Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 584 - Unless You Are

Chapter 584 - Unless You Are

"What about the Mahendra Family?" Aiden asked calmly.

"Raka was angry with me and blamed me for not thinking about Raisa. At that time, Raisa told me that she saw Nadine at the hotel so we went to the room together to find Nadine. But I didn't expect that I was gonna be trapped," Nico said.

"I know you don't have a brain. Why didn't you wait for Harris?" Aiden scolded.

"I've contacted Harris before I got there. I was afraid something would happen to Nadine so I couldn't wait for Harris. Who knows… 

"I have to get on a plane. I'll be home soon," Aiden said before hanging up the call.

Anya spent the night out of town to look for spices with Esther. The next day, she hurried back and went to Tara's house.

Once she met her best friend, she felt Tara was a little strange.

"Tara, are you okay?" Anya asked worriedly.

"I'm not okay," Tara said regretfully.

"What happened? Did you get drunk last night?" Anya seemed to be able to guess what had happened.

"I'm drunk," Tara nodded. "Nico was really a hungry wolf all along."

Anya covered her mouth happily. "So, you believe that Nico and Raisa don't have any relationship?"

"Don't laugh! I didn't know that he would last that long, okay!" Tara said with an irritated face.

"Congratulations!" Anya congratulated her happily instead.

"Congratulations, I've gotten deeper into their troubles now. His relationship with Raisa is still unclear, but he slept with me. Now what should I do?"

Tara rested her head on the table while holding her juice. She really felt she didn't have the energy to keep up with all this.

"Do you need my help to find out about the Mahendra Family?" Anya thought the best option right now was to ask Raka.

"How can I forget that you are Raka's ex? Hurry up and call him!"

Anya glanced at Tara for the comment and then called Raka.

On the third ring, Raka finally picked up the call, "Anya, do you want to ask about Nico?"

"I just came back from out of town and heard about yesterday's news. Nico panicked when he found out that Nadine was in the hotel, and so he was trapped together with Raisa. What will your family do?"

"There is nothing to explain because everything is clear."

"What?" Anya looked towards Tara worriedly. If the Mahendras demanded responsibility from Nico, what could Tara do?

"I know Nico likes Tara. Raisa won't even want to marry Nico. But my parents must still insist…" Raka let out a deep breath. "I can only ask for help from Brother Ivan."

"What do you want to ask him for help?" Anya asked, confused.

"A few days ago, my mother met Auntie Imel, trying to arrange a match between him and Raisa. If we can show the public that Raisa has a relationship with Brother Ivan, things will calm down," Raka explained.

"I don't know whether Brother Ivan likes Raisa or not. But if he doesn't, it's going to be unfair to him," said Anya.

"I'll ask him first," Raka also felt dizzy about this problem. If there was another way, he also didn't want to involve Ivan in this matter.

But one thing was for sure— Raisa wouldn't want to marry Nico and she definitely prefered Ivan over him.

Plus, Raka also knew what Ivan was like.

He had known Ivan since he was little and knew that Ivan was a patient and warm person.

As he didn't want to face his own brother Aiden for the next spot as successor, he even pretended to be sick.

Raisa also knew Ivan from childhood. Their relationship was quite good. There was no love between them, but at least they were not like water and fire, and held no grudge against each other.

Meanwhile, Nico and Raisa couldn't stand each other. If it weren't for Raka interceding, they would always fight.

Raisa couldn't control Nico and Nico didn't like her.josei

How could their marriage have a happy ending?

"Don't worry, I'll contact Aiden," Anya felt that Ivan shouldn't be involved in this matter. After ending the call, she immediately called Aiden, but the man did not answer her call.

"Aiden is still on the plane. He will arrive tomorrow," Tara said, stirring the ice in her glass. "What did the Mahendra Family say? Did they want Nico to marry Risa?"

Anya nodded.

"Can you please ask Jonathan to testify that Nico rented that hotel room to find Nadine?" Tara asked.

Anya shook her head slowly. "If Jonathan testifies that Nico is innocent, what can Nadine do? Everyone will know that Jonathan and Nadine were together last night. Even though Raisa's name will be clean, Nadine's name will be destroyed,"

"I can't think of another way. I don't know anymore," Tara said gloomily.

At that time, Anya's cell phone suddenly got a call from Nico. "Auntie, is Tara with you? My grandfather asked you two to come to Atmajaya Family house and discuss important matters. Uncle Ivan and his mother will also arrive soon,"

"Should I come too?" Anya didn't want to get involved. She also did not want to return to that place.

"Auntie, uncle isn't in Indonesia. At least, accompany Tara to go there," Nico pleaded.

"Aiden will be back tomorrow. How about we wait for him before discussing this matter?" Anya found it very strange. Why did something like this always happen when Aiden was out of the country?

"You have to go now!" Nico said frantically. "My grandfather wanted to announce the marriage between Uncle Ivan and Raisa."

"Alright. Tara and I will be right there," Anya ended the call and immediately contacted Ivan.

"I don't want to go," Tara said.

Anya ignored Tara and waited patiently for Ivan to pick up the phone.

"Anya, you've been back to Indonesia for quite a while, how come you just contacted me now?" Ivan's laughter came from across the phone.

"Do you want to marry Raisa?" Anya did not make small talk and immediately asked him.

"Do you think there is a better solution to this problem?" Ivan asked back.

Anya couldn't come up with any other ideas. If Aiden were here, he would be able to find a way out for them. But what could she do?

"Anya, unless that person is you, I don't care who I marry. Keara or Raisa are the same," Ivan said calmly.

"Brother, don't do this. I called you so that you realize that you don't have to make sacrifices for someone else's fault. I'm not smart and can't find a way out of this problem, but I don't think you need to sacrifice your happiness. Just because you haven't found the right person doesn't mean you won't be able to find her in the future," Anya said sincerely.

In the Atmajaya family, Ivan was the most patient person. He was always willing to sacrifice for the good of everyone.

"Anya, thank you for caring for me. But I'm fine," Ivan replied, smiling faintly.

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