Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 344 - The Label

Chapter 344 - The Label

"Look, Imel's glass is still empty," Maria said with a chuckle.

Upon hearing this, Anya immediately looked in front of her and found Imel's glass still empty.

Nico said he would pour wine in his grandfather's and Ivan's glass. But apparently, he didn't want to pour wine in Imel's glass.

And since Imel switched places all the way to the end, Bima probably didn't know what happened. Or maybe Bima knew but didn't say anything on purpose?

"Anya, raise your glass," Aiden took Anya's hand to her glass and made Anya wake up from her reverie.

There were seven people on the dining table. But only six members of the Atmajaya Family toasted each other and drank their wine happily.

Imel was so angry that her teeth hurt because she gritted her glass too much. She did not raise her glass. Wasn't anyone aware of it?

No one poured wine into her glass, no one cared whether she raised her glass or not. Bima didn't even look at her.

Bima was sitting too far from her, so maybe he didn't realize it. But Ivan sat right beside her. And yet her son chose to ignore her.

This made Imel feel even angrier. She could not sit still and enjoy a meal with only a plate of vegetable salad in front of her.

"Bima, I don't feel well. I'm going home first. Don't forget to take Ivan back to the hospital later," Imel got up and immediately said goodbye.

"Ms. Imel, we are just about to eat, but you're already leaving. Does the food in the Atmajaya Family not suit your taste?" Nico asked on purpose.

The food in the Atmajaya Family?

There was only a plate of vegetable salad before her. How would she know the taste of the Atmajaya Family's food?

Imel held back her anger and said patiently, "No, the food is very good. But I'm tired today. I want to go home and rest. You guys eat, don't worry about me,"

"You guys just eat. Let me and Anya escort the guest to the front," Maria took Anya's hand and asked her to stand up.

Anya was confused about why Maria asked her to take Imel. But she still followed Maria's words.

Even though no one liked Imel, at least they shouldn't embarrass Bima.

"Grandpa, drink up. I will continue to refill grandfather's glass," Nico poured wine into his grandfather's glass, which only had a little left.

Seeing all of his family gathered at the dining table, of course Bima was very happy. He was in a very good mood so he laughed and said, "Aiden and Ivan too, let's have a drink. Don't just keep quiet,"

"Uncle Ivan, you drink too little. Let me refill your glass…" Nico said.

Meanwhile, Aiden raised his glass and took a small sip. His eyes were on the door, worried for his wife.

Maria took Anya's hand and led Imel to her car. She also said kindly, "Next time you want to come for dinner, tell me first so I can cook the food you like,"

In fact, Maria wanted to say that Imel should give them the news first before coming and not just suddenly appeared and interrupted their event. That's very disrespectful of her.

Imel unknowingly considered herself a member of the Atmajaya Family so she could come and go. However, when she heard this, she felt very annoyed. Even more so when she saw Maria and Anya's good relationship.

Imel's eyes were fixed on Maria and Anya's hands, which were still holding each other and saw a pair of bracelets. The bracelet she had seen in Bima's study.

For a long time she asked for the bracelet but Bima did not want to give it to her. He said the bracelets were made a pair and meant to be passed on to the Atmajaya Family's daughter-in-law.

There were only two bracelets, one for Maria and one for Anya. She had nothing and what about her daughter-in-law?

"I'm not picky. I can eat anything," after that, Imel couldn't help but say, "Your bracelets look really beautiful,"

"This bracelet is a legacy from the Atmajaya family. My mother-in-law gave it to me and today my father gave it to Anya," Maria said with a smile.

Anya's eyes widened slightly. Only then did she realize Maria's intention to order her to wear the bracelet. She wanted to show the bracelet to Imel.

Imel was not a member of the Atmajaya Family. Although her relationship with Bima was not a secret, not a single person in the Atmajaya Family acknowledged her existence. Of course the bracelet would never fall into Imel's hands.

And in the end, the second bracelet was given to Anya.josei

But Bima had more than two sons. When Ivan got married, what would he get?

"You guys go back in. I'm going home," Imel's face looked very unsightly and her hands were clenched tightly.

"When Ivan gets married, do you need my help to prepare a gift for your daughter-in-law?" Maria could see Imel's anger so she held back a little.

"No need. I will prepare it myself. Of course I will not treat my daughter-in-law badly," then Imel turned around and said to the driver, "Let's go!"

"Be careful!" Maria's face continued to show a smile.

Anya watched the interaction between the two and felt like a spectator.

When Imel's car had pulled away, Anya said, "Sis, you are really great! Imel is really mad to death,"

"Don't be polite to someone like that. We are members of the Atmajaya Family while she is just an outsider. I never thought she could hold herself. I feel annoyed if I can't make her angry," Maria laughed and took Anya's hand inside. "Let's eat,"

After Imel left, the atmosphere at the dining table became more pleasant.

Ivan didn't say anything. He ate quietly and occasionally brought food for Nico.

Since the table was too long, Maria had to arrange the main meal in front of her father-in-law. Nico was so naughty that he spoiled his grandfather for the best spot, right in front of the main course.

He was the only grandson in the Atmajaya Family so everyone would immediately comply with his requests.

Bima knew that Imel didn't want to give up his seat, but he didn't say anything. Ivan also didn't defend his mother. Even though Imel left in anger, not a single person stopped her.

After finishing eating, Ivan got up first and said goodbye. "Father, I have to go back to the hospital immediately,"

"Uncle, when I'm done eating, I'll take you," Nico said, offering to give his uncle a ride.

"No, you just eat!" Ivan said, after that he said goodbye to everyone. "Sis Maria, Aiden, Anya, you guys talk to dad. I'll go first,"

Maria didn't have any prejudice against Ivan and Ivan never did anything to make everyone uncomfortable. His only bad luck was being Imel's son.

Imel caused all this to him.

"Be careful. I'll send soup for you tomorrow morning," Maria said.

"Thank you, Sis. I'll go first, Dad," When Ivan left his chair, he patted Nico's shoulder lightly and said goodbye to Bima.

Bima looked at Ivan a little uncomfortable and said, "Ivan, father..."

"Tell your mother not to come to the Atmajaya Family next time. Without your mother, you can become the second son of the Atmajaya Family. With your mother, you wouldn't be able to remove the label of illegitimate child from yourself," Aiden said sharply.

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