Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 442 - Old Photo

Chapter 442 - Old Photo

"This has nothing to do with me. If she hadn't done anything, news like this would never have appeared," Anya didn't care what happened to the Tedjasukmana Family at all.

She already knew that she was not part of that family. In addition, the treatment from her father, Mona and Natali, made her hate the name Tedjasukmana even more.

"But your name is also Tedjasukmana. I don't want you to get dragged into this," Diana's face looked sad when she said this.

Anya just shook her head. "Mother, we have left the Tedjasukmana Family for a long time. They brought it all on themselves, people will not misjudge us. This has nothing to do with us,"

Even so, Diana still couldn't calm down. "Until this matter subsides, I ask you to stay at home."

Anya could only agree to Diana's request, so that her mother would not be too worried. She spent her days with her mother at home, cooking together with Hana and making jelly to kill time.

At the same time, the Mahendra Family was in chaos. Irena kept on crying, blaming her husband for sacrificing her son's future for a land from the Tedjasukmana Family.

"Can you stop crying? Natali has done a lot of bad deeds and we can break Raka's engagement so easily. It's not as serious as you think. How could I possibly want to destroy my own son's future?" Rian said impatiently.

"My son is engaged to a woman like her. Even after separating, Raka's name will still be tarnished. My son's future is ruined because of you!" The more she said it, the sadder Irena felt.

"Who would dare insult the son of the Mahendra family? All of this was Natali's fault. Why did Raka have to take responsibility for what she did? We can say Raka was caught in an engagement with that evil woman. Don't think too much about it. Tell Raka to immediately go to the hospital and meet with Deny to discuss this cancellation," Rian said calmly.

"I will immediately contact Raka," Irena immediately ran to pick up her cellphone and contacted Raka. The sooner they cancelled it, the better it would be for their son.

Raka was in the middle of a meeting so his assistant picked up the call. After the meeting was over, Raka immediately contacted his mother.

"Mother, what's wrong?" Raka went to his office very early in the morning and today he was so busy that he didn't have time to pay attention to the news that was spreading on the internet.

Some of his workers who already knew about it did not dare to tell him

His assistant was just about to report the matter to him, but Irena moved faster.

"Raka, have you seen the news on the internet? Everything that Natali had done was revealed one by one on the internet. She had plastic surgery on her face, had an abortion, injured a classmate… You must leave that woman immediately. Don't ever get in touch with her again," Irena said hastily.

"Mother, I can't believe what people are saying on the internet. I'll investigate it myself. After that, I will discuss it with my father and decide later," Raka replied calmly.

"What for? Your father is beside me," Irena said irritably. After that, she handed the cellphone to her husband so that he himself would talk to Raka. "Rian, hurry and tell Raka to cancel the engagement,"

Rian received the cell phone from his wife and said. "Raka, hurry and go to the hospital to see Deny. Tell him, as soon as the Natali scandal spreads on the internet, the Mahendra Family name is completely disgraced by it. We have to get rid of it immediately," said Rian.

"Dad, this is not the right time to cancel the engagement," Raka recalled that Mona was currently in prison and Natali in a mental hospital. Deny needed someone to take care of him. Raka couldn't stand by and ignore Deny's condition.

"I don't want you to be attached to that kind of a woman. The longer you keep in touch with her, the worse your image will get. You won't be able to get a good wife if you are involved with her," Irena said, crying.

"Mother, calm down. I'm going to visit Uncle Deny this afternoon. We can discuss this matter at dinner tonight," Raka immediately closed the call.

During lunchtime, Raka immediately went to the hospital with a fruit basket.

"Raka! You came," when he saw Raka, Deny's eyes immediately sparkled.

"How are you feeling today, uncle?" Raka entered the room and put the fruit he was carrying on the table.

"Same as usual. It was so noisy outside that the hospital felt much calmer. I don't want to leave the hospital. Feels so tired having to work hard..." Deny said, as if nothing had happened.

"Regarding Natali… I'm sorry, Uncle. It's all my fault because I couldn't take care of her properly," said Raka.

Raka knew that Natali was not as smart as she seemed. He had warned his mother to keep a close eye on Natali. Still, Natali could find a way to cause trouble.

Bribing a nurse to abort Anya's unborn child…

The evidence was very clear. Natali would no longer be able to escape from lawsuits.

So far, Raka thought of Natali as his fiancée, so he was also responsible for looking after and supervising Natali.

"Raka, you are a good man. Natali is all grown up. What she does is her own responsibility and she must accept the consequences herself. This is not your responsibility. Today, you came to discuss your engagement matter with Natali, right? I agree that you want to cancel it, but there is one condition," Regardless, Deny was still a smart man. He had been in the business world for a long time, so he already knew what Raka's purpose was to come to visit him.

"Just say it, Uncle. As long as I can do it for you, I will definitely work on it," Raka did not expect Deny to agree immediately.

"I ..."

"Raka, don't you have a little bit of shame? When you wanted the land that belonged to our family, you got engaged to my daughter. Now that Natali is in trouble, you want to cut your ties and wash your dirty hands. Just dream! Your engagement will not be canceled," Mona immediately barged into the room and interrupted Deny and Raka's conversation.

"How did you get out of prison?" Deny was surprised when he saw Mona in his room.

"I tried to do good in prison and obey all the rules there. I asked for a respite because this was my first mistake and paid a fine to get out of prison. I've been in jail for quite a while, but you didn't even get your lawyer to save me. If I wasn't jailed, how could Natali do something this stupid and make a fuss? Deny, give my daughter back! You are the one who hurt my daughter like this!" Mona shouted.

"How dare you speak like that in front of me! Just look at Diana. She and I were divorced for a long time, but she was able to raise Anya to be a good woman all by herself. And you? You and Natali spent most of your life at the Tedjasukmana Family's house with a luxurious lifestyle, but your behavior remains the same. You are the one who made Natali like this!" Deny replied angrily.

Mona put one hand on her waist, while the other hand pointed at Deny and then roared loudly, "Do you regret divorcing Diana and marrying me? I don't want to live with you anymore!"josei

Raka looked very awkward for being caught in the middle of the argument between these two people. He didn't know how to calm the two of them, nor did he know how to leave this place.

However, after shouting at Deny, Mona turned her attention to Raka.

"Raka, if you dare to cancel your engagement to Natali, I will spread photos of you and Anya on the internet and destroy your good name!" Mona threatened.

"What did you say? Aiden won't just let you go!" Deny growled.

"My daughter has gone crazy because of all of them and she has been sent to a mental hospital for the same reason. I'm not afraid of anything anymore. If Aiden wants to protect that bitch, then let him be. I will continue to ruin their lives so that they can't live in peace!" Mona sneered. 

"Do I need to remind you of the photo that Raisa took when you and Anya were in the hospital's bed?" She continued.

Raka's eyes widened when he heard that. The expression on his face immediately looked complicated. He thought the photo had been deleted and was no longer there.

Raka did not think that his stupid sister really trusted Natali and sent them to her.

Now, the pictures were in Mona's hand…

"What do you want from me?" Raka asked calmly.

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