Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 317 - Deliberately Injuring

Chapter 317 - Deliberately Injuring

"Today, I'm not asking your opinion. Even if you guys are not happy about it, I will still marry Imel," Bima said firmly. He insisted on marrying Imel and gave her his last name.

"Dad, I hope you think about it carefully. At this time, Ivan still hasn't married and Nico still hasn't even had a girlfriend. If you get married before them and have a new wife, what will people say? How will Nico get married later?" Maria said with a displeased look.

Bima felt a little embarrassed after being advised by his daughter-in-law. He held Imel's hand. "Imel, Nico will have an arranged marriage with Lisa, the daughter of the Srijaya Family. His mother arranged everything. I'm afraid we will actually get in the way of the younger generation's relationship. I can only make you wait a little longer,"

A cold gleam appeared in Imel's eyes, but it only passed for a moment. She immediately gave a friendly smile. "Bima, as long as I can be with you, I don't care about anything. Ivan and Keara's marriage is also close. I also don't want to get in the way of my son's marriage and embarrass him,"

"If you are shameless, you shouldn't have done something embarrassing like this from the start," Aiden said sarcastically. 

"Is that how you talk to your parents? Do I have to die before I can have a good talk with you?" Bima took the tea glass on the table and threw it at Aiden.

Aiden hugged Anya's body and immediately avoided it.

But unfortunately, the glass hit Nico's head instead. 

"Ouch!" Nico shouted. Luckily the glass wasn't made of glass so the wound wasn't too serious.

However, the sound of the crash was so loud that everyone in the room was immediately shocked. Besides, Nico was acting out and exaggerating his reactions, making the atmosphere in the room even more tense…

"Nico!" Maria exclaimed, hurrying to her son.

"Mother, grandfather wants to kill his grandson now. My fate is really this bad. My father died young and my grandfather wounded me for a woman. I better just die!" Nico cried and shouted loudly, trying his best to put on an interesting show.

In these extraordinary moments, he forced his eyes to let out a drop or two of tears to make the atmosphere even more exaggerated. 

But after seeing Anya trying to hide her smile, his tears couldn't come out at all!

'Auntie ruined my great acting!' Nico thought to himself.

"Father, don't be angry. We're all family. We better talk about it carefully,"

"Having people like you in the family makes it uncomfortable to live in this house," Aiden's eyes filled with hatred as he looked at Ivan.

Ivan was not offended. He just smiled back. "I am sorry. All of this is my fault. Nico and Lisa are talking about marriage. Then, let's wait for Nico's matchmaking, then talk about my marriage,"

"Ivan..." Imel was annoyed to hear his son giving in like that.

Why did it have to be the son who gave in? Keara intended to cancel the engagement. So, it would be better if this marriage took place soon.

Just because Nico was being arranged too, did that mean he had to get engaged first?

"My head hurts a lot. My forehead is swollen and hurts so much! Looks like I'm going to die!" Nico was still crying in pain, completely unconcerned by what Ivan said.

"Mother, Keara is an understanding girl. She will understand. Plus, with my current condition, I can't get married. Better to let Nico get engaged first. I will prepare for the wedding after I recover," the smile on Ivan's face always looked warm.

Ten years ago, Anya had lost contact with Ivan. She just found out that the Ivan she knew was actually the second son of the Atmajaya family.

Over the years, he had lived as a part of the Atmajaya Family. Was this how his life felt like?

Ivan was always patient in facing anything, including insults from Aiden. Anya also did not see Bima's affection for him.

Anya didn't know if this was just her feeling or not. But why did she feel that Bima didn't really want to marry Imel?

"What;s the problem? Why did I hear Nico's voice as soon as I walked in the door?" asked Tirta, Tara's grandfather. He and Tara had just entered the house when they heard a noise from inside.

When he heard Tirta's voice, Nico's eyes lit up and said, "Doctor Tirta, you came on time! Help me. I feel dizzy. My heart is beating very fast and my whole body hurts. Am I having a concussion?"

"Bima, why did Nico get hurt like this? You should hold back your emotions," when he heard what Nico was going through, he immediately knew that Bima had done it.

Maria loved Nico so much that she couldn't possibly do this to her own son.

Although Aiden and Nico were uncle and nephew, they grew up together and were like brothers. He would teach Nico and advised him when he made a mistake, but Aiden would never beat Nico this badly.

"I… I didn't mean it. This is a mistake," Bima said.

Tara walked over to Nico and saw his current position. Ivan and Imel were sitting on the sofa. If Bima did this on purpose, did that mean that Bima wanted to hit Aiden? But he missed the target and hit Nico…

Her eyes were on Anya for an answer, getting a nod from her. After that, Anya looked at Aiden, making Tara's guess even stronger.

"My grandfather hit my head with a teacup. I must have a concussion and this must be very serious!" Nico said, tilting his head to lean on Tara's shoulder.

"Tara, looks like I'm going to pass out."

Tara immediately felt embarrassed to see Nico's behavior. She pushed Nico's head off her shoulder. "Nico, stand up right!"josei

"I'm dizzy and my head is concussed. I can't stand alone," Nico continued to pretend.

"Help Nico to sit on the sofa," Tirta said to his granddaughter. He pretended not to see Nico bothering Tara.

Everyone in the room could see well that Nico was faking it, but no one could tell.

Imel faced Tirta and said politely, "Doctor Tirta, today I invited you here because of Ivan's injury. When he was young, my son had an accident and injured his back. Can you check it and provide a solution for him,"

Hearing this, Aiden immediately looked at Anya. But he found that Anya was looking at Ivan.

Ivan looked at Anya with a smile. Although he didn't say anything, Anya could understand from the look in his eyes alone.

Ivan didn't blame her nor asked her not to blame herself.

This was what Ivan looked like. He always cared for everyone and carried his burdens alone. He gave warmth to everyone he knew.

He examined Ivan and then said, "After the operation, he should take care of himself and do rehab to prevent a relapse." After that, he examined Nico carefully.

He checked Nico's pulse and his head, checked whether Nico had a trauma or a concussion. But he could only deduce one thing, Nico was just pretending!

His skin was slightly injured, but it only left a small mark. The cup that Bima threw would not be able to do anything to Nico's thick skin.

Plus, with his abilities, Nico should have been able to avoid it. But he chose not to. Tirta could predict that Nico deliberately let Bima throw it at him to make Bima feel guilty.

"Tirta, is Nico badly injured?" Bima asked worriedly.

"Just a small scratch. Nothing serious," Tirta replied.

"Doctor Tirta, maybe I have serious internal injuries that cannot be seen with bare eyes. Please check again carefully," Nico kept trying to persuade Tirta and acted pitifully in front of him.

Tirta could only take a deep breath and follow the drama created by Nico. "Bima, why do you have to hit a kid like this? Your grandson is very handsome, what if his good look is ruined because of the scars on his face?" Tirta turned and looked at Maria. "Maria, please bring me some ice cubes to reduce the swelling on Nico's forehead,"

"I'm not as smart as my uncle. If I get hurt and can't get engaged, my grandfather can ignore my match and marry his girlfriend," Nico muttered unhappily. "Who knew if he accidentally hurt me like this!"

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