Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 116 - Gone

Chapter 116 - Gone

Anya looked even more sluggish when she heard Nico's answer. The woman ignored Nico, pretended the guy wasn't there and focused on her food.

Nico frowned at his aunt's attitude. Usually, his aunt would scold him if he didn't do what she said. Why was his aunt silent like this? Was she really mad at him?

"Auntie, I'm really trying to find the right person for you. I don't dare to choose someone carelessly just because of a cheap wage. What if that person is not honest?" Nico said. 

"You are also not an honest person. You told Tara your teeth hurt because of her mistake. Even though that day you were drinking." Said Anya while stirring her food.

Nico laughed and explained, "Auntie, you are too innocent. Can't you see that it's my way to approach her and get her attention. Uncle told me to choose between Natali and Raisa. How could I choose them!"

"Your uncle forced you to get married?" Anya was shocked to hear this. This was the first time she heard this news.

"Since Uncle married you, I am the only family member who is still single. I don't want to marry Natali or Raisa. That's why I keep approaching Tara." Said Nico.

Anya just rolled her eyes. The way Nico approached Tara was like an elementary school kid flirting with a classmate he liked. How could Tara's heart melt if Nico approached her like that?

"Auntie, you don't want Natali or Raisa as your in-laws, do you? So you have to help me!" Nico demanded.

Anya's eyes flickered when she heard Nico's question. Having a sibling like Natali was like hell to her. What if Raisa was also a part of the Atmajaya Family. With Raisa's spoiled attitude, she would definitely make a fuss every time she had the chance!

In addition, if the Atmajaya Family and Mahendra Family were united with Raisa and Nico's marriage, she would meet Raka more often in the future. She didn't want to feel the awkwardness all the time.

"Don't ...Don't pick Raisa!" Anya said seriously.

"I also don't want to marry Raisa or Natali. Even though Natali is not as noisy as Raisa, she is like a cute gecko, soft and smart, but poisonous!" Nico looked reluctant when he mentioned the names of the two women.

"But if you approach Tara and you don't like her, won't that hurt her feelings?" Anya just remembered that Nico already had a lover and his lover was a man.

"Auntie, do you think I don't like Tara?" Nico winked at her.

Anya was stunned to hear this. Did that mean Nico liked both men and women? If Nico could marry Tara, that would be very good news.

"Tara doesn't like your uncle. She only likes his face and money." Anya said to Nico, trying to help him.

"So Tara likes money? Good, it will be easier for me because I have lots of money." Said Nico casually as if money meant nothing to him.

"Money might attract a woman's attention, but you can't get her love that way. Remember my word, don't buy women for money. You have to approach her with sincerity." Anya put the spoon in her hand and advised Nico. She didn't want Nico and Tara to have a relationship just because it was about money.

Hana approached the two of them, "Have you finished eating? What do you want for dinner tonight?" She asked when she saw Anya was about to go to work.

"I'm not picky. I love all of Mrs. Hana's cooking. Just ask Nico what he would like to eat. By the way, Tara likes our home cooking too. Can Mrs. Hana add one more pack of food for her?" Said Anya with a smile.

Nico immediately got excited when he heard this, "Mrs. Hana, please send my food to Tara's clinic too. I'm going to eat there."

Hana was very happy because so many people appreciated her cooking. Even though cooking food was tiring, seeing everyone around her enjoying what she made was a pleasure for her, "Alright." She said with a laugh.


Anya arrived at the Rose Scent at exactly eight in the morning. As she entered the shop, she saw Esther on the first floor. Her face looked cold and her lips were tightly closed. The room was simply surrounded by silence.josei

"Good morning, Mrs. Esther." Anya said politely.

Esther was out of her character by only muttering softly. Seeing the woman's attitude, Anya felt that something was up.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Miss Esther's perfume formula is missing." Ben said frantically.

"There are a lot of people in this shop. How could my perfume formula just disappear?" Esther glared at Ben.

"Miss Esther, we've worked at Rose Scent for many years and nothing like this happened once. There must be an outsider who stole it!" When he said this, his gaze fell on Anya. The outsider Ben was referring to was Anya because she recently joined Rose Scent.

"Manager, are you accusing me?" Anya was not stupid and could see the accusations in Ben's eyes. She was indeed the last person to leave Esther's office last night. Plus, Anya was still a new person, so all suspicions fell on her.

When she came home from work last night, she had locked the door and handed the key to Ben. Not only did she hold the key himself, but Ben could also enter Esther's office at will. Why was she accused just because she was a new kid?

"Anya, why are you nervous? I'm not saying that you stole it." Ben said coldly.

"Thieves will always be thieves. You see, he once grabbed someone else's lover and destroyed that person's feelings. Indeed, she is basically a thief." Another employee sneered.

"Enough!" Esther shouted.

The clerk was immediately taken aback by Esther's scream, "Ma'am, did I speak wrong? Anya is such a person. Plus, she was the last person in your office last night. Who knows what she was doing thereā€¦"

"I asked Anya to come into the perfume room and prepare the basic ingredients for new perfume. I believe Anya won't do it. Until things are clear, I don't want to hear baseless accusations. Go!" Esther was so angry that she lost control of her emotions.

Anya had never seen Esther this angry. Usually, the boss would always be calm and relaxed in the face of anything.

"Miss Esther, I'm not accusing her. It was still possible that Anya accidentally took it." The employee did not give up and continued to accuse Anya, "Anya, if you really took it, quickly return it!"

"Anya didn't steal it. Investigate everyone who walked into my office yesterday. You are all responsible for the loss of important items in this shop." Esther let out a deep breath.

"I went to the perfume room at seven in the evening yesterday and left at nine in the evening. The CCTV in the perfume room and Mrs. Esther's office can guarantee that I didn't steal anything. I didn't even know there was a perfume recipe in that place." Anya explained.

"If you want to prove your innocence, give me your cell phone and bag. You must have photographed the recipe with your cell phone. Do you dare leave it to us?" The corners of Ben's lips lifted, showing a sinister smile.

Ben had worked with Esther for a long time. In the past, he was a perfume assistant like Anya and studied perfume for five years. Unfortunately, he didn't have the talent to become a parfumeur so Esther put him as the shop manager because she trusted him so much.

Anya felt very angry when she was accused of what she did not do, but she tried to remain calm, "I suggest calling the police. I don't want the manager to search me. Let the police do it."

"Then let's call the police." Ben took his cell phone and was about to call the police, but Esther held his hand and said, "Why did you call the police? Do you want this problem to get big? As a manager, you should be embarrassed that someone stole this recipe at the store. Why are you still acting arrogant?"

Ben stuttered when Esther reprimanded him, "But, Ma'am..."

Anya felt even more disappointed. Usually, Ben was very nice to her. But he suddenly accused her of stealing Esther's formula and was about to call the police. Did Ben really give up on her?

"The last person to leave my office is indeed Anya, but she doesn't have the key to open my drawer. Why do you keep accusing her?" Esther said so while looking closely at Ben.

"Anya, quickly hand over what you took. Don't hurt me and make me lose my job!" Ben shouted.

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