Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 268 - Taking Pictures Together

Chapter 268 - Taking Pictures Together

"Raka, your spare cell phone rang. Do you want me to read the message to you?" Natali asked on purpose.

"No need. It's not an important message," Even though Raka didn't read the message, he already knew that Anya sent the message. Maybe Aiden already knew that they disappeared and was looking for their whereabouts.

Raisa didn't care about Raka's spare cellphone. She did not know who the message was from. The most important thing for her at the moment was that she felt unhappy about the current situation. 

"Brother, I don't want to go abroad."

But according to Raka, there was no other way for his younger sister.

"Get out of Indonesia for a while and come back when Aiden's anger has lessened," Raka said.

"Raka, I'm sorry. I didn't take care of Raisa properly," Natali held Raisa's hand tightly and tears rolled down her face. "Raisa, what should I do when you leave?"

Raisa still thought of her best friend even though she would go abroad. Thinking that Anya would kick Natali's family out of her house, she said, "Move to my house. You can stay in my room,"

"Ah... I wouldn't dare if you weren't there," Natali secretly glanced at Raka.

"After all, you've announced your relationship with my brother and you will be engaged soon. There is nothing wrong with staying together first," Raisa held Natali's hand and tried to comfort her. "I don't care about your family's condition. Because my brother likes you, even if your family goes bankrupt, you are still my future sister-in-law!"

"Thank you, Raisa," Natali hugged Raisa while crying.

"You think about yourself first, Raisa. Let Natali take care of her sick father. Don't do anything strange abroad. Wait for me until I pick you up at my engagement party," Raka said.

"Alright," even though Raisa was not happy, she still accepted the reality.

She already knew that Aiden was a cruel man. Previously, Aiden had spilled hot coffee on Natali. She didn't want the same thing to happen to her.

She would take advantage of this opportunity to escape!

Raka thought they could arrive at the airport safely and securely. Who knew that they were stopped by the police as soon as they arrived at the airport.

"Is it true that you are Miss Raisa? You are suspected of having committed a crime. Please come with us immediately for investigation," the policeman immediately took Raisa from the airport, not giving her a chance to explain.

Raisa bursted into tears. "Brother, please help me!" She couldn't do anything at all when the police took her to the police car.

"Raisa, Raisa..." with tears on her face, Natali chased the police as they brought Raisa into the car, but several people immediately stopped her.

"Nat, don't be afraid. This matter won't involve you," Raisa said.

Natali felt very relieved after hearing Raisa's words. At least, her friend had said that she would not involve her. For now, she was safe!

"Raisa, don't worry. Your brother and I will find a way to save you," Natali said, pretending to look good.

Raka took out his spare cell phone and saw a message from Anya. He saw Anya giving him a message to come back soon. Instead of calling him directly, Anya decided to text him. He knew what happened. Anya must have sent this message secretly.

Too bad neither of them saw it.

The news that Raisa was arrested at the airport immediately reached Aiden's ears. Everything was under Aiden's control!

"Raisa has been arrested at the airport. Raka will call you directly. Do you know what to do?" Aiden asked, looking at his wife.

He wanted to know what Anya would do this time. Would Anya help Raka for the umpteenth time?josei

Anya knew Aiden was testing her. Even though Aiden really loved her now, it didn't mean that he would still treat her well if Anya continued to take the wrong side.

Raka would contact her, of course, to ask for his sister's safety.

If Raka returned to explain the situation and apologize after receiving a message from Anya, Anya was willing to help them.

But they ran away and even ignored Anya's warning. Anya tried to help, but they didn't heed Anya's help.

Now was the time for Anya to side with Aiden.

Her husband was a victim. And she had no reason to defend Raisa if it was really her who intended to trap her husband.

Anya hugged Aiden's arm. "Of course I am by your side. I won't let anything happen to my own husband,"

"Your cell phone rang," Aiden said.

Anya was shocked. Aiden's guess was absolutely right. How could Raka suddenly call her?

She took out her cell phone from her bag and the screen showed the name Raka. She glanced at Aiden a little uneasily.

"Why don't you answer?" Aiden raised his eyebrows and looked at Anya.

Anya looked at Aiden. Did he really not know why?

Anya did not dare to even mention Raka's name in front of Aiden.

Now Aiden was staring closely at her face when her phone was ringing. She could not speak carelessly. But if she didn't pick up the phone, the man would look at her suspiciously. So, it's better to take the call.

Anya pressed the accept button and put the phone to her ear. "Hello, Raka. I'm still at the party. What can I do for you?"

"Raisa has been arrested by the police. I know I shouldn't have called you, but I have no choice but to ask you for help. Please help us and tell Aiden. As long as Raisa is not imprisoned, Mahendra's family will agree to whatever conditions Aiden gives," Raka said.

"We all know how Raisa is. But Raisa's actions this time were too much and she really should be taught a lesson. This time, I can't help you. I will convey what you said to Aiden," Anya replied calmly.

"Thank you for your help," Raka replied.

"Raka, you have to pay more attention and get to know the people around you. I don't know whether Raisa told you or not. My vanilla plant that was about to harvest in the garden was suddenly destroyed using drugs and the person who did it was wearing Raisa's limited edition sunglasses. If Raisa didn't do it, who do you think did all this and trapped Raisa?"

Anya said that, asking Raka to think deeper. She didn't want to betray Aiden, but she also didn't want a good person like Raka to be cheated over and over again.

After hanging up the phone, she watched Aiden carefully. But Aiden's gaze was not on her. Her husband's gaze was fixed on Keara and Maria who were talking.

They looked very familiar.

"Sis Maria and Keara have a very good relationship," Anya said with a smile.

Aiden narrowed his eyes and stared at the two of them with an unpredictable gaze. "You only see the outside."

"What do you mean?" asked Anya, confused.

"It is true that Sister Maria did not give birth to Nadine, but her love for Nadine is real. If Keara can't give any clues about Nadine's whereabouts, she won't let Keara enter the Atmajaya Family," Aiden said coldly.

"Keara is very good. She is beautiful and elegant, but not very arrogant. If she knows Nadine's whereabouts, she will definitely tell Sister Maria," Anya said with a smile.

Aiden was shocked to hear Anya's words. He looked at his innocent wife with a complicated gaze.

How could Anya be this innocent?

Couldn't she see that Keara was trying to embarrass her by taking a photo together?

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