Hidden genius: Black belly snake

Chapter 123

Chapter 123: Nooooooooooo Part3

The sect which obtains this formula will be able to both dominate the market and the battlefield.

Considering that the ancient labyrinth exploration was just around the corner, this really couldn't have happened at a better time.

The auction house quickly turned completely chaotic. Everyone wanted to get their hands on this precious formula.

In between this chaos, the question of who concocted such a genius pill popped out but the auctioneer quickly announced and reiterated that the pill had been submitted anonymously and that they were unable to divulge any further information.

The crowd could only indignantly accept this response, knowing full well that the big clans would probably use the back doors in the future and find out who concocted this pill.

But this didn't deter the bidding momentum and ridiculous numbers continuously popped out, increasing leaps and bounds with each offer. 

And it didn't look like it was going to stop any time soon!

Every major clan kept tossing out offers repeatedly. Nobody was ready to back down just yet.

Tang Yue was frozen solid. She wanted to loudly scream and shout, but her body refused to cooperate. She even pinched herself repeatedly to make sure that this was not a dream. 

By now, she had completely forgotten all the unwanted attention and trouble this event was going to pile on her. She could only see the money in front of her.

The theatrics of the auction continued for a good amount of time until finally the various clans were forced to somewhat quiet down.

Because the auction bid was no longer in millions. It was now actually in billions.

20 billion gems! 

This was the latest offer on the table. Holt clan had thrown out this enormous offer, temporarily silencing the major forces.

20 billion gems was not an ordinary offer. It was enough to supply for an entire clan for a whole year even.

This in itself showed the difficulty and the importance of training one's mental strength.

With 20 billion gems, one could buy numerous high-grade treasures and items. 

Runes, herbs, pills!! What not? 20 billion gems was a truly ridiculous amount of money.

Only an alchemy grandmaster could command such wealth with his fingertips.

Alchemy was one of the most lucrative professions and this auction was a textbook example of the same.

This was the highest price offered for a batch in the auction association's pill auditorium in the last few decades.

It was hard to even discuss such a price with words. Every person sitting in the auditorium panted heavily and a deathly silence filled the air.

Tang Yue opened and closed her mouth wordlessly. Her parched throat quivered as she licked her lips and continued to stare unblinkingly at the chaos unfolding in front of her.

The Ni clan and Koen clan elders looked at each other helplessly. The dwarf also kept his mouth tightly shut.

A few influential fairy covens discussed amongst themselves in hushed voices but ultimately they also remained silent.josei

The entire auditorium suddenly settled down and was staring at the Holt clan members in rage and jealously.

The auction had slowly and steadily slipped past their reach. The other major families couldn't dare to compete with the Holt clan.

Not only were they one of the oldest noble clans in the Southern Elven Empire, but they were also the direct kins of the Southern Elven Emperor, Nidaros Holt.

Aldonia and Eldoria were the two great elven nations in the Nine Countries coalition. 

While Xander was the reigning Crown Prince of the Northern Empire, the South was still ruled by its old Emperor, Nidaros Holt.

So when the Holt clan tossed out the astronomical bid, it was clear just how much they were interested in the 4 pills.

One of the two prominent royal families had wilfully intervened and now the major clans, no longer different from the commoners, could only watch the show from aside.

They couldn't even blame anyone for this misfortune. After all, this was to be expected.

When a game-changing pill like this suddenly surfaces in the auction house, who else but the royal family will snatch the goods?!

There was only a small chance for the others and now that small chance had completely evaporated and disappeared.

Tang Yue couldn't care less who buys it. 20 billion gems! 

As long as these 20 billion gems were in her pocket, she would die a happy snake! 

Her heart was pounding so wildly that it ached in exhilaration. 

How could she possibly know that her pill would lead to such a frantic uproar? 

She did not possess such knowledge in alchemy to foresee this series of events. 

She was a mere noob who used a small cheat sheet.

[Dumb snake, you seem to be a little too money-minded for your own good.] 

The system chimed in, unable to silently rest amidst her emotions surging like a tempest.

"Shut up, old man, and let me enjoy this." Tang Yue hissed. She watched on blankly, blinking.

She was feeling slightly unsettled but at the same time a feeling of confidence and pride was also bubbling up within her.

Any alchemist would be elated and honored to see the pill he had concocted acclaim such praise and being fought for by teeth and nails.

The auction house remained silent for a few more seconds.

No one could match the Holt family's final bid and hence the auctioneer started the last part of the auction procedure.

"Yasss! Here it comes! Here it comes!" Tang Yue silently prayed. She could almost hear the rumbling sounds from a mountain of gems.

The auctioneer cleared his throat and loudly shouted.




It was at this point, a fair and pale hand shot up in the air at lightning speed. The figure slowly rose up and walked towards the auctioneer.

Once he stepped onto the stage, where the auctioneer was also standing, everyone could clearly see who he was.

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