Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 302 - Beautiful Secretary

Chapter 302 - Beautiful Secretary

"There won't be that day!" The closed meeting room's door was suddenly pushed from the outside.

After hearing that voice, Nico and Keara immediately turned and looked at the door.

They saw the beautiful and charming figure of Anya standing in the doorway. She stood upright with a cold gaze when she looked at Keara's face.josei

"What did you say?" Keara looked at her in surprise.

"I said, you can never return to Aiden's side. The day that you long for is only your dreams because that day will never happen. Aiden only loves me," Anya said coldly.

Her lips curved slightly into a sinister smile as if condescending to Keara.

"Anya, have you ever looked in the mirror? Don't you feel guilty saying that?" Keara sneered.

"Keara, maybe you don't know. But when I was first with Aiden, he couldn't see. He didn't even know what I looked like. If you don't believe it, try getting your people to find out. If Aiden were still in that state, you wouldn't want to be with him," Anya answered with a sweet smile, completely unafraid of Keara's insult.

Nico raised his hands and gave his thumbs up to Anya. His little aunt fought this crazy woman in a very impressive way!

"Keep lying to yourself," Keara snorted and left the room.

After Keara got into the elevator and her figure was no longer visible, Anya finally could breathe a sigh of relief. She leaned weakly against the door. Her fierce and creepy figure could not be seen. 

"Nico, did I say something wrong?"

"No, Auntie. You are very cool!" Nico's view of Anya had completely changed.

"I will never be polite to an evil woman who wants to snatch my husband," Anya said with a frown.

"Keara wants to cancel her engagement with Uncle Ivan. Auntie must be careful. She will not just give up," Nico replied.

Anya frowned. "That woman is really selfish. What's wrong with your uncle that she wants to cancel the engagement?"

"Isn't that a good news?" Nico chuckled. "Do you know what my second uncle is like? Uncle Ivan is a very nice man. Why should a good man like that marry a woman like Keara…"

Anya nodded, "Ivan is indeed a good person. He always cares for others and takes care of all of us,"

"Don't say that in front of Uncle Aiden," Nico said.

Both Ivan and Aiden were his uncles, and they were both very nice to him. He really hoped that one day the two uncles would get along.

But if Ivan really intended to compete with Aiden for the Atmajaya Group, Nico would always be on Aiden's side.

Anya laughed. "I know. I'll be careful,"

"Uncle really cares about you. When Keara came, he immediately avoided her and asked me to meet that woman. No matter what Keara says, I hope you will always be confident and strong like that," Nico said.

"Alright," Anya nodded with a smile at Nico.

"I'll take you to my uncle's office. He must be happy to see auntie come," Nico got up from his chair and spread out his hands. Then, the two of them walked out of the meeting room and headed for Aiden's office.

"Thank you for supporting me last night. If I hadn't seen him, I would probably still have doubts. Nico, you have done a lot for me and your uncle," Anya said gratefully.

Nico scratched his head, embarrassed by his aunt's praise. "I'm just passing the information to you and the rest is your own effort,"

"Anyway, thank you. If you need any help, just tell me," Anya said.

Nico thought for a moment and then said, "I'm going to meet someone and get engaged to her. Even though I don't know what Tara is thinking, once I get engaged, I won't be able to meet her as freely as I used to. If she's sad, I hope you can accompany her,"

"There is nothing wrong if you want to be with the woman you love. But I hope you don't offend other women. If you hurt another woman to come back to Tara, Tara will definitely reject you right away," Anya said. 

"The woman who will be engaged to me also has a lover. She just needs a fiancé on paper, same as my wish," Nico said with a bitter smile. "Indeed, we are all played with by fate,"

"Nico, trust your uncle. He has promised to give you freedom of choice and he will certainly keep his promise," Anya tried to console him.

She didn't know what to do other than comfort Nico because Nico would not be able to escape this fate.

Nico couldn't refuse to get engaged, but he was also afraid that the woman he loved wouldn't wait for him anymore!

Anya didn't dare think of the worst. What if Tara got married first before Nico got his freedom? What would he do?

"My uncle is helping me to get freedom, so I need aunt's help to protect Tara so that no other man can snatch her away from me," Nico said with a laugh.

Anya immediately realized. She rolled her eyes as she looked at Nico. "So you don't want me to stay with Tara, but to keep her from running into another man's arms?"

"So true! Ha ha ha…" Nico laughed.

Anya just shook her head, but her lips smiled. "I will try to help you. Besides, I like Tara too,"

"Thank you, Aunt," their conversation went on until both of them were unaware that they had arrived in front of Aiden's office.

Nico's tall build deliberately covered Anya's tiny body and asked, "Uncle, someone has come to apply to be your secretary. Do you want to meet her?"

"I don't need a secretary," Aiden lifted his head from the table and looked at Nico. "Has that woman left?"

Nico nodded. "Even though Uncle Galih comes to beg you, don't be merciful!" Nico couldn't wait to buy the Pratama Family company together with Aiden.

Aiden's lips curved slightly. Nico did not know how much preparation was needed to acquire a company the size of the Pratama Family's company.

But he believed Aiden could do it in no time.

He believed in Aiden, just as he believed that the sun would always rise from the east.

Aiden did not tell Nico that even if he could make the Pratama Family company stock drop overnight, he could not acquire it easily.

"I have my own plans. If you have nothing else, get back to work," Aiden said coldly.

"Uncle, the woman who wants to apply to be your secretary is very beautiful. Do you really not want her?" Nico asked on purpose.

Aiden raised an eyebrow. "Did you bring your friend to this company?"

"My friend is about to graduate from college. She has no other internship. How about you look at it first and then determine it?" Nico continued to pretend.

Aiden then looked closely at Nico. He could see a woman wearing a knee-length skirt hiding behind Nico's body.

He recognized the skirt...

"I already have a secretary," he replied coldly.

"When did you get a secretary? Why didn't I know?" Nico asked in surprise.

"Anya, come here," Aiden said. His voice sounded much softer.

Anya looked from behind Nico's body and asked curiously, "How do you know it's me?"

She looked really cute when she peeked from behind Nico's big body. Her face looked so bright, like the sun that melted Aiden's cold heart.

"Telepathy," Aiden waved his hand at Anya. Anya immediately ran towards her husband with a smile, throwing her body in Aiden's arms.

Nico smiled and shook his head at his uncle and aunt's acts who were like a young couple in love. Aware of his position, he immediately walked out and closed Aiden's office door.

When he got into the elevator, he saw Harris coming with a document. "My aunt is inside. If there's nothing urgent, don't bother them!"

"Why did Madame come?" Harris' face looked a little gloomy.

"When college starts, my aunt will do an internship at this company. You will see their intimacy in the company more often. Isn't that unpleasant?" Nico rolled his eyes and teased Harris on purpose, but his lips still smiled happily.

"If she works in this company, can she finish all the work?" Harris frowned.

It seemed that his tough days as an assistant were about to begin...

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