Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 458 - Step Over My Corpse

Chapter 458 - Step Over My Corpse

"I really can't do it. I'll pretend I don't know your plan and don't want to get involved," Mila wanted to protect herself and didn't want to accept the money Keara offered to her.

"You already know this. How can you not get involved now?" The smile on Keara's face instantly died as soon as she heard Mila refuse to be involved in her plan.

"Mr. Aiden really cares about Anya. If she miscarried, everyone in Iris would be investigated," Mila said.

"I won't miss this kind of opportunity," Keara didn't care about the fate of other people, let alone the employees at Iris. "If you get fired, you can work at my shop."


"I've decided. If you refuse, you won't be able to survive in Iris and I'll also make sure you won't be able to earn a living elsewhere," Keara started the car. "I'm going home, get out here."

Mila had no other choice but to take the bag out of the car.

If she helped Keara, Aiden would never forgive her.

But if she didn't help Keara, she wouldn't be able to carry on living.

Mila went straight to the ATM to deposit the money and then bought food for Iris' employees.

Since Keara's appearance in the city, Mila also felt pressured because Keara kept trying to take advantage of her.

Now she had fallen. Luckily, she still got money.

But Mila realized that if Aiden found out about what she had done, she would not be able to survive in Iris or Keara's Perfume.

Anya came to Iris early in the morning until late at night. Aiden wasn't home after all, so why did she come home? Maria's extremely warm attitude to her also made her feel a little worried. For some reason, she felt that something was up.

Something was different, everyone's attitude towards her changed.

Aiden hid everything from her and didn't want to say anything. Even Nico didn't know about it.

Anya could only be patient, waiting for Aiden's final decision.

If Aiden still chose to divorce her, she would respect his decision.

It didn't matter if Aiden did it for his own good or whatever, Anya wouldn't care anymore because Aiden chose to let her go.

During her cold war with Aiden, Anya thought a lot. She thought she knew Aiden from the inside out. But as soon as hardships came to test her, Anya realized that she didn't really know Aiden that much.

During the day, she was very busy taking care of Iris and at night, Anya couldn't sleep well. She also had no appetite for food, so instead of gaining some weight during her pregnancy, she actually became thinner.

The days kept changing until nearing the end of the year. The mall owned by Atmajaya Group held a big event so Anya had to help her own shop. Anya didn't want to smell too much perfume for fear that it would affect her pregnancy. Finally, she decided to distribute flyers outside.

She stood in front of Iris' door while carrying a pile of flyers and handing them out to everyone who passed by.

She didn't know if it was because she stood for too long, or because there were so many people there, Anya felt a little dizzy and nauseous.

Previously, her pregnancy was not that difficult. She rarely felt dizzy or nauseous. But today, the reaction was terrific. She really wanted to throw up.

She immediately gave the flyer she was holding to one of Iris's employees who accompanied her. "I'm not feeling well. I'll rest for a bit,"

"Are you alright? Your face looks pale," the woman asked in panic.

Anya just shook her head weakly. "I am alright. Just need a little rest. Sorry to bother you,"

Today, the mall was crowded with visitors and the flow of customers coming to Iris had also increased. However, in times of need like this, Anya couldn't help Iris because of her pregnancy.

She wanted to help make perfume, but she didn't want to harm the baby she was carrying.

She wanted to help distribute flyers, but her body couldn't hold on.

Thinking of the baby in her womb, Anya didn't dare to take the risk. After handing her flyer to her colleague, she immediately turned around and looked for a place to rest.

However, after a few steps, someone suddenly nudged her. Anya's body felt shaken until she fell to the ground.

Instinctively, Anya immediately tried to protect her stomach.

Her head hit something so hard that her vision darkened. She didn't know what happened to her.

When she woke up, Anya was lying on the hospital's operating table.

"Where is this? What are you doing?" Anya immediately got up.

"Miss, you had a miscarriage and now we have to perform a surgery," the doctor in charge gave her anesthesia.

Anya did not feel anything strange about her body. She didn't feel anything, the slightest pain.

How could she have miscarried?

Her hand touched her stomach and couldn't believe the baby was gone.

"No! I don't want it!" Anya immediately got down from the operating table and ran towards the door. "Let me go. I want to go out!"

"Miss, if you don't operate on time, you could be in danger," the doctor said, gesturing to the nurse beside him to pull Anya back.

The nun immediately grabbed Anya's hand, but Anya immediately fought her hard. She pushed the nun's body and shouted. "Don't touch me!"

"Please calm down! Don't get too worked up," the doctor tried to remain patient.

"Aiden, I know you're outside. Get me out of here. I want to go!" Anya didn't want to go near the operating table again and she couldn't believe that the baby was gone.

If Aiden wanted a divorce from her, she wouldn't make things difficult for him.

But Anya would never let anyone kill the baby in her womb, not even Aiden.

The baby was hers! The baby was her child!

She tried hard to maintain her health until she got the most beautiful gift on this earth.

She didn't want to lose her child!

"Where is Anya? Hurry up and open the door!" At the same time, Aiden's angry roar sounded from outside the door.

After his loud voice was heard, the door to the operating room opened and Anya immediately fled barefoot.josei

When she saw Aiden in the hospital corridor, Anya felt her eyes hot and her tears were pouring out.

"Anya..." Aiden called her name softly. Staring at Anya's tiny body that stood helplessly, Aiden's heart felt like it was torn apart.

Aiden heard the news that Anya suddenly fainted so he immediately rushed to the hospital. But when he arrived, he found out that Anya was in the operating room.

In his heart, he knew that the child in Anya's womb should not be allowed to be born. But when he heard Anya's desperate cry, Aiden couldn't do that.

In December, the air was getting colder. Anya stood in the corridor barefoot, feeling like her feet were being stabbed with ice. Cold and numb…

Without anything to warm her feet, she walked over to Aiden one step at a time.

But this time, Anya did not throw her body in Aiden's arms as usual, or wrapped her arms around Aiden's waist and shared all her fears.

This time, Anya stretched out her hand and slapped Aiden's face angrily.


The voice echoed loudly, as if Anya was trying to put all her strength in the slap. Her body shook a few steps, but she didn't back down.

Her gaze at Aiden was cold. "If you want a divorce from me, I will not make it difficult for you. But if you want to kill my child, step over my corpse first!"

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