Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 363 - Perfume Competition

Chapter 363 - Perfume Competition

"Do you still have my diary?" Diana asked.josei

"I still keep it and bring it to this house," Anya immediately went up to her room to take her mother's diary. Then, she went to the perfume room to get the notebook that Esther had given her and returned to her mother.

Seeing the two books that Anya brought, Diana asked curiously, "Is the other book your notes?"

"This is Mrs. Esther's note. She lent it to me," although Anya was curious about what was in her mother's diary, she never opened it. She didn't dare to do it though she had the key.

Just like she knew that Galih had sent a love letter to her mother, but she never opened and saw the contents. This was a sign of respect she showed to her mother and Uncle Galih.

Diana took the key and opened the diary that was containing all her perfume notes. The longest date recorded in the diary was 20 years ago.

"This..." Anya was surprised to see the contents of the diary. "Didn't your notebook get burned in the laboratory?"

"Yes it got burned, but I kept a spare to record all my experiences in making various perfumes in this diary. I really don't have anything that I can give you. Think of this book as a wedding gift from me," Diana said with a smile.

Anya could feel her eyes begin to water and hot. "Mother, you are hiding something very precious..."

"Can't I hide a gift for my own daughter?" Diana put the book in Anya's hand. "Take good care of the contents. You can use this book as your reference at will,"

"Hmm..." Anya nodded. Then in a choked voice she said, "Thank you, Mom. I really like this gift!"

Anya never thought that her mother would leave this important thing for her. As a parfumeur, this book was like the most precious treasure…

"Is that Esther's perfume notebook?" Diana looked at the notebook that was on the table in front of her.

"Do you want to see it?" Anya immediately gave the book to her mother.

Diana took it and nodded when she saw its contents. "Esther is my assistant. She is very talented. In the past, she created a perfume which she named 'Innocent'. Even though the perfume was not as famous as the perfume made by me, it was also instrumental in raising Amore's name to fame. If Esther didn't make a new perfume, her 'Innocent' must be lonely in the long run," Diana talked about perfume like she was talking about her child.

"Mrs. Esther can't make perfume anymore. She had a car accident that made her forget the smell. She has to write down all her work to recall the scent she created and her notes are very messy after the accident which disturbed the nerves in her brain," Anya said.

Hearing this news, Diana closed her eyes sadly. "Esther is a very talented woman. Too bad…"

"I will never disappoint you," Anya embraced her mother's arm lovingly and comforted her.

She knew how disappointed Diana was when she heard this news because Esther was her assistant and student. As her former mentor, of course Diana wished Esther all the best.

Diana nodded and said to Anya, "Have you finished reading all of Esther's notes?"

"After reading it, I also rearranged it," Anya said.

"This is someone else's endeavor and can only be used as a reference. The experiences of other people may not apply to you, so you must be able to use your own thoughts and abilities to judge," Diana said calmly.

"I understand," Anya nodded.

"Don't you want to register for the competition? You must get ready immediately. I will sit here for a while and then go back to the room to sleep," Diana patted Anya's shoulder and told her to prepare herself.

Anya could only shyly grin in front of her mother. "Actually, I've prepared everything. I just need your permission,"

"What would you do if I didn't agree?" Diana asked on purpose.

Anya winked innocently. "I will continue to persuade you until you agree,"

"Darn you. If you have prepared everything, hurry up and register. Once the results come out, you have to tell me immediately," Diana said with a smile.

"I will return to my perfume room," Anya had prepared all the ingredients for this competition.

She designed her perfume concept which underlined her cheerful and youthful characteristics. She also wrote an inspiring story on the back of her perfume, presenting it for promotion.

Esther helped her to make a 47 second promotional video. She had also prepared a 10-page powerpoint presentation and recorded a video to explain the contents of her presentation.

She had prepared everything before her mother woke up and only needed permission from Diana to continue to the next stage. Apart from that, Esther also gave her lots of support and assistance.

Two days later, Tara accidentally discovered that Anya had signed up for a perfume competition and her videos were all over the internet.

Her videos for promotion and presentation immediately filled the internet.

Tara was confused and immediately told Anya that her competition materials had been leaked and spread on the internet.

Anya immediately checked the news on the internet and found that many people swore at her and insulted her in the comments section.

"What kind of perfume could a thief's daughter create?

"I heard that Esther Widyantara is one of the judges in this perfume competition. Doesn't that mean Anya is definitely a champion?"

"The jury of this competition is her closest person and she also has a very rich lover. Of course Anya will win!"

"It's disgusting to see it in this video!"

"Yes, this is disgusting. Just because Aiden gave her a perfume shop, she thought she was a parfumeur. Embarrassing!"

"I wonder whose perfume recipe she stole this time. Have you heard that the non-alcoholic perfume that this woman launched yesterday has a recipe very similar to perfume from Amore?"

"I also heard about it. It's clear that the new product from Amore is much better and more durable."

"Yes! Anya is just a copycat. She is famous only because she was the current lover of Aiden Atmajaya and had Raka Mahendra as her ex. No wonder her perfume sales are better than Amore. "

"Poor Natali. Anya has snatched her fiancé first and the man still loves Anya. What sin did Natali commit to have a sister like Anya?"

"Lucky I don't have a sister. I don't want to have an evil and cruel sister like Anya."

Everyone was competing to insult Anya. Some of Amore's loyal customers even came to Iris to mess up, destroying all the items in the shop. They even had to be taken to the police station for the chaos they created.

Amore had many loyal, fanatical customers. However, they forgot that they loved Amore because of Diana's perfume. They were forgetting the hands that fed them…

Some people berated Anya on the internet, making a petition for the competition committee to reject her on the basis of plagiarism. Some people chose to go to Iris in hopes of directly insulting Anya.

Anya felt like she couldn't breathe. It was as if her heart was about to come out of her chest cavity because of her thumping heartbeat.

She didn't care about what other people said about her. But she couldn't accept it when they dragged her mother's name.

Why did all this happen?

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