Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 516 - Lunch

Chapter 516 - Lunch

"I agree, on one condition too," Aiden said.

"What is that?" Anya asked.

"As long as you work at Iris, you will have your lunch here with me," Aiden conveyed what he wanted.

Anya lifted her head and looked at Aiden in disbelief. "You're the CEO. Why don't you find someone else to accompany you to eat?"

"I only want you to accompany me. If you promise to accompany me to lunch every day, I will remove the two-year limit clause and you also don't have to pay the penalty fee," Aiden said.

Anya bit her lip and thought about it seriously.

It wouldn't hurt for her to accompany Aiden to lunch. Plus Hana's cooking was very delicious.

Iris' location was also very close to the Atmajaya Group so that she wouldn't get tired even if she had to go to Aiden's office. 

But she still had to work at Iris for one year. Did that mean, Anya had to eat lunch together with Aiden for one year?

Anya had nothing to lose. But she didn't know whether her heart would still be fine...

"How long do I have to have lunch with you?" Anya asked.

"One year," Aiden replied curtly.

"It's so long. How about one month?"

"Half a year."

"Half a year is also too long. Three months!" Anya bargained.

"Alright, three months. Deal!" Aiden said.

Three months was enough for Aiden to investigate everything.

If Aiden found out that Anya was not his niece and it turned out that Keara did all this, he would not just let her be.

Anya finally returned to Indonesia after being away for three years. And Aiden could only feel safe when Anya was by his side.

Seeing Aiden so quickly agreed to her, somehow Anya felt cheated. From now on, she must come to the Atmajaya Group and have lunch with Aiden.

"I also want to talk about something. I'm going to enter a perfume competition and I want to use Iris' perfume room. I don't want to work on the front and also don't want to get in touch with people in Iris," Anya said.

"You are Iris' employee and you must obey your leader. The person who can determine it is Mrs. Esther because she is in charge of Iris," Aiden said. "Plus, I want to remind you that all the perfume formulas you've made up till now belong to Iris, not yours. Just like your mom can't claim the perfume recipes from Amore. Do you understand?"

Anya was so angry that she couldn't get back at Aiden.

It made no difference talking to Aiden or his lawyer. Aiden was also good at arguing so Anya would never win.

Seeing her failure today, Anya could only surrender and work for Aiden for one year, then made a new agreement to remove her boundary clause.

If she was worth 10 billion in Aiden's eyes, that meant she could ask for a raise, right? At least she didn't want to suffer a loss today.

"I can go back to work on Monday, but can you raise my salary?" Anya asked.

"How much do you want?"

Anya did not think Aiden would ask her right away. She had not found out about the average salary of a parfumeur in Indonesia.

"The more the better. How much do you think I deserve?" Anya didn't know so she could only ask in return.

Aiden looked straight at Anya and replied, "I think I can refuse a raise from an employee who hasn't worked for two years."

Anya immediately lowered her head in annoyance. Even though she felt angry, Aiden's words weren't wrong.

"At least, I graduated from the Perfume Academy in France and I've won a perfume competition. How about 20 million per month?" Anya asked.

Aiden didn't say anything and just looked up at her.

Anya could only feel disappointed. It looked like she would fail again this time…

"Fine. In addition, every time you issue a new product, you will get 5 percent of the sales," Aiden said.josei

Anya's eyes widened at once. She thought she would be rejected again. "Are you serious?"

"I'm going to ask Harris to make a contract and write it all down…"

"No! I'm not signing Harris' contract again. I trust you more. You will keep your promise right?" Anya preferred to trust Aiden's words over Harris' contract.

In the general case, signing a contract was the most promising way. But Anya didn't believe in Harris anymore.

She had been deceived twice and did not want to be deceived a third time.

"Is that how much you trust me?" Aiden felt his heart warm.

The question made Anya blush immediately. "I… I… At least you are more trustworthy than Harris. I can only take your word for it now. Don't change your mind and trick me like Harris,"

"I will keep my promise," Aiden's eyes were fixed on her, making Anya feel confused.

That gaze made Anya's heart flutter. She didn't want to stay here any longer. This was not good for her heart.

"That's all I want to talk about. I'll be back at work at Iris on Monday. I'll go home first."

Without waiting any longer, Anya immediately fled.

Meanwhile, Aiden could only smile as he watched her leave.

Anya was already back ...


On Monday, Anya got up early and had her breakfast, then hurried to the bus stop.

Diana and Esther encouraged her to return to work. Aiden had agreed to pay her a high salary as well as sales commissions for her products. Wasn't that a great opportunity?

If the product sold well and got famous, wouldn't Anya's name also skyrocket?

In the eyes of her mother and mentor, the deal wouldn't make Anya suffer in the long run so what's wrong with going back to work?

Anya rode her bike to the bus stop. On the way, she met a girl who was pushing her bicycle. It seemed that she had a flat tire.

"Do you need help?" Anya asked.

Nadine stopped and turned around. She was surprised to see Anya behind her. "Auntie!"

Anya was stunned for a moment, "Did you get the wrong person?"

"Do you know Aiden? I am his niece. Auntie, I'm going to the bus stop but I'm having a flat tire. I'm so lucky I met you!"

Anya grumbled inwardly. Why did she have to meet the Atmajaya Family everywhere?

She only intended to help this girl, but it turned out that she was Aiden's niece.

Nadine's face looked familiar to Anya. Where had she seen her?

Anya helped Nadine carry the bike to the stop and then a photo of Harris and a girl left in the middle of the toll road crossed her mind.

Yes, she had seen this girl's photo on Nico's social media.

The Atmajaya family had found Maria's two daughters. But Anya didn't know if this was Nadine, Maria's biological daughter or Nadine, who disappeared together with Keara…

Anya didn't want to have anything to do with the Atmajaya family and she didn't want to have anything to do with Keara…

Why did she have to meet this girl on her first day back to work?

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