Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 49 - Job Interview

Chapter 49 - Job Interview

After breakfast, Aiden went straight to the office together with Harris. After Aiden and Harris left for work, Anya immediately got ready to go to her job interview.

She was still stunned every time she opened the door to her closet where luxury clothes were perfectly lined up. The clothes were too fancy for her to wear at this point so she decided to wear her own clothes. ​​

She was wearing a white shirt and black trouser that looked polite. Her long hair was tied into a ponytail, making her long neck stand out. Her reflection in the mirror looked like a college girl looking for a job. She didn't look like a married woman at all.

A knock on the door was heard after Anya finished changing clothes. When Anya opened the door to her room, it turned out that Hana was standing in the doorway, looking at her with a big smile. It seemed like Aiden told Hana that she was going for a job interview today so she took the initiative to help Anya get ready.

"Anya, you are very beautiful today." Said Hana when she saw that Anya was already neat. Her gaze swept from toe to head.

Anya only smiled shyly to answer Hana's praise.

Hana tilted her head slightly as she looked at Anya's face, feeling that something was missing, "Maybe if you use lipstick, you will look more professional." She said.

"I don't have lipstick. I've never used it." Anya replied, smiling awkwardly.

Hana just blinked when she heard that. It seemed like Anya had never touched the dressing table in her dressing room so she didn't know that the dressing table was filled with things for her.

She invited Anya to go to the dressing table and opened the drawer in front of her. Anya was surprised to see various brands of expensive lipsticks with different colors. Aiden not only prepared a pile of clothes for her, but also various kinds of makeup tools that she didn't even know its name.

Anya never flipped through the drawers in her bedroom carelessly because she still felt that none of this belonged to her. Therefore, she was very surprised when she saw a very complete variety of make-up tools in the drawer. Girls who liked to dress up would definitely think of this dressing table as heaven.

"Anya, do you need a make-up artist? I can call him for you." Hana asked when she saw Anya confused.

Anya gawked a little when she heard that question, 'The life of a rich person is completely different...'

"No, Mrs. Hana. This is just a job interview. No need to dress up too much." Anya replied with a smile.

As she said, Anya didn't need to wear heavy makeup. She only wore a little powder and a light pink lipstick.

Hana smiled as she looked at Anya's face. Her face was filled with satisfaction, "Anya, you do have natural beauty. Even without a lot of make-up, you look very beautiful."

Anya's cheeks flushed when she was praised like that. She thanked Hana shyly then said goodbye to her, "Mrs. Hana, I'll go first."


At 9.30, Anya arrived in front of a large mall, escorted by Abdi. The Rose Scent shop, where she would be interviewed, was inside the large mall.

"Madame, I will be waiting for you in the parking lot. When you're done, you can call me. I will pick you up at this place again." Abdi said. Even though Anya had repeatedly asked Abdi not to be too formal with her, the man still spoke very respectfully to her. In the end, Anya could only give up.

"Good, Sir. Thank you for driving me." Anya replied as she got out of her car.


Many people were relaxing and sitting in the mall cafe. Even if it was still morning, the mall was busy with visitors for shopping or just sightseeing. When they saw the luxurious black car pull up in front of the mall entrance, everyone immediately looked at the car with curiosity. They wanted to see who owned the car.

From inside the car, Anya could see the crowd that slowly gathered outside. But she really had to come down. She couldn't be late heading to Rose because this was her dream job.

She took a deep breath and got out of the car.

Seeing Anya stepping out of the car, everyone started whispering. Some people take out their cell phones to take photos of Anya. Everyone knew Anya's face from the news circulating. Her face was once plastered in the news along with Aiden Atmajaya. How could people not recognize her?

"Aren't you afraid to take the photo? What if the Atmajaya Family sues you?" Someone asked her friend who took out her cellphone to take Anya's photo. josei

"I'm not going to spread it on the internet. At least I want to send it to my other friends."

The woman could only surrender to see her friend's behavior. She didn't want to interfere with a super rich family like the Atmajaya Family. They were a dangerous family.

"Why do you think Aiden could fall in love with this woman, huh? Look at her shabby clothes. Her bag is cheap too. What good is she compared to Natali Tedjasukmana?"

"Can't you see? Even though she was poor, she had a very beautiful face. What kind of man would not be blinded by such a beauty?"

Her friend immediately nodded in agreement. It could not be denied that Anya was indeed very beautiful.

"She just relies on her face to find a rich man." She replied bitterly.


It wasn't only the two people that talked about Anya from behind. Almost everyone around her stared at her, whispering and pointing at her as if Anya couldn't see any of it.

'I don't know what they are talking about ...' Anya stepped firmly. She didn't do anything wrong, so why should she be afraid? Why did she have to hide?

She immediately headed for the Rose Scent shop with bold steps, ignoring the eyes of the people around her.

As soon as she arrived at the shop, she immediately approached one of its employees who was at the checkout counter. The shop had just opened so there were still no visitors, only a few employees were seen dusting the window.

"Good morning." Said Anya.

This greeting made the clerk at the checkout counter lift her head and stare at Anya in surprise.

"My name is Anya. I came to apply for a job to become a perfumer assistant." She told the employee politely.

However, Anya did not receive the same reply. The clerk just stared at her for a moment without returning her greeting and immediately shouted loudly at her manager, "Manager, someone came to apply for a job." Then, she continued her work again, ignoring Anya.

While waiting for the manager to come, Anya swept her gaze across the shop. The shop was arranged in a very elegant manner, predominantly in white, beige and pink, colors that were favored by young women. The shop's scent was also very fragrant, a mixture of various kinds of perfume on the display windows.

Her gaze landed on the two other employees who were whispering. No need to clearly hear what they are talking about. From their glances alone, Anya could already tell that the two women were talking about her.

Anya could only take a deep breath, trying to ignore them.

"Is that her?" Whispered one of the employees to her colleague.

"Hmm ... I think so." Her partner replied as she glanced at Anya, making sure that the person they saw and thought was the same.

"She took someone else's fiancé? Is that true…?"


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