Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 447 - Never Returning

Chapter 447 - Never Returning

"Sir, what really happened?" Harris looked at Aiden in surprise. He did not think that Anya's name would be brought up in this matter.

"Anya is my biological daughter. Two DNA test results showed that Anya was of my flesh and blood. Doctor Tirta has served the Atmajaya Family for many years and the reports he gave couldn't be wrong. Harris has worked for you and is your most trusted right hand man. The DNA test results he brought from Hong Kong couldn't be wrong. The fault is in us, we cannot accept reality. If this continues, Anya will also suffer…" Tears dripped from the corner of Maria's eyes as she said this.

Harris could not swallow this shocking news. If Anya was Maria's daughter, did that mean Anya was Aiden's niece?

"Sir, your wife is pregnant now. Could there be an error from the DNA test results due to her pregnant condition? I will urge the attorney to clear your flight so you can retest," Harris said calmly.

He clearly disagreed with Maria's plan.

Ordering Aiden and Anya to divorce and kill the child in Anya's womb based on two DNA tests was very cruel.

"Sis, if you want me to accept this fact, let me do a retest. If the result is wrong or someone wants to mess up our relationship, won't Anya also suffer?" Aiden didn't want to give up easily. He hoped that a miracle would happen.

He hoped all of this was just a mistake.

"Aiden, Anya's pregnancy is almost two months old. When she enters her third month, the fetus will begin to form. Would you like to wait until that time comes before aborting it?" Maria asked.

"Why can't that child be born? If the results of the third DNA test can prove that the two previous DNA test results were wrong, the child can be born healthy," Aiden insisted.


"I don't care. I'll arrange for a retest. If the result is correct, I will divorce Anya and discuss the fate of our child with her. No one should tell Anya about this matter. If Anya finds out, don't blame me if I do something," said Aiden.

His voice sounded very cold and his gaze was sharp as if he wanted to kill someone.

Maria shuddered when she heard that. She also hoped that Anya was not her daughter. But her heart also wanted her daughter to return to her lap…

However, according to two DNA test results, Anya was his biological daughter. If this was the case, how could she tell Anya? How could she explain everything?

"I won't tell Anya," Maria replied in a weak voice.

"Madame, Mr Aiden and Mrs Anya have a very good relationship. Even if there is little hope, we must keep fighting and not give up. Let's hope for the retest," said Harris.

"Aiden, my heart hurts a lot. I can't wait long. How about we ask Doctor Tirta to do it again under our supervision?" Maria asked.

"Sir, Miss Tara will also be a part of the Atmajaya Family. Doctor Tirta can definitely be trusted," Harris felt the sooner this problem was resolved, the better.

"Aiden, can't you understand a mother's feelings? I can love my daughter from afar and not say that I am her real mother. But how can I see two people related by blood living together as husband and wife? Not to mention Anya is bearing your child!" Maria smacked her chest, as if trying to ease the pain in her heart.

"I…" Aiden wanted to say something. His lips moved, but didn't know what to say.

Maria tugged at Aiden's shirt sleeve and said in a loud voice, "Tonight you must separate. If you don't want to see me die, you guys shouldn't stay in the same place and resolve this matter as quickly as possible!"

"I'll part from her," Aiden said in his deep voice.

"When can the retest be carried out?" Maria asked.

"Sis, I want to spend Christmas with Anya. Please give me a month. I'll do the test before the pregnancy enters the third month," Aiden's voice was hoarse. He looked very tired.

"You are only lying to yourself. You lied to me when you said that you were going abroad to have that test. You just want to buy time!" Maria shouted. "Do you think I'm happy with this news? I also wish you and Anya's happiness. I don't want all of this to happen…"

"I never once begged you. I just want to spend Christmas with her. Just think of it as the last day I can be with Anya," Aiden's eyes looked very sore. He did not want to part with Anya.

He didn't want to…

Maria covered her face with her hands and cried. "I can't wait. I was almost crazy while waiting for Harris to return from Hong Kong. If you want me to wait until Christmas, you're going to kill me,"

Aiden could only clench his fists hard. "If you force me like this, I will take Anya away and never come back again,"

"You..." Maria's eyes widened in shock. She was afraid that Aiden would not want to part with Anya so she urged Aiden to part with her immediately.

But she didn't expect Aiden to threaten her like this.

"Madame, if the test results are true, Mr. Aiden will eventually divorce Mrs. Anya. After that, maybe we will never see Mrs. Anya again. This month will probably be the last month we see her. Please accept his request," Harris tried to persuade Maria.

As a person standing in the middle ground, Harris could think clearly.

Anya was still young and she had dreams of becoming a parfumeur like her mother. If Anya got divorced from Aiden, she would probably go abroad and never come back.

If there was no Aiden in her life, why would Anya return to Indonesia?

There was one more thing that worried Harris.

Nadine had returned to Indonesia, but she never appeared before the Atmajaya family. Accidentally, Harris met her when he was assigned to bring the test results.

Before Nadine disappeared, she was Keara's assistant and the two had a very close relationship.

Harris was worried. Perhaps when he met Nadine, he was so excited that he did not realize that Nadine did something to the test results.

But Harris didn't dare to tell Aiden….

This was an unforgivable mistake. He hid the fact that he had met Nadine. And he was negligent in carrying out such an important task…

Thinking that she might never see Anya again, Maria cried again.

"Sis, move to Nico's house for a month so you can see Anya often," said Aiden.josei

Maria's crying immediately stopped and without thinking, she immediately decided. She agreed to Aiden's request to wait until Christmas. She would appreciate every second she could spend with Anya this month.

Harris escorted Maria back to Bima's ward and then left.

Seeing Maria's red eyes, Nico felt worried. "Mother, what are you really hiding from me?"

"Don't ask anything, Nico. When I calm down, I'll tell you," Maria replied in a low voice. "Dad, I want to stay with Nico for a while,"

Bima wanted to persuade Maria to stay in the main house, but thinking about his daughter-in-law's feelings, he just nodded. "Okay,"

"Don't be sad, mom. Even though you can't find Nana, there's still me. As long as we don't give up, we'll find Nana," Nico hugged his mother's shoulder gently and tried to comfort her.

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