Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 189 - Just Seeing What She Wants

Chapter 189 - Just Seeing What She Wants


"Aiden, if you don't want a divorce, hurry up and have kids. With that, your wife will be useful." Bima said sarcastically as if Anya had no other use than helping Aiden to get offspring.

Anya's ears were buzzing when she heard that question. She didn't know how the topic of their conversation had suddenly shifted to her.

Having kids? She was very young herself!

She hadn't even graduated from college yet.

"Father, Anya and Aiden just got married. Don't rush into telling them to have children. Let them enjoy their world first." Maria suggested.

"Grandpa, do you want grandchildren? Here is one of your grandchildren here. Hug me!" Nico ran towards Bima spoiled and pretended to ask for a hug.

Bima immediately laughed loudly seeing the behavior of his favorite grandson, "Nico is indeed my smartest grandson since childhood."

"Grandpa, try this fish that I grilled. It must be really good!" Nico was like the 'happy virus' in the Atmajaya family. He's so cheerful and fun that it's easy to break the ice. His presence in the Atmajaya Family was very important to make up for the bad atmosphere.

"Come here. Sit next to Grandpa." Bima called him to sit in the place closest to him.

Nico immediately took the wine bottle and poured the wine for Bima, "Grandpa, try this red wine. I just stole it from Uncle's wine room."

"Nico!" Aiden snapped.

"I want to go home and eat with Grandpa today. Of course I have to bring home some fine wine for grandpa. I'm really a filial child, right!" Nico was very clever to win Bima's heart.

"Yes, yes. You are indeed grandfather's favorite grandson. It's not like someone who hides their wine and doesn't want to give it to me." Bima glanced at Aiden and then said to Nico, "Raisa doesn't deserve you. Women who can be your wives must be independent, mature and beautiful. And what's more, she must have a good background. Raisa is quite beautiful, but she's not worth it for you."

Nico laughed when he heard him, "I know Grandpa loves me and won't let me fall into a hole."

Anya watched the incident in awe. She admired Nico. How could Nico get the grim and stern Bima to agree with his opinion?

Nico and Tara once stole flowers from Tara's grandpa garden. Today, he and Tara again stole Aiden's wine.

It was clear that his character was very naughty. But he could make Bima praise him and even agree to all of his requests.

Then, Anya glanced at Aiden. Seeing Aiden's stiff and tough nature, she knew that Aiden could not possibly be spoiled in front of his elders. This could be the reason why Aiden and his father were not very close together either.

"Tara, sit next to me." Maria said warmly.

Tara immediately nodded and sat next to Maria obediently.

In the garden, Tara was very cheerful and full of enthusiasm. However, after entering the Atmajaya Family house, she looked so obedient and quiet. She never opened her mouth except when asked.

Anya was the same too. She stood beside Aiden, uttering nothing to say. Aiden would represent her whenever a conversation needed to involve them.

"Anya, sit across from me." Maria said.

Bima sat at one end of the table, indicating that he was the head of the house's family. Nico took the first seat on the right, followed by Maria and Tara who were farthest away so he felt very comfortable.

After that, Maria arranged for Aiden to sit on the first chair to the left of Bima and then Anya next to him. The place was too close to Bima so the pressure felt by Anya was very high.

Aiden held Anya's hand while his other hand held the table. He immediately walked across to Maria, but left the first seat empty.

He sat on the second seat, while Anya sat on the third seat, right in front of Tara.

Anya breathed a sigh of relief when she found out that her seat was far from the first place. At least, she could calm down a little.

Bima looked at the empty position beside him and said to Aiden sarcastically, "If you really don't want to be around me, why are you coming home?"

Home? Aiden never even considered this place his home.

"I just want to meet Anya with my sister-in-law." Aiden said calmly, leaving Bima speechless.

Anya was stunned for a moment. Aiden and Bima couldn't even speak calmly without fighting.

"Can the food be served?" One of the servants asked Maria.

Maria immediately nodded. She then gestured for the servants to start serving their food.

When the food was served on the table, Nico immediately cut it and got the food for Bima, "Grandpa, try this meat! Which one is better? This meat or my fish?"

"The fish you grilled before was very good, but this one is not well-cooked." Bima opened the center of the fish with a fork and the fish meat looked raw.

"Dad, the fish Anya made earlier. If you like it, would you like Anya to make it for you again?" Maria said with a smile.

"Okay. Let Anya cook this fish again. This fish is still raw." Bima said, pushing the plate in front of him.

Anya was about to stand up but Aiden immediately held her shoulder, "Where are you going? You have to help me eat."

"Nico, sit next to your uncle and help him eat." Bima said, indicating that he wanted Anya to come out and cook the fish.

Only Anya didn't understand what was happening. She thought Bima really liked her fish.

But actually, Bima did this on purpose so that Anya didn't join the lunch with the rest of the family.

"Dad, I'll make it later." Maria said.

Anya was grateful for Maria's understanding, but she chose to follow Bima's order. Besides, she felt cramped in the room. It was better to get some fresh air outside.

Even though Aiden tried to block her, Anya stood still and approached Bima. She took Bima's plate and said, "It's okay. Eat first. I'll come back after cooking the fish."

When she passed Tara she asked, "Tara, do you also want to cook your fish?"

"I'll come with you." Tara immediately took the opportunity to leave the table. It felt like her ass was being pricked with a needle. She could not sit comfortably in the room.

After the two women left, everyone at the dining table could only look at each other.

"Eat." As if nothing had happened, Bima raised his fork and started eating, "Today's food is delicious."

"Eat, Father. I will see Anya and Tara." Maria got up and left the table too.

Nico did not move from his place. He didn't want to sit next to Aiden, didn't want his uncle to bully him.

"Why do you hate her so much?" Aiden asked.

"She took a place that didn't belong to her. That's why she deserves this treatment. An outcast from Tedjasukmana Family wants to sleep on your bed. How could I let her become the daughter-in-law of the Atmajaya Family? Only in a dream!" Bima sneered.

"I don't need your permission to marry. If you don't respect my wife, I won't respect you either." Aiden got up and looked coldly at Bima, "I'm not coming to your birthday party."

"Do you dare to do it?" Bima grunted loudly.

"We will see!" Aiden turned and walked towards the garden. He walked very calmly, his every step was resolute. He didn't look like a blind man at all.

"Nico, your uncle..."

"His eyes could only see what he wanted to see. Uncle is still recovering, not fully recovered." Nico said.

Bima sneered when he heard that, "He can't see me because he doesn't want to see me."

"Grandfather, why can't you make up with Uncle? He really cares about his wife, why don't you just approve of their relationship?" Nico also thought that his grandfather had gone too far.

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