Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 483 - Under The Rain

Chapter 483 - Under The Rain

"There, Madame," Aiden's bodyguard pointed at Aiden's car. He led Anya towards the car carefully, worried that his madame would slip because of the puddle.

In the distance, Aiden was standing in front of his car, staring at the two people who approached him coldly.

As soon as she almost arrived there, Anya immediately let go of Aiden's bodyguard and ran towards her husband happily.

Suddenly, her leg slipped, making her startled and screamed. Her hands instinctively moved and tried to protect her stomach.

Aiden rushed to catch Anya and immediately supported her.

As soon as she fell in Aiden's arms, Anya looked up and looked at Aiden's face with red eyes, "Aiden, I really miss you..." Without realizing it, she said what was in her heart at that time.

Aiden's throat felt tight. His Adam's apple was seen rising and falling as he swallowed hard. He did not dare to look at his wife's tiny face.

He threw the car's key at the bodyguard. "You drive,"

The bodyguard immediately caught the key and opened the door for them. Aiden carried Anya's body, afraid that Anya would slip again.

Anya leaned in Aiden's arms, enjoying her husband's embrace. It was rare for her to get this hug.

Her eyes that were full of hope glued to Aiden's face, as if she couldn't take her eyes off her husband's handsome face.

Aiden put Anya down on the chair and took a blanket to warm Anya's feet. Then, he said to his bodyguard. "Back home."

From time to time, Anya glanced at Aiden. After getting into the car, Aiden just leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes, not saying a word.

Hana said that yesterday Aiden sat alone in the family room until late at night, staring at the front door, as Anya usually did.

Anya could see that the man couldn't sleep well last night so his face looked tired today.

He just stared at Aiden's face, not wanting to disturb his rest.

At first, Anya only dared to glance at Aiden for fear that he would suddenly wake up.

But when she realized that Aiden's eyes were kept closed like he was sleeping, Anya finally dared to openly look at his face.

"Are you not satisfied enough to see it?" Aiden didn't open his eyes, but he could feel Anya's gaze on him.

"Not yet. After this, I can't see your face anymore. I want to see your face as long as I can," Anya tilted her head and leaned on Aiden's shoulder.

The sky rained again. The downpour was hard enough to obstruct the view ahead. Aiden's guards did not dare to drive too fast so that their car went slower.

Anya stretched out her hand and took the initiative to pull Aiden's hand towards her. Aiden was about to refuse when he heard Anya's low voice, "Just today, can you return my Aiden, the Aiden who loves me with all his heart?"

Aiden was heartbroken to hear that. He could only hold Anya's hand tightly.josei

Anya saw two pairs of hands that were tightly intertwined. Without realizing it, her tears were already flowing. She looked into her husband's face and saw the same pain she felt.

"Won't you give up on this divorce?" She asked in a sad voice.

"Anya, I don't want to hurt you. Don't make me hurt you more than this," Aiden's face was tense. He tried to endure the pain in his heart.

"You still love me, right?" Anya hugged Aiden and kissed his lips.

Anya's lips were so soft and sweet, that Aiden couldn't help refusing her.

But when he thought about Maria, Aiden immediately pushed Anya's body away from him.

"If you cause trouble again, I'll drop you in the middle of the way," Aiden shouted.

Anya's eyes widened. She looked at Aiden with a strange look.

'Can we really not go back to how we used to be?'

She didn't even know when exactly did she lose the ever loving man named Aiden.

Right now, the Aiden in front of her was the cold-hearted Aiden.

Anya slightly moved away from Aiden and leaned her head, looking out the window. She did not dare to oppose him. She was afraid that she would literally be left in the middle of the road and not be able to spend this Christmas with Aiden.

It usually took about 30 minutes to arrive home. However, since the rain was so heavy today, the road became jammed so they had no choice but to stop.

Not long after, the rain started to stop and there was only a little light remaining. However, their car still couldn't go home.

Their house was close enough, but it looked like they would be trapped here for a while.

"Are you going to walk home?" Aiden looked out the window and realized that the rain had started to stop.

Somehow, he wanted to get out and walk in the rain. It had been a long time since he spent time and walked out with Anya.

Anya immediately nodded.

Aiden came down with an umbrella. Meanwhile, his other hand was holding Anya's, worried that Anya would slip again.

The water from the rain reflected the streetlights, making the night seem brighter.

The shops around played various Christmas carols, making the atmosphere warm despite the cold rain.

Anya let go of Aiden's hand and moved away from the umbrella. She wanted to feel the raindrops falling on her head.

Her hands rose as the raindrops dripped one after another. Her head looked up, inhaling the scent of the earth mixed with raindrops, creating a soothing aroma.

Anya looked very happy...

Aiden closed his umbrella and followed Anya.

He also looked up at the sky and felt the beauty of this world from his wife's point of view. Such a simple thing could make his little wife happy.

He really loved this innocent and simple Anya.

"Do you like rain?" Aiden asked while still looking towards the sky.

Thick clouds covered the sky, making the moon and stars invisible. However, the glow from the city still shone very beautifully, not detracting from the beauty of Christmas Eve.

"I love rain. The scent makes me feel calm," Anya spread her arms and turned in the rain.

After several turns, Aiden immediately caught Anya's body, worried that the spinning would make her head dizzy. "Come on, let's go back. The rain is getting heavier,"

Aiden held Anya's hand that felt so cold.

"Aiden, your hands are very warm," Anya smiled sweetly and looked up at Aiden's face. She took off the scarf she was wearing and used it to rub Aiden's wet hair.

Aiden took over the scarf and used it to dry Anya's hair. He didn't care if he got soaked wet. He just didn't want Anya to get sick.

His hand rubbed her head gently, growing seeds of hope in her heart again.

"Why do you want to separate from me?" Anya looked at him, hoping her question would get an answer this time.

Aiden didn't answer. But he held Anya's hand tighter as they walked back to the house.

Once home, Anya saw a large Christmas tree in the house. Under the tree were various gift packages and their entire house was decorated with a Christmas atmosphere.

"Sir, Anya, you are back!" Hana saw that their clothes were slightly wet and immediately brought them towels.

"Mrs. Hana, we walked home together under the drizzle," Anya said. Even though she was caught in the rain and her body was wet, her face was still filled with happiness.

When she heard Anya's words, Hana felt her eyes hot and almost cried.

Aiden let go of Anya's hand and took out his cell phone from his pocket.

His phone kept vibrating, but he didn't want to spoil the beautiful atmosphere of walking home with Anya so he didn't answer it.

He saw who was calling him and found that it came from the Atmajaya Family's main house.

"What's wrong?" Aiden answered the cellphone while walking upstairs.

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