Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 523 - The Truth

Chapter 523 - The Truth

"Sir, this investigation can still be postponed. Your health is more important now," Harris was worried about Aiden because the man had not been able to sleep well for the past two years.

"The sooner we find out, the calmer I'll be. Go now. I want to rest," Aiden felt his body getting heavier as he started to feel sleepy.

"Understood, sir," Harris came out of Aiden's office, ordering the bodyguard manning the door not to let anyone disturb Aiden's rest.

After returning from Aiden's office, Tara did not go straight to the clinic, but she went to Iris to see Anya.

Today was the international women's day and the mall was very busy. Tara entered Iris and saw many visitors shopping.

"Welcome, Miss Tara," with just one look, Mila immediately recognized Tara and greeted her with a smile.

"Mila, long time no see. I'm looking for Anya," Tara said.

"Anya is on the second floor, the perfume room. Should I show you the way?" Mila asked.

"No need. I can go there myself. You can take care of the customers," this wasn't the first time Tara had gone to Iris. She often came to visit Anya, so she already knew the perfume room that Anya often used.

Usually, on event days like this, Anya would stay downstairs to help out with the sales. But there were enough people serving customers that Anya decided to lock herself inside the perfume room today.

After climbing to the second floor, Tara tapped on the glass window to let her friend know her arrival. Anya immediately came out to see her best friend.

"Tara, why are you here?" Anya greeted with a smile.

"Guess where I'm from," Tara said mysteriously.

"Clinic?" Anya answered.josei

"No. I just came from Aiden's office. He had a headache and asked me to check it. Now he is resting," Tara said, looking at Anya. "I heard you guys were fighting and you didn't even have time to eat before you left. What happened?"

Anya just kept quiet and closed her mouth. She couldn't tell Tara that she was so mad because Aiden kissed her!

"I don't like it because he forced me to eat together with him." In the end, Anya could only make an excuse to answer her.

"He's not named Aiden for no reason," Tara laughed, "Who told you to sign a contract without seeing the contents clearly? All of this is your own fault,"

"Why are you also making fun of me!" Anya hit Tara's shoulder, looking irritated. "Anyway I don't want to go there again!"

"By the way, Aiden asked me something strange today. He knew we went to the old house of the Atmajaya Family and asked if Aunt Maria told you about the reasons for your divorce." Tara said it with a worried expression. "Do you think Aiden knows something?"

"Aiden is so smart and we can't hide anything from him. But this matter is none of our business. We are just outsiders. Let the Atmajaya family tell Aiden themselves," Anya replied calmly.

"That's what I thought too. So I said I don't know anything. I said when you talked to Aunt Maria, I waited outside and didn't hear anything. Am I smart?" Tara blinked her eyes mischievously.

"Yes, yes, you are the smartest!" Anya laughed at her best friend. "How is Aiden doing? Why did he have a sudden headache?"

"Since you left two years ago, Aiden has had insomnia. Psychiatrists and hypnosis could not help him, so he was deprived of sleep. You know that if someone is sleep deprived, their emotions will fluctuate. Now he still has headaches," Tara could only shake her head.

Anya only smiled hearing that. "Luckily I decided not to see him often anymore," even though her lips said this, her heart actually spoke differently. "By the way, Aiden wanted to help me find my biological parents. Even if the Atmajaya Family doesn't want to tell the truth, Aiden will know the truth once he finds my biological parents,"

Tara sat on the sofa and leaned back lazily. "He helps you in the hope that you are not his niece. Suddenly I had a great idea… "

"What idea?" Anya asked.

Tara pointed at Anya and said with a mischievous smile. "Isn't Nadine your assistant? She is Aiden's family. She is also part of the Atmajaya Family. If no one dares to tell him, just tell Nadine to tell him,"

Anya shook her head. "Aiden has a headache and is not getting enough sleep so he has a very bad temper. At times like this, how can I tell him? He can go berserk!"

"Anya, the child was not yours alone. Aiden also has the right to know the truth. Didn't you feel angry when you lost your child and your marriage, while the Atmajaya Family found their biological daughter?" Tara asked.

"But why should I do it? Someone is doing all this on purpose so I can't find my biological parents. Someone deliberately wanted to separate me from Aiden. The Atmajaya family, like me and Aiden, we are all victims. If I tell Aiden, what can he do? Destroy his family?" Anya took a deep breath. "Ms. Maria's condition is also very bad. Maybe it's better for me not to say anything than to make them quarrel. After all, Aiden had promised to help me find my biological parents. Once I find them, the truth will also reveal itself,"

"You're too kind," Tara shook her head. "I hope Aiden can find your parents soon. I don't want you to wait too long. "

"Aiden will not disappoint me. I will let you know if there is good news," Anya said with a smile. "Come on, let's go down. I will choose a present for you."

"Woohoo, I love gifts! I will not refuse! Give me aromatherapy so I can use it in my clinic," there was no longer any hesitation between Tara and Anya. Tara immediately followed Anya downstairs to get her gift.

At half past three in the afternoon, Aiden woke up from his sleep. His condition was much better and his head didn't hurt anymore.

He called Harris and asked if anyone had been looking for him while he rested.

"Mr. Bima called and asked you to come to his house. There are important things he wants to discuss with you," Harris said.

"Important thing?" Aiden's face looked suspicious. "What important thing does he want to talk to me about?"

"Looks like I know what Mr. Bima wants to talk about," Harris immediately opened his cellphone and showed the CCTV footage, which was the conversation between Anya and Tara. However, their voices were almost inaudible.

Aiden turned the volume up to the max then he could hear Tara's voice clearly.

'Anya, the child in your womb was not yours alone. Aiden also has the right to know the truth. Didn't you feel angry when you lost your child and your marriage, while the Atmajaya Family found their biological daughter?'

Aiden's face immediately changed when he heard that. "What does it mean that the Atmajaya family has found their biological daughter? Sister Maria has found her biological daughter, and it's not Anya?"

"I don't know either, sir. I just heard it," Harris replied carefully.

Aiden hit the table in front of him hard. "They said Anya is Sister Maria's child. They forced us to divorce and killed our child. Now that they have found the real daughter, they chose to hide it from me?"

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