Hidden genius: Black belly snake

Chapter 355

Chapter 355: What does over-powered mean? Part3

With the golden titan ape leading the way, Tang Yue and the two wolves and one harpy soon arrived at the eastern part of the island.

In between, they had run into a couple of lower-level stragglers along the way, but Tang Yue quickly finished them off on her own and threw them into her spatial ring without making any ruckus.

Their main aim was to deal with the next beast's nest and they wanted to start the battle as stealthily as possible to gain the upper hand.

Irrespective of how weak the beasts were, they were still fighting on their home ground unlike Tang Yue's group, and had that inbuilt advantage.

So the group quietly followed the ape as it leaped through boulders and rocks and dashed past a small hill on their way.

"How much longer?" Tang Yue paused and asked the ape, still under her Enslave spell.

Ever since they reached this hill, Tang Yue's senses were prickling and she could tell that they were not alone.

The titan ape turned around to look at her, but it didn't make any noise. It obediently lifted its thick finger and pointed at the backside of the hill.

Tang Yue understood that they were probably close to the beast horde that they had come searching for.

She quickly took out her spirit-grade armor set and donned the chest guard, gauntlets, and boots.

Even though they were currently a little lacking, she had no other choice but to use them in her battles.

Otherwise, they would forever remain at this level, and their spirit would never develop and their potential would never be reached.

She also only dared to do this because of the golden ape standing like a big boulder next to her.

The beast was still under her enslavement and it was poised to do her bidding. 

So if needed she could always sacrifice it and switch out her gear even in the midst of a heated battle.

After arranging everything, Tang Yue then signaled the ape that she was ready and gave a glance to the other pets as well.

Things were about to heat up!

Little Blue snarled and Little Plum shifted to its elemental form, while Eleana mentally prepared herself.

The group slowly and cautiously walked around the hill, coming to a full stop immediately after.

Abruptly behind the hill was a steep and narrow chasm which seemed to extend downward endlessly, without any bottom in sight. Perhaps it extended to the abyss itself.

Tang Yue narrowed her eyes carefully observing this dark and mysterious chasm.

"The weak beasts are here?" She furrowed her brows and asked the ape again since she couldn't really see anything nearby.

The titan ape obediently nodded its head, answering her question in the same way without changing anything.

Hmmm… Tang Yue felt perplexed. 

Things definitely looked a bit risky but the ape, after all, lived here for its entire life and it knew the island better than her.

So she didn't question its information again and started walking along the length of the chasm, trying to see if she could spot any beasts loitering below standing from their height.

However, everything seemed absolutely still and she couldn't sense any beasts.

"Hmm… I should just use 'One with the earth' spell and see if something is here."

Tang Yue shook her head helplessly and decided to look more closely into the matter.

But just as she was about to cast the spell, a familiar pink-colored rod shot towards her at an alarming speed.

"Fuck!" Tang Yue quickly leaped up and dodged the incoming attack using her high agility.

Little Blue, Little Plum, and Eleana as well became alert and backed away from the chasm before getting attacked.

The group then waited for the beast or the beasts to show up, but even after a few seconds, nothing happened.

"Oh. I see how it is." Tang Yue's emerald eyes glistened. 

She knew which beast it was and exactly what it was trying to do.

She had already recognized that familiar tongue and the patterns of black ridges on it.

This had to be the same kind of frog she had encountered back in the ocean.

"What a good sacrificial lamb to upgrade my poison." Her eyes shimmered with gratitude.

"Wait a minute. Hey monkey, is this really the weakest here?" She realized this glaring warning and questioned the ape.

Even back at the ocean, she had struggled quite a bit to cope up with the attacks of this frog.

She had an extra skill now and also had the advantage of the dry land, but still…

Tang Yue was slightly concerned about the fact this frog was the weakest beast on the entire island.

And moreover, this time she might not be facing a single frog!!!

Chances are that these frogs could be swarming in the chasm below them even right this second, plotting to attack her all at once.

Tang Yue knew her limits and she knew full well that she was not capable of dealing with such a situation.

So she paused her movements and tried to come up with some sort of a plan.

"I have to lure these frogs out one at a time. That should be my best bet." Tang Yue hissed.

She pondered for a minute before breaking out into a wide grin that sent shivers down Eleana's back.

My master is up to something! The harpy perked up and observed intently.

Tang Yue took a step forward again, moving closer to the chasm, but this time, she asked the ape as well to get closer to her.

And as soon as she neared the chasm, the pink rod-like tongue instantly shot forward with a clear aim to mess up her balance and topple her over.

There were probably sharp rocks underneath which would without fail impale Tang Yue and that should be how these frogs hunted.

But Tang Yue was very alert. It did not give the frog a chance to accomplish its usual tactics.

As soon as the tongue shot forward to her, she avoided it with ease and at the same time shouted at the ape.

"Grab it! NOW!"

The golden titan ape's body responded to her command and its huge figure twisted as it extended its thick hand and caught the retreating tongue midway before it could completely return back to the frog.

"Got you!" Tang Yue hissed in delight.

"Pull the damned frog up, monkey" She commanded the ape and moved near it to assist if needed.

Her raw strength might not be comparable to that of the frog, but she could tell that the ape probably had it beat in that category.

She had fought with both of them after all and could guess their strengths and weaknesses to a certain extent.


A loud whooshing noise sounded and the next instant, the ape who had caught hold of the slippery tongue, pulled up the beast attached to it in one fell swoop.


The frog groaned in pain, its big round yellow eyes completely bloodshot and even tearing up.

It was being helplessly pulled up by its damn tongue! It did not even know how to respond to such an attack!

It was one of the stronger beasts in the chasm and never in its life had it been humiliated like this.

But the ape didn't care about the thoughts running in the frog's brain and quickly flung it around as Tang Yue had ordered it to.

Tang Yue was mainly intent on not giving the beast any time to attack because she knew that it had a poison attack and didn't think that the ape could handle poison well.

So they definitely had to at least knock it unconscious before it even had a chance to breathe.

The huge titan ape gripped the tongue tightly and started thrashing the frog against the hill as soon as it took the beast out of the chasm.

It flung its haggard body left and right and left and right, gripping and holding its tongue.

The frog wailed in pail unable to bear this ruthless one-sided massacre and before long, a loud crack sounded.

The frog's tongue had finally given out from the sheer pressure and brutality and the rod-like tongue broke.

When the ape slammed the frog against the hill for the last time, the frog was flung aside separately, its tongue still on the ape's giant golden hand.

The lifeless and pitiful frog did not even have the energy to move anymore.

The ape, however, casually turned around and looked at Tang Yue, scratching its head, unsure of what to do next.


Tang Yue was gobsmacked. Even she needed to take a minute to digest the scene in front of her.

What an overpowering raw strength!josei

She silently thanked the heavens for the ape's pathetic mental strength.

Otherwise, instead of the frog, she would have been the one flung around like this.

"This golden thigh! I am never letting you go!!!!" Tang Yue resolutely declared.

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