Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 350 - Fight!

Chapter 350 - Fight!

"Anya! How dare you insult me! You are disgusting!" Yura immediately stepped forward, ignoring everyone around her and grabbed Anya's hair.

"Ah!" Anya didn't expect Yura to dare attack her in public like this.

At this time, Yura felt very angry because she was insulted by someone who she considered not her equal. So she used all her strength to grab Anya.

"Say sorry!" Yura didn't want to let go of Anya's hair and tried to pull Anya's body to the ground.

Anya closed her eyes because of the pain in her head. It felt like her hair would fall out after Yura pulled it so hard.

However, when she heard Yura asking her to apologize, Anya's body shook with anger. It seemed, all the anger she was burying immediately exploded.

Anya threw the bag she was holding on the floor. She raised her hand and hit Yura's face with her palm.

Never in her life had Yura been slapped like this.

"I have no intention of fighting with you. But if you insist, let's finish it today. You have destroyed my reputation at school with slanders. I will sue you!" Anya said in a cold voice.

Yura wasn't afraid at all. "Don't think you can do that just because someone supports you. Just sue me! I didn't say anything wrong,"

Anya's eyes turn red with anger. "In the past, when my mother's photo circulated on the internet, you insulted her. Have you ever thought that my mother used to be a famous parfumeur and the founder of Amore? You hurt other people's feelings with your joke. But now you say you are innocent. Are you seriously asking me to apologize to you?"

"Your mother is a thief. She deserves to be insulted. Your mother stole the perfume formula and you took your own sister's fiancé… Ah!"

Yura's words felt like a knife stabbed into Anya's heart with a single stab. Anya seemed to have darkened her eyes and hands like a knife. She slapped Yura's face hard and shook her head as hard as she could. "You don't know anything, but you dare to insult my mother. If you want to fight with me, I will give you what you want!"

Yura screamed in pain. She did not expect Anya to be this crazy. Then she shouted, "Please, help! Anya is crazy!"

Seeing that the situation was getting worse, several of Yura's friends immediately stepped forward, trying to help. But Anya swung her hand at everyone who intended to defend Yura, terrifying them.

Finally, they asked for help from some male students to intervene.

Yura saw their faculty dean stepping closer to them. She immediately threw herself to the ground and started crying. "Anya, do you intend to kill me just because you have Aiden supporting you? This is a public place! You can't do whatever you want!"

Some people pull Anya's body. Her hair looked messy and her eyes were filled with anger. She couldn't get close to Yura and even though she was really itching to beat her up.

Their faculty dean shouted at the commotion, "What is this?"

Anya looked back and saw their dean coming. She immediately jerked her arm and removed herself from the grasp of the people around her, then tied her hair. She picked up her bag which was lying on the ground and walked towards the faculty dean.

She just submitted her internship application letter in the morning, but she got into a fight on campus in the afternoon.

When she got angry, she felt like she lost control of herself. But after seeing the dean of her faculty, Anya realized her mistake.

"Who can tell me what's going on here?" The dean said coldly.

"Sir, Anya suddenly hit me and insulted me in public," Yura shouted.

The dean looked at Yura coldly. Because Yura's family contributed a lot of money to their campus, their campus was forced to allow Yura to study there, even though her grades were not good. Her family had helped the campus so the campus decided to turn a blind eye to this girl's stupidity.

But this time, Yura was faced with the wrong person.

Before class began, Aiden had called the chancellor of the campus and the dean of Anya's faculty, asking that no rumors about Anya shouldn't be allowed to circulate.

On the first day of class, the campus even issued an announcement on the forum, website and announcement board. The announcement stated that all students should respect their teacher, be kind to their friends and not spread bad news. If there was one student on campus who spread a scandal to insult another person, that student would be expelled from the school.

Of course all the students who saw this announcement didn't take it too seriously, including Yura.

"Anya, do you want to say something?" The dean asked Anya.

"Yura insulted me in public. I have business and want to go. I didn't have time to deal with her, but she chased me and grabbed my hair. Everyone in this place witnessed it. I didn't attack her first," Anya said calmly.

The dean looked at everyone around him and asked. "Who is telling the truth? Anya or Yura?"

Several people decided to leave one by one before the dean noticed them. They decided it was better not to get involved and protect themselves. They also didn't want to go against Yura's family.

Anya turned and looked at everyone. "Everyone present at this place, like me, doesn't come from a rich family like Yura. They are all studying hard to enter this campus. When Yura insulted and hit me, all of you just watched from the sidelines, not daring to do anything to Yura. Now, when the dean wanted to know the truth, you all decided to shut up?"

Most people didn't want to cause trouble so they turned around and went somewhere else.

The crowd was getting fewer and fewer, only Yura and her friends left. And of course Yura's friends would defend Yura.josei

Anya laughed at herself. "Sir, I know Yura comes from a different family from a poor kid like me. If this problem is not resolved fairly, I will leave campus,"

When she heard that Anya intended to leave the campus, Yura immediately shouted, "This campus doesn't need immoral students like you. This college doesn't need a shameless woman like you, who harms your parents and throws her own father out of the house. Sir, students like this must be expelled!"

Anya's eyes swept around her coldly. There was not a single person who intended to defend her. She could only rely on herself.

After three years of studying at this campus, she had worked hard and studied hard in every subject. She was so busy studying and working that she didn't have time for herself. However, in the eyes of all her friends, she was just a lowly student who only aimed for money, a gold digger, an impudent kid who kicked out her father and a femme fatale who played with rich men.

"I don't demand other people to understand me and I don't want to explain to these ignoramuses who don't want to listen either. If no one intends to tell the truth, we'll just report it to the police," Anya pointed at the CCTV in the corridor.

The dean felt a little embarrassed because the CCTV was broken before the semester break and had not been repaired until now.

Yura saw the CCTV above her head and her face panicked. She whispered to the people around her and said, "Isn't the CCTV broken?"

"Yura, do you think the CCTV was broken and couldn't record what you were doing so you attacked me in this place? What a coincidence, this morning I saw someone fix the CCTV and now the CCTV is running smoothly," Anya looked at Yura, as if she was staring at a silly clown. "Do you want to confess, or shall we watch the CCTV together?"

"I..." Yura turned around and asked his friends for help.

"And you too. I wonder if you've seen the campus announcement about insulting others can lead you to be expelled from school," Anya snorted coldly as she glanced around her.

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