped over it… Bang–– the momentum caused him to fall flat on his face. When he lifted his head, his face was full of grass stains, eyes tearing up and the nose that Jiaming had “accidentally” punched yesterday, started bleeding profusely again, rapidly coloring the gauze red.

Fights between children did not require a lot of skill. When the remaining two high schoolers saw what happened, they rushed wildly at Jiaming. They were both around a head taller than Jiaming and Lingjing, so of course they did not feel threatened by them. One of the boy’s momentum caused him to overshoot as Jiaming purposely dodged in a way that caused him to crash into the other boy.The two of them flailed and then turned back, ready to rush at him again. Just then, another girl, Liu Huaisha, ran out of the classroom towards them.

Wearing a blue and white Starlight Secondary School uniform, the boyish-looking Liu Huaisha, with a baseball bat in her hands, almost flew at them in her hurry to get there. Her appearance stunned the two high schoolers and Jiaming was also slightly dazed, ‘This little lady… Does she want to kill someone?’

“Liu Huaisha! Gu Jiaming! Ye Lingjing! What are you three doing?!”

Also right at that moment, a thunderous shout was heard, it was the middle school’s director of discipline. He had been notified of the situation and immediately ran downstairs from his office towards them. Having heard that the teacher was approaching, the few high schoolers tried to escape. Liu Huaisha had no intention of letting them go at all and she lunged forward with a roar. Jiaming hurriedly tried to stop her as he reached out to grab her.

“Jiaming, get out of the way… Ah…”

“Shasha don’t be like that… Ugh…”

Bang! The two children crashed into each other and went flying with Huaisha falling on top of Jiaming. The three high schoolers ran out of the crowd as the teacher got closer and closer. The bleeding fatty and the one that had been kicked in the shin supported each other as they tried to escape as well. As Jiaming and Huaisha scrambled to get up, they were both holding their hands over their lips.josei

Just now, when she fell on top of him, the two of them had nearly mashed their lips together. Ignoring the newly arrived teacher, her face was slightly flushed as she waved her baseball bat at Jiaming. “Why did you block me?!”

Jiaming only shrugged as he removed his hand, blood was slowly seeping out from his lip. He rolled his eyes. “You split my lip…”

“You deserve it!” Huaisha cried out, “I’m bleeding too!”

“Are you guys ok?” Seeing that her two good friends’ lips were both bleeding, Lingjing also ignored the discipline teacher and quickly kneeled down to inspect their wounds. Just then, the discipline teacher roared at them and his voice could be heard across the campus.

“You, you… I am extremely angry at you three! Liu Huaisha! You dare to bring a baseball bat to school to fight! Ye Lingjing and Gu Jiaming, you two actually went along with this! You three…… You three are standing at the school field for the rest of the day! I want the whole school to know it’s the three of you! Tomorrow, I expect three self-reviews and apologies on this matter—— They will be posted on the school board,” as his voice was amplified and echoed across the field.

Therefore, when the bell rang signifying the beginning of the next class, the three of them were left standing on the field in front of the classroom building. Any student could just look out of the classroom windows and they would see their heroic figures.

“Sh*t, that baldy actually opposed me; in a few years, I’m getting people to destroy his whole family…”

Liu Huaisha viciously expressed her dissatisfaction about the discipline teacher. That fellow had actually dared to confiscate her beloved baseball bat… She did have more at home, so she planned on bringing a sturdier bat in tomorrow!

“Are your lips ok?” Lingjing worriedly asked the two of them, as Huaisha rolled her eyes at Jiaming.

“Lingjing, you should watch your boyfriend, he basically stole my first kiss in front of a crowd.” Huaisha said this easily, but she could not help but blush at it. Lingjing quietly choked as she blushed too. Huaisha regularly dealt with the criminal underworld, so when she spoke, she was generally very direct. Lingjing had been referred to as “Jiaming’s wife” many times and she had gotten so embarrassed, she had cried about it before. However, because the three of them had been together for so long, she had gradually gotten used to it. At that moment, they were still 13-14 year-olds, and they were being watched by quite a lot of people. Lingjing quickly changed the topic as she smiled sheepishly, “With this, my ‘teacher’s pet’ reputation has been destroyed by you guys.”

Ever since they entered secondary school, even though the three of them hung out together, this was the first time they had gotten into a public fight like they did during elementary school. After a few moments, a bored Jiaming yawned again.

“Hm, there’s no point in standing here like this. I suggest that… We should skip class.”

The two girls perked up and their eyes glittered when he said that.

That indirect kiss between Shasha and Jiaming though~

2 / 4 chapters of the week (next release is Feb 1, Thursday).

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