Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 322 - Something Naughty

Chapter 322 - Something Naughty

"Anya, what's up?" Hana asked when she saw Anya running out of the bathroom in panic.

Anya's face was still red. She didn't know what to answer.

She couldn't tell Hana that Aiden was so excited he almost 'ate' her in the bathroom. Cornered her to the bathroom's table and…

Aiden walked out of the bathroom calmly and hugged Anya's waist. "Hurry up and eat. There are important things I have to 'talk about' after we eat,"

Aiden deliberately emphasized every word firmly, making Anya slightly tremble.

Some people said that love and lovemaking could not be separated. As there was love, passion and untamable desires would also arise.

Aiden felt that he had really fallen and couldn't come out again.

He was a man with extraordinary self-control. But after meeting Anya, he had to repeatedly hold back, with great difficulty…

His wife was so sweet and charming, making him want to have her again, again and again…

After dinner, Aiden went to his office to take care of his work first. Meanwhile, Anya went to her perfume room to study and develop her new perfume which was about to be launched.

Time passed, Anya was so immersed in her work that she lost track of time.

Aiden had come to see her several times, eager to come back to 'work out' with his wife. But sadly, Anya didn't raise her head at all and didn't even look at him.

He took out his cellphone to take a photo of Anya who was focused on working and sent her to his group chat with Tara and Nico.

After seeing the photo, Tara immediately praised Anya. 

Tara: "Anya looks very beautiful when she's seriously working. Your photography technique is amazing too! I'm impressed!"

Nico's reaction when he saw the photo was different from Tara's.

Nico: "I guess my aunt is busy at work and my uncle feels neglected. He is upset."

Tara: "Aiden isn't as shallow as you. He can see Anya's best side and share it with us."

Nico: "Obviously he wasn't very satisfied."

Aiden sat at his desk, watching the stock market from his laptop screen. The curved lines were visible, like an EKG monitor.

Today, Diana suddenly woke up. She told Aiden and Anya to rest, so they decided to postpone their trip to the hot springs.

Anya said that after dinner, she would return to the room to continue their delayed 'exercise'. However, she was so busy with her work that she forgot about Aiden.

Aiden agreed to let Galih go beforehand, but he was very upset right now.

Therefore, he changed his strategy. He did not sell the shares he currently held and continued to press the Pratama company stock price.

Galih could not sleep tonight. His eyes were fixed on the screen before him. Seeing his company's stock price continue to fall, his heart felt tense.

At this time, it didn't seem like a good plan to contact Aiden. After all, it was Keara's fault that made Aiden this angry…

If Aiden could calm his anger this way, it's okay for Galih to lose a little money. But only a little…

"Sir, the stock price continues to fall. Do you want to buy it?" The assistant asked.

"Buy it!" At Galih's orders, several of his employees worked at the same time, investing large sums of money to increase his share price.

Aiden's face looked very calm when he saw it.

He had ordered members of his overseas companies to sell shares whenever the Pratama company tried to raise the share price. In the end, Pratama's stock price fell again, even though Galih had already spent a lot of money to stabilize the stock price.

Galih's heart was bleeding. The losses he experienced were enormous.

Keara didn't know this. As soon as she returned from dinner at the Atmajaya Family's house, she saw the light in her father's study was still on.

She immediately went into her father's room and said happily, "Father, I have good news for you. Ivan is sick!"

Galih raised his head and looked coldly at his daughter. "Your fiancé is sick. Is that good news for you?"

"That's not what I mean. Since he is still recovering from his recent surgery, he needs to rest. He can't marry me for a while so I don't have to be confused about how to cancel the engagement. This is great news!" Keara said with a smile.

Galih took a deep breath. He didn't want to talk to his daughter anymore and immediately glanced at his assistant.

The assistant immediately said to Keara, "Miss, Master is busy. If you have nothing important, you can go back first and rest,"

"Dad, what are you doing? Why is it so mysterious?" Keara looked curiously at what her father was doing. On Galih's large computer screen, Pratama's company shares were displayed. Keara was surprised to see it. "What happened? Why did our company's shares go down?"

"This is a result of you making Aiden angry. I've invested all the money to buy spices in the fourth quarter of this year, but Aiden is still not done," Galih glared at Keara. "Next time, use your brain before acting,"

"I'll call him now," Keara immediately took out her cell phone. As soon as she was about to call Aiden, Galih's assistant immediately took the cellphone at the behest of his master.

The assistant put Keara's cell phone on Galih's desk. "Miss, at this time, it would be better not to anger Mr. Aiden any further. When his anger subsides, he will stop,"

"He took the opportunity!" Keara said angrily.

"If it weren't for you, would Aiden do this? You are the one who gave up this opportunity with your two hands, voluntarily. Nadine's problems are still not over. Don't bother Aiden and Anya again next time," Galih said.

"Father, give your cellphone to me. If Aiden is mad at me, I can apologize to him," Keara walked over to her father's table, ready to pick up her father's cell phone on the table. But Galih's assistant stopped her again.

"Please take Keara back to her room. She is not allowed to go out or contact anyone without my permission," at Galih's orders, several servants immediately entered and took Keara out of the workroom.

"Father! You violated my basic rights. You can't do this to me!" Keara screamed frantically.

However, Galih ignored her. Seeing that his losses were getting bigger, he felt as if there were embers on his chair, making him unable to sit quietly.

Aiden was staring at the same screen at the moment.josei

In fact, he had no intention of buying the Pratama company. He only intended to teach Galih a lesson. At least, Galih would not be silent when Keara did whatever she wanted next time.

His actions tonight made Galih suffer huge losses.

Nico just finished taking a shower and saw their group chat again. However, no new messages came from Anya or Aiden.

Nico: "Uncle and auntie must be doing something naughty right now."

Tara rolled her eyes and scolded the man. 

Tara: "Nico, take the opportunity when Aiden and Anya haven't seen your chat. Quickly delete it. If Aiden finds out, you will die!"

Nico sent a laugh sticker and then deleted the chat.

Tara smiled slyly after seeing it.

Tara: "It's useless to delete it. I've saved it! Listen to my orders from now on or I will send this photo to your uncle!"

As soon as Tara said that, Aiden appeared too, sending a photo to the group.

Nico pressed it to open the photo Aiden had sent. His smile froze.

What was this? Aiden also screenshotted his chat!

The chat didn't even last for five minutes before he deleted it. However, Tara wasn't the only one threatening him, but his uncle too!

Nico really wanted to die. He immediately sent a crying sticker to the group and said very pitifully. 

Nico: "Uncle, I'm sorry! I'm guilty!"

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