Hidden genius: Black belly snake

Chapter 118

Chapter 118: A new genius in the city Part3

"Your highness, will this really be okay?" Lotte worriedly asked.

Standing next to him, Tang Yue was shamelessly using the Crown's name left and right to purchase the necessary ingredients from multiple shops.

She simply waved her hand at Lotte and dismissed the nervous elf's very justified concerns.

"Drastic times required drastic measures." She mouthed silently and retreated back to the inn for the night after finishing all her preparations.

Tang Yue wanted to immediately start back her pill concoction trials so that she didn't forget the formula's impression on her mind and body.

The inn was quite small but the facilities were top notch. Tang Yue was able to quickly enter her meditative state and focus her mind on the cauldron in front of her without any disturbances.

Little Plum also buzzed about excitedly having had a chance to refresh and refill its energy reserves.

Though the wisp of fire also consumed mana, it didn't possess a core like the mortals of the world.

Tang Yue was very curious about the little thing's history, background, and life cycle but unfortunately, the extent of their communication was still very simple and straightforward.

So Tang Yue didn't have a chance yet to know more about Little Plum.

After arranging everything and making sure that all the ingredients were preprocessed and in order, Tang Yue signaled Little Plum and started the concoction process.

Their previous experiences were not in vain and the duo quickly entered into a perfect synchronized state.

This time around Tang Yue had gone slightly overboard and prepared a total of fifteen sets of ingredients so that they would have a few more practice runs.

Besides, the last time they tried doing this, they were almost close to a perfect diluted version of the Devil Awakening pill.

So Tang Yue was quite confident in her actions, her hands, and motions flowing smoothly like an experienced alchemist.

If anyone outside saw this, they would cry buckets of blood and bang their heads against a wall.

It typically took years and years of training to achieve a state similar to Tang Yue's current comfort level.

But the snake was already here. Not because she was a genius but because she has an unfair otherworldly advantage.

Tang Yue had casually delegated the most important and difficult part of the concoction process to the buzzing little blob of fire.

Without this difficulty holding her back, all her other movements became free and much less constrained.

Within a small span of three hours, the duo had already finished their first concoction trial.

Tang Yue's heart thumped like a maniac as she peeked into the sizzling cauldron and cleared away the leftover dregs and debris.

Slowly by slowly, her blood began to boil in excitement.

And lo and behold!

At the bottom of the cauldron, in the midst of the unwanted sludge, a crisp and defined pellet shone splendidly.

It had the desired translucent nature and a sweet aroma attached to it as per the description mentioned in the system's pill formula.

This was a successful pill!

A successful, albeit a kiddy version of the Devil Awakening pill which only a Grandmaster is rumored to be able to concoct.

Tang Yue's emerald eyes glistened with frenzy. 

She picked up the translucent Devil Awakening pill with several emotions swirling within her mind.

It was not that long ago when she had been a useless trash who was being sold off to a foreign territory.

It was not that long ago when she struggled and writhed in pain hanging at the doorstep of life and death.

And it was really not that long ago when she had gobbled up buckets after buckets of useless dregs and leftover waste just to utilize that small chance of improving herself.

And now she had actually concocted a pill of her own tonight!

For all means and purposes, she was actually a legitimate alchemist starting tonight.

Tang Yue grinned in satisfaction. 

She pulled the innocent-looking Little Blue who was sitting by her side and quietly staring at her and hugged the pup tightly.

It was not like she could hug Little Plum! 

So the fortunate or rather unfortunate wolf pup got all the love and affection in form of a very tight hug.

"Let's go! Next pill! Come to mommy!!" Tang Yue chuckled like a maniac and quickly busied herself again.

Pills and potions were typically auctioned out every day in the royal auction association, which was exclusively present in the capital city of the Eldorian Empire.

So Tang Yue and Little Plum worked around the clock, staying up the entire night and burning the midnight oil.

The first pill was successful, the second one was slightly off, and the third one was again successful.

Curse words and maniacal laughter accordingly alternated and reverberated in that small inn room.

By the time the first rays of the warm morning sunlight flickered through the windows of the inn, Tang Yue had a total of 4 successful small beady translucent pills placed in 4 different crystal vials.

These were special crystal vials that could preserve the efficacy of the pills inside and had cost quite a bit.

Well, maybe to others, but for someone who was daringly adding things to the tab under the Crown's name, it was just one more ingredient in the long list of ingredients.

Tang Yue wearily blinked her eyes and leaned on the mattress to rest a while. 

She also dismissed Little Plum and closed her eyes, the wide grin on her face still remaining.

She had in her hands now 4 successful Devil Awakening pills! 4 PILLS!

Tang Yue quickly fell asleep thinking about and drooling over the amount of gold and gems she was going to rake in the next day.

The excitement and high from the successful pill concoctions had finally run out and tiredness overcame her.

She managed to only stir awake late in the noon when the Sun was already hung high and scorchingly bright.

The snake quickly washed herself up and cleaned her appearance a bit before heading out quickly to the auction house.

It was going to rain gold coins and gems on her today! 

Just like the pills carefully tucked inside her robe, the smile on her seductive pale blue face was also blinding.

Tang Yue hopped and skipped and reached the auction house, followed by a bewildered Lotte.

The poor guy could comprehend that the princess, who was a newbie in the field of alchemy, had concocted something overnight and was incredibly hyped up about it.

But was it really something worthy enough to be sold at the auction house? He didn't think so.

Only very valuable items were successfully traded in the auction house. 

For other things, it was rather cheaper to purchase them wholesale in the retail stores in the market.

Nobody would even glance twice at these cheap and low-grade items, no matter how many times the auctioneer mouthed their name.

This was inevitably going to only end in humiliation and disappointment for the princess.

So Lotte really considered talking to her about this.

After all, the princess was not originally from the elven lands and she might still not be used to the life and the way things worked here. 

But at the same time, he didn't have the heart to break the news to the princess. She just seemed extremely excited and elated about this.josei

Lotte stammered and stuttered and tried to bring it up a couple of times but Tang Yue had shushed him both times.

At this point, he could only sigh and see what happens and help her with the aftermath.

In the auction house, it was a common practice for the sellers to hide their identity and send in their wares under the anonymous category, especially if the items were expensive.

Even if unlawful fighting and robbery inside the settlement were prohibited under the law, the people were still free to hurt and rob the rich party once they stepped out of the settlement boundaries.

So not many people dared to sell their wares as is. They at least made an effort to use a layer or two of buffers to hide their original identity.

Only the strong and powerful dared to be so blatantly indifferent.

The previous night Tang Yue had also contemplated a lot about this particular issue before falling asleep. But then she thought of something.

Even if she dared to say that she had personally concocted these pills, nobody would ever believe her.

The extent of the prejudice against the spirit beasts ran wide and deep in the society. 

So most probably she didn't even have to bother disguising herself or using a ridiculous cover like someone anonymous had passed these pills onto her for selling.

She didn't have to bother doing it because it would be automatically assumed.

So Tang Yue merely smirked and straightforwardly wandered into the humungous auction house building.

The crowd around her instantly thinned. Almost everyone she came across was a noble or a powerful combat expert.

Tang Yue's body slightly shivered in both excitement and anxiety in the presence of such unbridled raw violent auras.

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