Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 392 - Disgusting

Chapter 392 - Disgusting

Anya saw Natali's panicked face and only replied with a cold gaze. "I kicked you out of the house because you didn't deserve to live in my mother's house. My mom doesn't even have money for medical treatment, but you occupy her house instead. Why are you doing all this to us?"

"You have killed my unborn brother and made my mother suffer the pain of not being able to get pregnant anymore. The house is compensation for my brother's death for my mother. What right do you have to kick us out of that house?" Natali shouted.

The anger in Anya's heart seemed like it could no longer be extinguished. Natali's words were like oil which fueled the flame of hatred even more. 

"What happened back then was your mother's fault. She was pregnant but she deliberately treated her stepchild cruelly. She slipped and fell down the stairs by herself, so why would you say it all as my fault? If I hadn't defended myself, or tried to survive, I would have died ten years ago. I'm not wrong. Why do I have to give the house as compensation to you?"

When he heard Anya's words, Aiden felt proud. His little wife slowly grew into a mature woman. Now, she was brave enough to defend herself and fight those who were cruel to her.

Finally, Anya knew how to treat unworthy people like them...

Previously, Anya was afraid that Aiden would look at her in a different way and blame her for this incident.

Ten years ago, she was just a child and Mona treated her so cruelly. If she didn't fight back and run away, she would be mentally abused.

Anya had also blamed herself for all she knew.

She was afraid that Aiden would think of her as an evil woman who deliberately hurt her stepmother, causing her to miscarry and unable to bear children.

However, if she didn't fight back that day, would Anya still be standing here now?

Could she survive, meet Aiden and live happily like this?

Anya then realized that none of this was her fault. Mona was guilty of beating her and Deny was also guilty of not doing anything to protect her.

"What right do you have to say that we are cruel, when you yourself don't want to save your sick father? Why do you always pretend to be a good woman in front of other people, when in fact your heart is so rotten?" Natali said.

Anya laughed hearing that. "He is not worthy to be called a father, therefore I won't bother to be the filial daughter to him. His love as a father is all for you and you don't want to give your kidney to him yourself. Do you deserve to be called his daughter and deserve his love?"

"You..." Natali didn't know how to reply to Anya's words. It was true that she did not want to donate her kidney to her father so she continued to buy time.

She hoped her father would find a suitable kidney donor out there. It didn't matter how much it cost, as long as it's not her kidney that had to be removed.

"Since childhood, you enjoyed the love of your parents. You are always pampered and loved. Do all the things in this world have to be yours? Raka doesn't love you because you don't deserve to be loved. You think everyone will always believe in you? How long do you think before Raka and Raisa open their eyes to the truth that you continue to use them as your sacrifice?"

"Raisa went abroad because of your actions. But you kept repeating the same actions and this time, you're using Yura to attack me. Do you think I'm scared to dirty my hands and let you off this time?" Anya couldn't hold back her anger anymore.

She got up from her place and was about to walk over to Natali. But Aiden grabbed her hand and tried to stop her. From this helping hand, Aiden hoped to reduce Anya's pain a little.

Seeing Anya's cold face, Natali felt even more scared. She glanced nervously at the two men lying on the floor.

"What do you want? If you dare to hurt me, father will not forgive you. Raka will not spare you too. Don't forget, I am the daughter-in-law of the Mahendra Family and the favorite daughter of the Tedjasukmana Family. When you marry Aiden, you will have no family. Everyone in his family will make fun of you!" Natali saw two men who were on the floor crawling towards her. She was so scared that her chair tumbled backwards and fell on the floor.josei

Her body was still tied to the chair so she couldn't do anything. When the chair fell, her skirt opened, revealing her white thighs.

The two men who were crawling towards her immediately charged towards Natali. One of them tried to untie the rope while the other one stroked her leg.

"What are you doing? Anya, hurry and get rid of these disgusting people from me!" Natali shouted.

"Disgusting people? You are disgusted by them, yet you prepared them for me," Anya looked at the two men, but made no attempt to stop them.

She just stared at them coldly. Even though she tried to stay calm, her shoulders still trembled a little.

She couldn't imagine what would happen to her if Aiden didn't save her in time!

"No, don't! Sister please, I was wrong! I am sorry. When I found out Yura was annoyed with you and wanted revenge, I should have told you. I really didn't hurt you. Yura did it all by herself!" Natali tried to avoid the two men, but the rope around her body prevented her from running away.

Anya didn't seem to care about her at all. "So far, you have always passed your responsibility onto others. I can't do anything for you now," after that, she turned and left. She didn't want to talk to Natali anymore.

"Anya! You bastard! No, no!" Natali saw the two men starting to tear her clothes, while Anya turned around and ignored her.

Anya turned and looked at her husband. "Aiden, just leave her to the police. That's the only way to make her aware of her mistakes,"

"Yes! Just leave me to the police. I will admit my mistake!" Natali's eyes flashed with hope.

"Let's go," Aiden closed Anya's eyes again and took her away from the place.

Before leaving, he glanced at Harris and the man immediately understood what he meant. Harris then ordered all of Aiden's bodyguards to come out and close the door of the room.

Anya heard Natali scream behind her, accompanied by the sound of cloth getting torn apart.

Her hand grabbed Aiden's arm tighter. "Aiden…"

"Forgiving someone like Natali is tantamount to injuring yourself. If you experienced this, do you think Natali will help you? She might even throw a party, whether you die or not. She wants to destroy you," Aiden said coldly.

He immediately took Anya back to the car. After they got into the car, all the sounds that could be heard outside immediately disappeared.

Anya couldn't hear Natali's screams anymore and she didn't want to think about her.

Due to her own stupidity, Anya continued to put herself in dangerous situations. Her suffering also made those around her continue to worry about her, including her husband.

If something happened to her, how would Aiden feel?

How would her mother feel? Could her mother still live in peace?

"Let's go home!" Anya didn't ask how Aiden would punish Natali. Nor did she try to defend Natali anymore.

They immediately left the place.

At that time, Natali did not have the strength to fight the two men. She could only try to cover her body.

"Don't touch me. I can give you as much money as you want!" Natali pleaded, trying her last resort to bring them back to their senses.

Unfortunately for her, the two men were already blinded by passion...

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