Hidden genius: Black belly snake

Chapter 126

Chapter 126: Even her drooling face is cute

Strands of moonlight danced in through the wide-open rectangular grilled windows and along with it came in a thick wisp of black smoke.

The smoke-like substance swirled in a circular motion and suspiciously hovered around the head of the bed right next to the window.

Oblivious to this, a slender mesmerizing figure laid still, leisurely sleeping on the feather bed. 

Her pale blue chest, half exposed and half-hidden beneath a silky lavender robe, heaved up and down, dancing rhythmically to her soft inhales and exhales.

Her one hand casually rested on her forehead and her other hand was clung tightly to a ball of fur scooped up next to her. The two looked extremely adorable cuddled up next to each other.

The lingering wisp of smoke hovered around the bed for a few more seconds before effortlessly transforming into a tall and muscular figure. Tang Yue was still fast asleep but if she was awake right now, she would instantly recognize the cold sculpted face and the dangerous crimson eyes.

Under the cover of darkness, the man silently sat down cross-legged on the floor, closed his eyes, and scanned the small room and the rest of the inn.

When Xander had first heard about the mysterious Devil Awakening pills that had popped up out of nowhere and dazzled the auction house, he was genuinely surprised.

Just like everybody else, he as well had no idea about who could have concocted such a daring pill with an ingenious formula. 

Irrespective of who it was, this new mysterious pill had the potential to make waves and unleash chaos in the peaceful balance that existed between the nine countries.

So he had immediately sent out his trustworthy Generals to conduct investigations and more importantly, acquire the four pills which were being auctioned.josei

But in the next few minutes, one of his Generals returned and had come back with a piece of even more surprising news.

His own consort had apparently put up these mysterious pills for auctioning!

Xander's thin lips pulled upwards into a wide grin as he opened his eyes and gazed at the snake sleeping peacefully. 

He then chuckled lightly and muttered. "Heh. Turning my day chaotic and now sleeping soundly like a thunder cat?"

Xander stood up casually from the wooden floor of the inn. He had scanned everything and didn't find any unusual energy or entity. 

Actually, the moment he had heard that the woman had simply put up the pills for open market auctioning instead of trading in the black markets, he had a feeling that this was all some sort of a bizarre coincidence, maybe even a serendipitous finding.

If the respective party had any sort of ill intentions then they wouldn't have gone about it so openly. Only someone who needed money and who did not have enough knowledge in alchemy could have possibly done something like this, something so naive and stupid.

And the beautiful snake sleeping innocently in front of him perfectly matched that picture! 

He ever so slightly tousled her long cascading black curls shining softly under the moonlight. It was a stark contrast to his own luscious silver mane, but he liked it. 

She looked absolutely breathtaking. Even the drool leaking from the corner of her pillowy lips looked adorable.

As the crimson red eyes wandered in the darkness, they happened to come across the small piece of jade lying on her nightstand. He picked it up and looked at it curiously. It took a second for him to recognize what it was.

And the smile on Xander's face instantly widened. The elf was now grinning cheek to cheek barely holding in his laughter. 

This jade was supposed to contain the 200 billion gems that he owed her!

"Aha Ha Ha" A soft chuckle escaped his lips.

Xander smirked and gazed at the sleeping duo as his lean muscular figure instantaneously morphed back into a blob of smoke or rather darkness itself. He then casually disappeared into nothingness, just as silently as he had arrived.

Both Tang Yue and Little Blue couldn't sense his presence at all the entire time. But unfortunately for Xander, they were not the only two in the room.

A certain hateful perverted old geezer's soul fragment occupying Tang Yue's soul was alert the entire time.

He had observed everything from top to bottom including the warm smile that the tyrant had flashed.

But would he tell this to Tang Yue? That was a whole another point.

The night soon trickled away and the first rays of the morning sunlight directly fell on Tang Yue's face. She yawned lazily and woke up with a smile, preparing herself for the rich and cozy life that laid ahead of her.

"Mu Ha Ha Ha. I can finally embrace the destiny of my birth and become yet another rich spoiled princess! Yasss!" She grinned and quickly retrieved the jade slip that was sparkling on her nightstand.

She had been staring at that thing repeatedly all throughout the night and hence had left it out in the open.

Tang Yue carefully picked it up and looked at it again for the nth time with her smiling emerald eyes, but the smile didn't last too long. Her face immediately fell on seeing that the jade slip was still intact in its previous plain green color without any stripes or even a scratch.

"Eh?" Her heart slightly shuddered. "Damn it. This is not a good sign." She shook her head and replaced the useless piece of jade back on her nightstand. 

"Well, whatever. Maybe it takes a day." She sighed and quickly started preparing for the day. She had plans to concoct a few more batches of the Devil Awakening pill, but this time for her personal use.

Both her body and her cultivation base were now at Silver Mortal tier, but her mental strength and soul strength lacked and were far from that stage. She was not too sure about how to deal with her soul strength, but mental strength was something that she could tackle right now.

And there was also the matter of the beast contract with Little Blue. Tang Yue wanted to finish this first before doing anything else so that Little Blue could slowly start improving as well.

But just as Tang Yue was preparing for the day, a loud knock sounded on her room door.

"Hmm. It should be Lotte." She continued plaiting her long black curls and muttered. "Come in."

Lotte had a grim expression on his face and mumbled worriedly. "Umm… Your highness, you have been summoned to the royal courtroom." 

"Royal courtroom? You mean the Empress called me over again? Damn it, what did Charlotte do this time? Can't she just take a small break from the constant scheming?" Tang Yue immediately started going on a rant and cursing the blonde beautiful elf left and right. 

But unfortunately for her, this was not something that Charlotte had cooked up. This time it was all her own doing!

Lotte had to wait for an entire minute before he could get his second statement in. "No, no. Your highness, the Empress did not summon you." He hurriedly corrected her.

"Huh? Then who did?" Tang Yue pinned her hair together with a clasp and asked.

"The Crown Prince, his highness Xander." Lotte answered.


The flimsy crystal clasp that Tang Yue was fiddling with fell crisply on the wooden floor and broke into two pieces. 

"The… The prince?" She stammered, her heart rate quickening. 

She already knew that this was most likely going to happen, but still… hearing about it, in reality, made her slightly nervous… cough… cough… only slightly…

"Ok. Ok. Let's calm down." She patter her chest. "He is probably calling me over to pay the money he owes me." She consoled herself.

"When does he want me to be there? Right this second?" She turned around and asked Lotte.

"Yes, your highness. His highness requested your presence as soon as possible." Lotte bowed and answered. 

Just like Tang Yue, he was also completely surprised by this unexpected turn of events. 

The Crown Prince never personally meets with any of his consorts. Almost everyone in the royal palace knew about this.

So now why was he summoning Tang Yue? Nothing good could possibly come out of this! Lotte was sure of it. He silently prayed in his heart and lit a candle for the kind and beautiful snake princess.

Tang Yue could clearly see the worry written all over the elf's small face. She didn't know whether to laugh or cry. 

I know what you are thinking bro! She smiled weakly and proceeded to make herself a bit more presentable than usual. 

Tang Yue bit her lips and adjusted her appearance in the mirror.

She recollected that the mad man had unexpectedly kissed her the last time they had met, so the scheming little snake decided to try and use a honey trap to get out of whatever disaster that awaited her?!!

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