Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 466 - French

Chapter 466 - French

Aiden took the tissue on the table and stretched out his hand. He wiped the tears in the corners of Keara's eyes gently.

"Pretending to be weak and crying in front of me is useless," Aiden's large hand caressed Keara's face very gently, but the words that came out of his mouth were completely the opposite.

Keara held Aiden's hand and kept it in touch with her face. "Aiden, can we start over? I don't mind even if you are married,"

"I'm the one objecting," Aiden pulled his hand back coldly. "Is this pretense still going on?"

"What?" Keara looked surprised at the question.

"I have no appetite when I have to eat in front of you. Please eat," Aiden's voice sounded cold, without any warmth. He rose to his feet and took his coat which he draped behind the chair.

"Aiden, many people are watching. Are you really going to leave me alone?" Keara felt very embarrassed. Aiden didn't care about her.

Aiden walked over to her and hugged Keara's waist gently. Then, he lowered his head slightly to whisper in her ear. He said in a cold voice, "Next time, don't try to act smart. I just wanted to take advantage of you, but you came voluntarily. Unfortunately, you can never take advantage of me."

Keara knew she couldn't hold Aiden any longer. She held Aiden's hand tightly and purposely showed a shy appearance so that everyone stalking them could get a good photo.

"I don't mind even if you use me. I'm even happy if I'm useful to you. Can you stop being cold to me?" Keara said.

Aiden's hand held Keara's chin, "If it's like this, we look like we're kissing."

Supposedly, Keara felt very happy when Aiden touched her. But Aiden's hand gripped her chin very hard as if trying to crush it.

After a few seconds, Aiden let go of her and left Keara alone.

Keara sat on her chair and saw the two dishes that had come. But somehow, her heart felt so empty.

Raka and Nico watched all of this with a chaotic heart.

"Do you see that?" Nico patted Raka's shoulder.

"I can see that Aiden doesn't care about Keara. He doesn't want to get back together with her, he only uses Keara to pretend in front of people," Raka said. "Why is Aiden doing all this?"

"Why did my uncle force my aunt to give up?" Nico was also confused.

"Is there something wrong with his health? This is just like a novel, don't you think? The man has a deadly disease. In order not to sadden her partner, he pretended to be mean to her. Is your uncle sick?" Raka asked.

"Impossible. My uncle is much stronger than a horse. He also has a healthy lifestyle and carries out regular medical check-ups. I'm sure my uncle isn't sick," Nico immediately denied Raka's guess.

"I couldn't find any other reason why he was doing this if it weren't for his health. Aiden didn't want to get back together with Keara, but he deliberately created various misunderstandings. He touched Keara's face, hugged her and looked like he wanted to kiss her…"

"I don't understand either," Nico's head felt like it wanted to break apart.

"He did all this to make Anya misunderstand. He even made himself look like a jerk so that Anya would divorce him," Raka didn't understand why Aiden was doing all this.

What was Aiden really hiding?

The only thing that came to Raka's mind was something that Aiden hid would definitely make Anya hurt.

So, Aiden decided to make Anya sad instead of telling her the truth.josei

The next morning, news about Aiden and Keara spread all over the city, both from the internet, newspapers and tabloids.

Comments on the internet immediately stirred a huge debate.

"Geez! How could this happen?"

"Keara recently canceled her engagement to Ivan, but now she's dating Aiden?!"

"Two sons of the Atmajaya Family chose Keara."

"Aiden, I often see you wearing sunglasses again. I almost thought you were blind again. if you are not blind, then you can see clearly, right? How can you choose Keara over the beautiful, young and smart Anya?"

"@ the comment above, let me answer your question. It's because the Tedjasukmana Family is poorer than the Pratama Family."

"Anya is too young. Keara has more experience."

"This is crazy. Aiden, if Anya is just a substitute for you, can't you see that Anya is much more attractive?"

"Aiden, have you separated from Anya? Don't tell me you're cheating behind her back."

"I support Aiden to get back together with Keara. They parted with their partners to unite their love…"

Anya accidentally read the news while she was having breakfast.

Seeing Aiden and Keara kissing in the photo, the spoon she was holding in her hand immediately fell to the floor.

She couldn't believe what she saw. Photos of Aiden kissing suddenly spread on the internet.

This was the revenge that Aiden did to her for her kissing picture with Raka. That's why Aiden also allowed this photo to spread on the internet.

Some of the comments on the internet were even worse.

Anya tried to stay strong and held back her tears. "Aiden, why do you keep trying to force me like this..." she muttered in a low voice.

"Anya, what's wrong?" Hearing the sound of falling objects, Hana immediately went to her.

Anya did not answer Hana's question. She went straight to her mother's room while still trying to hold back her tears. She unpacked her mother's nightstand and found the package she received a few moments ago.

She took out her cell phone and took a photo of a document. That document was a document of acceptance of her registration at the French Perfume Academy. After that, she sent it to her group chat.

Anya: I successfully passed the registration for the Perfume Academy in France. I am young and I want to pursue my dreams. Aiden, I agreed to divorce. I hope you can achieve your wish.

Tara: Anya, you are really great!

Nico: Tara, shut up!

Aiden: Congratulations. I'll be home later.

Anya smiled and cried at the same time. Finally, Aiden agreed to meet her after she agreed to divorce.

"Do you still want to eat, Anya? I've already brought you a new spoon," Hana looked a little worried. When she approached Anya and stood in front of Diana's door, she saw Anya holding a brown envelope in her hand.

"Thank you, Mrs. Hana. But I'm full," Anya took the document upstairs.

Not long after that, Tara called her. "Anya, did you see the news on the internet that you decided to get a divorce? When Aiden met Keara, Nico followed him. Nico said they didn't kiss. Don't be tricked by that photo!"

Anya laughed when she heard that, but her laugh sounded bland. "Following people on dates is Nico's specialty. Thank you for worrying about me, but I'm determined to divorce Aiden,"

Anya closed her eyes for a moment. When she opened it again, her gaze was blank and tears fell silently. Even so, her mind remained clear.

She already knew what she had to do...

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