Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 44 - On A Date

Chapter 44 - On A Date


Natali was waiting for her father in the car worriedly. It seemed she wanted to leave this place immediately and never come back again. Why hadn't her father left Aiden's house yet?

Moments later, Deny walked out of Aiden's house with hasty steps. Natali saw her father coming back with strange hands and her father's face looked pale, "Papa, what happened to your hand?" ​​

"Hurry up we go to the hospital!" Deny said coldly. He ignored Natali's question and hurried to order the driver. Natali didn't dare to ask again. She immediately opened the door and helped her father to get into the car.

After their car drove and they left Aiden's house, Natali couldn't help but feel curious in her heart.

"Papa, who made your hand like this?" Natali asked at last. Without the need to ask, she actually knew the answer already. But she wanted to hear it firsthand. She wanted to know if Aiden was really that cruel.

"Aiden." Deny replied, gritting his teeth.

As Natali guessed, Aiden did this to her father. Could it be that Aiden broke her father's hand in exchange for forgiving her?

"Has he forgiven us? Does he want to work with daddy's company again?" Natali asked.

Deny immediately turned his head and looked at his daughter. How could he have a daughter this stupid? Because of his daughter's stupidity, he'd lost cooperation with the Atmajaya Family. Because of her daughter's stupidity, his plans had fallen apart.

"You still dare to ask such a question? Don't you know who caused all this?" Deny's hand hurt so badly that he became even more annoyed when he looked at Natali.

Natali immediately closed her mouth. All of this was her fault, so her family company got involved. But that didn't mean she didn't have any other way.

Natali immediately tried to change the subject. She got information that might make her father a little happy, "Papa, yesterday I met Raisa. Raisa said, her brother, Raka Mahendra, will return to Indonesia…"

Instead of being happy, Deny actually got a headache, "Raka likes Anya, not you. Now, you have been dumped by the Atmajaya Family. How could the Mahendra family want to make you a daughter-in-law... "

"But we better not have anything to do with Aiden, pa. Papa saw how cruel that man was…"

Of course, Deny knew that he shouldn't make Aiden even angrier. That man was too dangerous. But it looked like it was too late. They'd provoked Aiden, awakened the sleeping tiger.

"When will Raka return to Indonesia?" Deny suddenly asked.

"Next month." Natali replied.

"Hmm ... You have to find a way to approach Raka." Deny knew that his way to approach the Atmajaya Family was tightly closed. Now, he must find a new path.


At Aiden's house…

"I'll get you tea," Anya took the initiative to make tea for Aiden to assuage Aiden's anger. Apart from that, she also wanted to escape for a moment from the tense atmosphere in the room.

After Anya went to the kitchen, Aiden decided to rest in his study. Hana followed him to the second floor because she was worried about Aiden. Harris was out at the moment, so no one was accompanying Aiden.

"Sir, why didn't you tell me that you were married?" Hana asked directly when they were in the study.

Aiden didn't mind Hana's question. Hana had been with him since he was little so they were very close, "What else can he do?" Aiden said with a faint smile, "If Deny finds out about my relationship with Anya, he will definitely use it to work with the Atmajaya Group."

Hana nodded. Seeing Deny's attitude firsthand, she could see how cunning that man was.

"Mrs. Hana, when Harris comes back, tell him to meet me directly." Aiden said.

"Yes sir." The moment she answered, Aiden suddenly turned his head towards the door of his study. Seeing this, Hana also turned her head in the same direction. She found a shadow visible from the gap in the door to the room.

Hana was shocked. How did Aiden know there was a shadow in the room? He didn't even hear a sound. However, Hana also felt very happy. It seemed Aiden's vision had improved! Or maybe Aiden could already see...

Hana hurriedly turned around and opened the door, seeing Anya who was carrying two cups of tea standing in the doorway. Anya's hand was holding two teacups so she couldn't open the door to Aiden's study.

With Hana's help, Anya immediately entered the study. Hana hurriedly made her way out, leaving Anya and Aiden to talk together.

After the door was closed, Anya put the teacup on the table and sat opposite Aiden. At that time, her brain thought so hard about how she should start the conversation. Should she apologize for her father's actions?

"Are you blaming me for breaking your father's hand?" Before Anya finished thinking, Aiden had already started the conversation. In fact, he didn't feel guilty about breaking Deny's hand. He did all that for Anya.

"No. You are not wrong. He forced me and wanted to take me home just because I was useful for him." Anya said quietly. Anya held her hands tightly, feeling very restless, "My father is a cunning man. He will keep bothering you until he gets what he wants."

Anya was worried that her father would not stop bothering Aiden.

"I am a businessman. In business I always consider the benefits I get. There's no need to worry about me." Aiden replied.

Apart from that, Anya was actually worried about their marriage.

"Aiden… I still haven't graduated from college. Before I graduate, can we keep our marriage a secret for a while?" asked Anya in a low voice.

Aiden was silent for a moment when he heard Anya's request. His hand that was about to hold the teacup in front of him suddenly stopped, "If you want to keep our marriage a secret, then how do we explain our relationship?"

"Girlfriend?" Answered Anya with a shy smile.

Seeing this, Aiden regained his composure. A faint smile crossed his face. At least, Anya was willing to admit that she had a relationship with him. He again raised the teacup in front of him, brought the tea to his lips and took a slow sip.

"What do people who date usually do?" He asked casually.

Anya blinked repeatedly when she heard the question, "Have you never been in love?" She asked back.

Hearing Anya's question back, Aiden cleared his throat and answered, "Do I look short on women?"

Anya noticed Aiden's handsome face, tall body, gentle attitude, great wealth…There was no way Aiden would be short of women! There must be many women who want to be Aiden's lover.

"No…" Anya honestly answered while shaking her head.

"I'm just wondering, how people your age fall in love." They had quite an age gap. Anya was still 20 years old while Aiden was in his 30s. Even if there were many women who wanted to be his lover, it didn't mean that Aiden wanted to date just any woman.

Aiden asked that while looking straight at Anya, making Anya feel embarrassed under that gaze. Looking at Aiden's eyes at this moment, Anya felt that the man was not blind at all. His gaze seemed to be trying to penetrate her, finding out her true heart.

Moreover, Anya felt a little embarrassed by Aiden's question. She was ashamed to have to discuss love issues with a man.

"I didn't date during college. Usually people who are dating will go on dates, take walks, eat, watch movies and so on." Anya answered. Her eyes were sparkling with longing.

"Didn't you date during college because you couldn't get over your ex?" Aiden asked in a light tone. That tone made Anya feel as if they were just chatting casually. But Anya still had to be careful about answering them. Aiden's mood could just change in a second if she answered incorrectly.

Aiden found out about her former lover! Of course the man did. Still, there was something Aiden didn't know.

"No. I'm busy studying and working. I have to finish my college soon. I also have to take care of my mother's flower garden to pay for my mother's hospital and pay for my college. When do I have time to fall in love?" Anya quietly answered.

"Then, since we are currently dating, let's date tomorrow!" Aiden said spontaneously.

"Eh? Dating?"

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