Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 572 - Fever

Chapter 572 - Fever

Anya felt so peaceful.

She seemed to be floating in the sky above a meadow filled with various types of flowers. She saw a group of small children playing, running in the meadow happily.

The sound of the children's laughter made Anya sleep even more soundly.

When awakened, she found herself in the bathtub. Her back leaned on something hard but warm. Obviously it wasn't the bathtub, because it wasn't cold.

The warm water relaxed her whole body.

"What time is it?" Anya asked. Her voice still sounded hoarse because she just woke up from a long night.

"Six in the morning. You have a little fever," Aiden kissed Anya's neck gently and hugged her with both hands from behind.

Anya turned shyly and hugged Aiden, burying her face in the man's chest. Her hand slammed into Aiden's chest, even though she didn't have the strength. In a room this bright, Aiden could see her entire body very clearly. "Get your hand off me."

Although he was reluctant, Aiden finally complied with Anya's request. Then he said in a low voice. "Take a shower first. After that, let's have breakfast. Tara will be here in a moment."

"Don't worry. I'm fine," Anya smiled faintly as she leaned her head against Aiden's chest limply. She didn't want to get up and didn't want to get out of the tub. Leaning against the man's chest felt so comfy.

Anya felt stupid because she kept trying to lie to her feelings.

How could she not love Aiden anymore? Aiden was the only man who could make her this comfortable…

"Are you shy?" Aiden laughed, making his chest rise and fall slightly. Then he kissed the top of Anya's head gently. "I can cancel my departure today."

"No need. It's just a fever. Not a big problem. Don't ruin your work because of me. I'll stay here for a while. Tara and Mrs. Hana can take care of me," Anya knew Aiden really cared for her. To convince him, she decided to stay at Aiden's house for a while.

"I'll decide whether I should go today or not only after Tara comes and checks on you," Aiden said calmly.

Anya felt very embarrassed and happy when she got such extraordinary attention. On the other hand, she felt awkward because they were still in the bathtub together right now.

Aiden lowered his head and kissed Anya's forehead once again. Anya raised her head, wanting to look into Aiden's face. And then, the man dropped a kiss on her lips.

"The water is cold. Let's go out," Anya put her hand around Aiden's neck. Her body felt weak now. She didn't want to stand alone and didn't want to get out of the tub by herself.

She might pass out or slip when she stepped on the ground.

"If you are cold, I can do something to warm you," Aiden teased as he brought Anya back to bed.

Anya opened her eyes, then she looked at Aiden's handsome face and pretended to close her eyes again. The man stretched out his hand and patted her face with a chuckle, "Don't pretend to be fainting."

It didn't take long for the storm to break out. It wasn't only her body that had become warm, the whole room had also turned hot.

Anya looked slightly sullen as she looked at Aiden after their morning quickie was over.

"Are you not cold anymore?" Aiden asked.

"No. I'm sweating now," she said irritably. "Are you satisfied?"

"Very satisfied," Aiden kissed her lips. Then, he pointed to a brown envelope on top of the nightstand. "The work contract that you signed. I return it to you."

"Thank you, Mr. Atmajaya," Anya looked at him with a smile.

"If you're still excited like this, I think I'll have to work harder next time," Aiden kissed Anya's lips briefly.

"You've worked too hard. Don't overexert it. I really can't stand it," Anya said, holding Aiden's hand. The man used his other hand to support Anya's waist so she could sit up. "My head is still a little dizzy. But the fever seemed to have subsided. It's amazing."

"Next time you have another fever, come to me. I can help you to reduce them," Aiden said.

Anya just glared at him. "I don't care about you anymore. I want to take a shower and change clothes. Tara will be here soon!" She hit Aiden's shoulder a little hard to vent her frustration.

Aiden helped her to take a shower. Tara came just as they had just finished showering and getting dressed.

Anya didn't dare to meet Tara in her messy room. She could still feel how her passion burned this room last night. And this morning…

Finally, she decided to go downstairs.

"I know Mrs. Hana's cooking is delicious. Even though Aiden called me for breakfast here, he couldn't call me at six in the morning," Tara said as she pulled out a chair at the dining table.

"Didn't you come to see my condition? Why are you having breakfast instead?" Anya teased.

"Doctors are human too. They are also hungry. When I'm hungry, my hands go limp and I can't see anything. I need a full stomach to start examining you," Tara said as if she was the most righteous person alive.

At the same time, Nico appeared. He walked from his house, crossing Aiden's garden wearing only his pajamas and sandals. His hair looked messy like a honeycomb. While walking, he shouted. "Mrs. Hana, what did you cook today?"

Nico gave a wide yawn and then rubbed his eyes. But he suddenly froze in place when he saw Tara.

This was the first time Tara had seen Nico's messy appearance. She used to live with Nico for a while. She knew Nico was someone who really paid attention to cleanliness. Nico always took a shower and cleaned up, looking very neat every time he woke up in the morning. 

"Can anyone tell me who is the lunatic standing at the door?" Tara couldn't believe this man with messy hair wearing sandals was Nico.

"I'm delirious. I'll come back later," without waiting for Tara's answer, Nico immediately ran away from the two women.

Anya couldn't help laughing. Nico didn't expect Tara to come to Aiden's house so early this morning.

Indeed, Nico always looked neat and handsome.

But he was very relaxed in front of his family. He often didn't change his clothes or wash his hair. He only washed his face and brushed his teeth at breakfast.josei

If he had known Tara would be there, Nico would never have appeared like that messy.

Nothing trapped or tricked him, but he revealed his true face by himself.

When Nico reappeared, he was already looking handsome and neat. His hair didn't look messy like a honeycomb anymore. His clothes were neat and his sandals had turned into leather shoes.

As soon as he entered the door, Tara snickered. "Ahh! The delirious man is awake!"

"Honey, are you here?" Nico walked over to her, smiling broadly. "Do you miss me and come looking for me?"

"I came to meet Anya and have breakfast here. Just now, I saw a lunatic in pajamas and sandals. His hair was messy and flew everywhere. If I remember it correctly, his face looks exactly like yours," Tara said on purpose.

"Is it true?" Nico looked at Anya, asking for help.

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