Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 490 - Believe What I See

Chapter 490 - Believe What I See

"Nico, wait!" Maria immediately held Nico's hand tightly before her son could leave there.

Nico noticed that there were scratches and bites on his mother's hands and arms.

"Mother, what happened to your hand?" Nico immediately took his mother's hand. "How could you get hurt like this?"

"Nico, listen to me! Don't go to the hospital. Anya doesn't know anything. If you tell her, she will suffer even more!" Maria said.

"Mother..." With a deep sigh, Nico helped his mother back to the sofa and asked a servant to call a doctor.

"I don't want to see a doctor. What should I say if they ask about my wound…" Maria didn't go to the hospital nor did she call the doctor to the house.

"If you don't trust anyone, at least you believe in Tara, right? I will ask her to come and help treat your wounds," Nico said.

Maria only nodded. Once she got a call from Nico, Tara immediately took her medicine box and headed to the Atmajaya Family house.

She didn't say a word. She just treated the wound with care without asking.

"Tara, why don't you ask how I got this wound?" Maria asked in a low voice.

"I… don't want to know," Tara could already guess what happened.

Even though Nico didn't tell her anything, Tara wasn't a thoughtless fool. Maria suddenly got cuts and bites, and Anya miscarried. How could she not know?

"Tara, about what happened..."

"I didn't come to this house today. I see nothing and know nothing," Tara said calmly.

Nico looked at his mother. "Don't worry, mom. We can trust her,"

"The bite wound was quite severe and was not treated on time. Looks like there's a little infection. Do you want to go to the hospital or just let me treat it?" Tara asked.

"You do it," Maria replied.

Tara took out the injection from her bag and immediately gave it to Maria.

"Get plenty of rest. Don't work too much or the wound will reopen later. They will heal in a few days," Tara said expressionlessly.

She was a very cheerful person. But tonight, she seemed too quiet and calm.

Maria couldn't help asking, "Tara, I heard you moved out of Nico's house."

"Nico's house is too far from my clinic. Besides, my grandfather is lonely at home. I want to accompany him," Tara replied with a thin smile.

"Did you fight with Nico?" Maria asked anxiously.

"Nico and I have been friends for a long time and we have a very good relationship. We didn't fight."

Maria frowned at Tara's answer. "Tara, is it because of Anya's problem that you are disappointed with our family? All of this was my doing, it had nothing to do with Nico. Nico really likes you and wants to spend the rest of his life with you. I can also confirm that what happened to Anya will never happen to you."

"I only believe what I see. And I have my own judgment. I don't need to stay longer there, I'll go home. Grandpa is still waiting for me at home," Tara immediately tidied up her things.

Nico lifted his head and looked at Tara longingly.

He couldn't say anything, because what he was about to say would only hurt Anya and also Tara.

Tara and Anya had a very close friendship. Nico didn't dare to take the risk. He was afraid that Tara would tell the truth to Anya.

"Tara, do you really want to separate from Nico?" Maria asked again.

Tara closed her medicine box. Her hand paused from moving for a moment before she answered in an even voice, "Yes."

As if not hearing what Tara said, Nico took the initiative to help her carry her medicine box. "I'll take you home."

Tara didn't turn down Nico's offer. As soon as they walked out the door, Tara stared at him. "You know why your family is doing this, right?"

"I know, but I can't say it. My family does this for my aunt. After she left, I'll tell you everything," Nico replied calmly.

"Don't tell me your uncle did all this to help Anya achieve her dream of becoming a parfumeur. She can do it without divorcing and killing her child!" Tara's words sounded very sharp.

"Tara, I promise you I will tell you everything after aunty leaves. But now, I really can't say anything. Otherwise, everything will be in vain," Nico said. "You believe what you see and you have your own judgment. Do you believe that my mother is that cruel?" Nico asked calmly.josei

"I… Your mother is a very good person. But she has killed Anya's child. This is really cruel," Tara said sadly.

"My mother's heart also broke when she did it. My mother never hurt anyone in her life. She was even willing to raise my dad's illegitimate child, whom he brought from outside, like her own flesh and blood. My mother is a good person," Nico tried to defend his mother.

Indeed, what his mother did this time was not right. But she was forced to do it. For the good of everyone…

"I will wait for you to tell the truth. I want to know what reason could make you justify this cruelty," after leaving the Atmajaya Family house, Tara returned to the hospital again.

She wanted to meet Anya. She wanted to see her friend.

Aiden threw her out when she went there with Nico. But she didn't want to give up and try her luck again.

When she arrived in front of Anya's room, Tara saw that Aiden's bodyguard was still there, but the man couldn't be seen anywhere near.

"Miss Tara, please come in," this time, the guard didn't stop her.

"Will Aiden let me in?" Tara asked in surprise.

"Mr. Aiden has allowed you to accompany Madame while she is in the hospital. This is for you," the guard said, handing her an envelope.

Tara didn't take the envelope and just stared at it blankly. "Tell your master. I came to accompany my best friend, not for money," after that, she passed the guard and entered Anya's room.

Anya was alone in the room. She was not lying on her bed, but sat on the sofa by the window, looking outward with a blank gaze.

Her body looked thin and weak. The oversized hospital outfit made her look like a child stealing adult clothes.

"Anya, what are you looking at?" Tara walked over to her and pretended to be calm, even though she was really panicking. "I'm very busy today and I haven't eaten yet,"

Anya seemed to wake up as soon as Tara asked her to talk. She kept staring out of the window and said, "There is soup and some food on the table. You can eat it. If you want, help yourself and warm it in the microwave,"

"Do you want to accompany me?" Tara took the food on the table and intended to warm it for Anya. 

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