Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 433 - A Food That Doesn't Like

Chapter 433 - A Food That Doesn't Like

"Huh?" Anya looked at Tara confusedly.

"I didn't expect Nico to do this," Tara pointed her hand toward the car in annoyance. "So, don't ever expect men to understand our hearts. They only understand themselves. I know what makes you angry, but it's not a wise choice to torture your baby just because you are angry. Once I entered the house, I could already smell the delicious foods. Mrs. Hana must have prepared them downstairs. Let's go down and eat,"

"I thought you came here to comfort me. But you did come to eat," Anya laughed.

"I came to accompany you... as well as eating," Tara also laughed.

"Come down with me. I'm hungry too," Anya knew how much Tara loved food and couldn't help herself when she smelled delicious food. But Tara chose to calm her down first and invite her to eat together.

Tara was right. She couldn't stop eating just because she was angry. That was not the right choice.

If there really was a problem, it's better to talk about it with a full stomach.

Anya came downstairs with Tara. They had lunch together with Diana and Hana too.

This morning, Anya didn't have breakfast as she had to undergo an examination. That's why Hana prepared lunch earlier than usual.

Hana used ingredients brought by Tara. She prepared all the dishes while thinking about Anya's health.

Tara's eyes also sparkled when she saw this delicious dish. "Wow, these are all my favorite foods!"

"Is there something you don't like?" Anya teased.

"I don't like pears," Tara replied seriously.

The atmosphere at lunch was quite pleasant with Tara's presence. The anger that Anya felt had subsided and she looked calm.

While they were having lunch, a package arrived. It was for Anya.

Hana immediately took it and Diana accepted it because Anya was still eating.

'Isn't this…'

Looking at the package, the expression on Diana's face was a little complicated.

"What is it, Mom?" Anya asked.

"From France," Diana answered in a low voice.

Anya's hand stopped moving for a moment. She understood what was in the package. "Oh, just keep the package."

"Very well," Diana knew that her daughter had made up her mind. Without asking much, she immediately saved the package containing the document.

"What is it?" Tara asked curiously.

"An invitation to participate in a perfume competition. I'm pregnant, so I can't go," Anya said with a little disappointment.

Tara knew that becoming a parfumeur was Anya's dream. To miss this was to miss a great opportunity. "It's okay. After you give birth, you can continue your work in the perfume world," she consoled.

Anya only nodded in answer.

Diana came into her room carrying the package and opened it. As expected, Anya had successfully passed the registration of the Perfume Academy in France.

Anya had sent a registration form since she was 17 years old. However, there was never a reply from the academy until she won the prestigious perfume competition.

But now Anya was pregnant…

Her dream school had finally reached out to her. But due to personal reasons, Anya could not achieve her dream.

Anyone would be faced with several difficult choices in their life, be it once or many times.

But Aiden was a worthy reason for Anya to miss this academy. That man would always be Anya's number one choice, no matter what.

Diana respected her daughter's decision. She also didn't want her daughter to experience the same thing as her, not being able to have children because she was too busy working…

Tara felt that Anya was much more confused after receiving the package.

"Anya, what's wrong with you?" Tara asked worriedly.

"I am alright. I'm just tired and want to rest, "Anya smiled thinly.

"It was indeed Aiden's fault for hiding this matter from you. I will not defend him. But I want to remind you that he cares so much for you that he has to do all this. He will not risk you and your baby, because there is no risk at all. He already took precautions. Nothing will happen. All of this is part of his strategy. Do you understand what I'm saying?" Tara asked.

"I understand it. But if Aiden had told me first, I wouldn't be this nervous. Today is my first examination day. I was so nervous when I found out he couldn't accompany me. During the exam, my mother tried to persuade the doctor to let her in. But Aiden suddenly broke the door along with a lot of people… "

"Tara, I feel like a fool who doesn't know anything. Aiden never told me anything, but he wanted me to trust him unconditionally," Anya laughed bitterly. "I am also human. I'm not a doll…"

Tara nodded to hear Anya's true heart. "I understand your feelings. You want Aiden to respect you too. I hope he talks things over with you first next time. As husband and wife, you both need to communicate more often. I know you also want to play a role and not only be protected by Aiden all the time,"

"You do understand me. But why couldn't Aiden? He always arranges everything for me," Anya got up from her seat slowly. "All I want is my soulmate, my husband. Not someone playing a father's role to take care of me."

"You are not his daughter. I think he also respects you and always supports you. It's just, he did it in a different way..." said Tara.

"Somehow, I feel like Aiden is acting like a father trying to raise his daughter. He was even more happy and proud when he saw me winning the competition," after Anya won the competition, she felt that her relationship with Aiden became a little strange. It's not like a husband and wife who relied on each other.

She felt like Aiden was like a father managing his daughter, while she was the daughter who couldn't do anything…

"When he comes back, tell him what you think. I'm sure he will understand you if you tell him everything," Tara accompanied Anya to return to her room before returning to her own house.

When she went downstairs, Hana gave her a bottle of fresh juice. "Doctor Tara, Anya asked me to make juice for you,"josei

"Juice! Thank you!" Tara walked out of Aiden's house happily carrying a bottle of juice.

After returning to the car, Tara immediately told Nico about her conversation with Anya. Nico coughed twice and answered, "I already know,"

"How did you find out so fast?" Tara asked as she opened the bottle Hana had given her. She drank it and then her face turned green.

Tara immediately lowered the car's window and vomited the juice.

"Tara, what's wrong?" Nico could hear Tara's voice over the phone and immediately panicked.

"No, nothing. I just came back from Anya's house. While eating, she asked me if there were any foods that I didn't like and I said I didn't like pears. When I got home, Mrs. Hana gave me a bottle of juice, she said Anya prepared it for me. I'm very happy, but now I want to cry,"Tara grumbled, looking at the bottle she was holding. 

"Anya must be annoyed because I keep defending Aiden. Even though I'm her best friend…"

"All of this happened because my aunt and uncle are fighting. We both have bad luck. Auntie gave you pear juice that you didn't like. In the office, my uncle keeps yelling at everyone so that no one dares to come into his room," Nico took a deep breath.

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