Hidden genius: Black belly snake

Chapter 121

Chapter 121: Nooooooooooo Part1

Tang Yue hurriedly ran over to the auction manager and panted her words, completely out of breath.

"Huff. Huff. Can I… Can I take back my pills?"

The elf looked up and had a weird smile on his face. Of course, he clearly remembered who she was.

But the man all but laughed out loud. "What happened?" He asked, not in the least sympathetic to her plight.

Tang Yue could only manage to squeeze out a bitter smile. "I changed my mind. I don't want to sell these anymore."

The elf chuckled and squinted his eyes. "Tell me the truth snake. Did you steal these from someone?"

Huh? Tang Yue sighed. This conversation was clearly heading in a different direction. 

"That doesn't matter to you, does it?" She was slightly irritated with the elven attitude and responded curtly. "Are you or are you not able to return my pills?"

"Ha Ha Ha. Hold your horses. What are you getting angry for?" The middle-aged elf adjusted his robe and casually waved his hand.

"Returning your pills at this point is impossible. The auction has already been scheduled and as you can see, everyone has arrived."

Tang Yue's small face fell. This was over. She was completely done for. But the auction manager was not done talking.

"How about this? I see that you are currently auctioning these items under the anonymous category."

"If you can possibly give us the details about the grandmaster or the cauldron alchemist who concocted this, I might be able to talk to the authorities and get back 2 of the 4 pills that are set to be auctioned off." The elf grinned, flashing his teeth magnanimously.

Tang Yue couldn't help but roll her eyes at the deceitful bastard. She had indeed done a dumb thing, but that didn't mean she was downright foolish.

If she actually gives the details, first of all, they won't believe her. Moreover, she doubted if they would even return the pills. 

This elf was just trying to scam her into giving out more details about the pill so that he could separately sell out that information. 

For instance, if a cauldron alchemist had managed to concoct this, then that particular person was not too far from a breakthrough into a grandmaster alchemist and several sects would be interested in currying favors with the person before they become too big for their approach.

Tang Yue resolutely shook her head in disapproval. "It's fine. Just go ahead and auction these. Once the auctioning is over, I collect my money here?" She asked, resigning to her fate.

Clearly, her peaceful days of staying under the radar have come to an end. 

Things have already gone this far. At this point, she had no other option but to simply see it through and face the music. At least when doing so, she will be rich.

"No. Not necessary. Do you still have the jade slip I gave you as a token? The money will be automatically transferred there."

"There is a rune on the jade slip that stores all the gold coins and gems. You can summon it and take it out as and when you please."

"But once you summon it out, you can't send it back in. The rune will also fade away after all the money in the jade slip has been used up."

Tang Yue nodded. At least this part was more convenient to her.

She finally understood how the auction house ensured the anonymity of its customers. 

She could now go back to the inn or mingle with the crowd or go deep into the forests and no one would be any wiser about who had auctioned the Devil Awakening pills.

Well, at least this is what was supposed to happen in an ideal case scenario. But she knew that things were never this easy…

Tang Yue sighed and walked away from the entrance. She decided to head back into the southern auditorium to the pill auctioning quarters.

At this point everything was any way out of her hands, so she might as well enjoy the auctioning process and see how much her pills sell for!

By now, the entire auditorium was filled to the brim and she could only stand outside peeking in from the side.

And as luck would have it, another couple of snakes stood right in front of her just a few inches away.

Tang Zuelo shoved the elves standing around her and tried to weave through the crowd, but was helplessly pushed back again.

She was in fact wearing the royal serpentine insignia but there was little to no respect for it. 

No one cared that she was from the serpentine royal family and this infuriated Tang Zuelo even more.

And as she turned around here and there in frustration, she immediately noticed Tang Yue. "What are you doing here? You useless thing!!"josei

"See, how we are being treated. This is all because of you."

"Ptui. Can't even manage to spread your legs and please a man! What are you then good for?"

"Because of trash like you crowding this place, I can't even get in."

"What are you doing here? You can't even afford to buy scrap from this place! Trash!" Tang Zuelo started loudly shouting. 

She couldn't care less about the people standing around them and let her uncouth loudmouth loose.

Several heads turned towards them and gave weird stares filled with disdain and contempt. What pedestrian behavior!

Standing next to Tang Zuelo, Tang Xi silently stared at Tang Yue with a warm and gentle smile as if none of this had anything to do with her.

She didn't even bother to put up an act like she was trying to reason and comfort her agitated mother.

Usually, Tang Yue would have walked away and ignored this nonsensical duo but today she was already at her limits.

So she scoffed angrily and spoke a few cutting words back to her rabid stepmother.

"If I a beggar, then what are you? Are you saying you can afford to buy something from here? Oh please, don't make me laugh."

"What did you say? You disrespectful brat! Is this how you talk to your mother?" Tang Zuelo shouted back.

Instantly, several gasps echoed around them. These two were mother and daughter? What a poisonous pair!

Unfortunately, Tang Yue felt more shame than her thick-skinned stepmother and she didn't want to draw more attention to herself by engaging the rabid woman.

So she quickly slipped away and moved over to another spot, free of any blue-skinned beings.

Tang Yue couldn't help herself and chuckled lightly.

How would her beloved stepmother feel if she came to know that she, the famous trash, had actually concocted the pill? The pill which she could only even catch a glimpse of by standing outside and waiting patiently like a beggar?

Tang Yue smiled and focused back on the center stage, where the pill auction was almost about to begin.

As a beast and as someone with a Silver Mortal Body, her eyesight and hearing were good enough to observe and hear everything clearly from this distance.

A somewhat short and lean elf soon walked over to the stage holding a golden platter in his hands. The platter contained the four vials which Tang Yue had submitted for auction.

Immediately the entire auditorium quieted down and waited for the demonstration. 

It was common practice to scrap a pill slightly and demonstrate its efficacy before auctioning off the pill.

The short elf who was the auctioneer blew his whistle and called for an orc association worker to come over to the stage.

Orcs had a very strong constitution and a highly sturdy body and were able to withstand these sorts of demonstrations.

So the auction house permanently had a few orcs employed for these sort of things.

The tall and sturdy orc strutted forward and stood next to the short and lean auctioneer, looking especially strong.

The auctioneer simply nodded and bellowed. 

"Devil Awakening Pill. The pill description states that the pill's efficacy has been adjusted and the threat to life has been neutralized."

"The pill has also passed the auction house's validity test. The demonstration is now about to begin."

Immediately a loud murmur started spreading among the audience. 

"The pill efficacy has been adjusted? Ahh! This is big news!"

"Which genius came up with this formula? He is even generously auctioning it off?"

"We need to get this pill at all costs! Once we have the pill, we can easily work backward to the formula!"

"Did you hear? There is not one but four pills! We can definitely get the formula by analyzing four pills!"

"Oh my god! This is big news! Whichever sect gets this will immediately rise up head and shoulders above the others!"

"Just imagine how strong we would be if all our clan members successfully break through and train mental strength!"

The crowd was going livid with excitement, except, of course, a single snake. 

With every passing second, the number of butterflies in Tang Yue's slender stomach was steadily increasing.

She gulped down her nervousness and looked forward with her eyes glued onto the stage.

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