Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 593 - Caught

Chapter 593 - Caught


Anya stared at Nadine and saw her looking both embarrassed and angry that she was speechless.

"Jonathan, we've known each other for two years. I know how you are and I respect you a lot. But even if you can forgive your father, we can't do the same," Anya said with a serious look. She emphasized every word firmly and took a step forward to defend Nadine.

"My father just likes Nadine too much and wants her to be his daughter-in-law. He doesn't have any evil intentions…"

"How was that not 'evil intention' to trick me into coming to the hotel, drugged you with an aphrodisiac and filled the room with air stimulants? If something had happened to us, would you still call it not 'evil'?" Nadine said angrily.

"Nadine, that's not what I mean..." Jonathan tried to explain.

"Jonathan, do you know how important a woman's virginity is? Nadine has someone she loves. If something had happened to her, how should she face the person she loves? What your father did is unforgivable. There is no need to apologize for the Atmajaya family will not just let this matter go," said Anya.

"I..." Jonathan was about to say something when suddenly his cellphone rang. It was a message sent by his assistant.

Assistant: "Sir, your father is arrested."

Jonathan's face immediately changed when he saw the message. If something happened between them, the Atmajaya Family might agree to their marriage to protect Nadine's good name.

But nothing happened between them.

Not only was the hotel closed, but Toni Srijya was also arrested.

It seemed that this matter had made the Atmajaya Family really furious.

When she saw the expression on Jonathan's face, Anya felt that her words might be too cruel. "Are you alright? I didn't mean to hurt or offend you by saying that. I just wanted to suggest that you don't get involved in this matter. You better protect yourself," Anya said sincerely.

"My father is arrested," Jonathan muttered.

"Looks like your father will take the blame for all of Keara's actions alone. Two years ago, he and Keara worked together to separate me and Aiden and kill the child in my womb. Now, Nadine was suddenly framed at a hotel owned by the Pratama Family. You know what Keara is like yourself. If you decide to work together with her one day, that'll be the end of our friendship," Anya decided to tell everything to Jonathan, even about her child's death.

Jonathan was surprised to hear the story. "My father and Keara killed your child?"

"If you knew what your father and Keara did, you would never apologize for them. I and the whole Atmajaya Family will never forgive what they did to me," Anya said coldly.

"Jonathan, rest assured. We suggest that you don't get involved with Keara or you will join the enemies of the Atmajaya Family," Nadine said. She sugged it while thinking of Alisa in her mind.

She liked that little girl. But if Jonathan chose to side with his father and Keara, maybe Alisa would also be involved.

"Thank you for coming to visit me and telling me all this. Otherwise, I won't know anything for the rest of my life. Anya, I'm really sorry for what my father did," Jonathan expressed his apology sincerely.

"This is not your fault. No matter what your family does, we're still friends. After losing my child, I went abroad. I was alone in a land unknown to me, but Alisa came to me and gave me warmth. If you are busy, you can leave Alisa in my mother's care again," Anya said politely.

Now that Toni had been caught and he was injured, Jonathan wouldn't be able to take care of Alisa.

"She will come home Saturday morning and return to school Sunday afternoon. If it's not a hassle…"

"Nadine and I will pick her up from school on Saturday. Don't worry," Anya replied quickly.

"Okay then, sorry for bothering you." Jonathan knew he couldn't take care of Alisa in this state and that girl couldn't return to his family's home. Therefore leaving Alisa to Anya was the best decision.

"You're welcome. I'm Alisa's mother too," Anya smiled. "Rest well now. We will take our leave."

After leaving the hospital, Nadine immediately said to Anya, "Auntie, my uncle doesn't like Alisa."

"He doesn't like Alisa or doesn't like it when Alisa is at my house?" Anya asked on purpose.

"He doesn't like Alisa in your house," Nadine answered, smiling. "My uncle is the most selfish person. He acted as if Alisa would steal you from him. Bet he really thinks that you belong to him alone."

"Why is he jealous of a child? Besides, my mother takes care of Alisa, not me." Anya said with a frown. She had to work every day and didn't have time to accompany her mother. How come that man got jealous of a little girl?

She could see that her mother loved Alisa even more and was happy because that little girl was there to accompany her. Diana might've been getting lonely from age. With Alisa's presence, at least her loneliness would be eased.

"Uncle has come. Do you want me to tell him that Alisa will be going to your house on Saturday?" Nadine asked.

"I'll tell him myself. If you tell him, he will get angry with you again," Anya replied in a low voice. She looked like she was thinking about something.

"What are you thinking right now, Auntie?" Nadine asked, looking at Anya.

"I haven't found my parents and I can't get revenge for my child. You and Nico suddenly faced a hard time, and yet Keara hadn't been arrested. If Toni insisted that he did all this alone, that'd make it more difficult to expose Keara's crimes. Is there really nothing we can do to bring her down?"

Nadine thought for a moment and then said, "Even if Toni takes the blame alone, we all know that Keara is not a good person. Even if she is pregnant, she will never be able to enter the Atmajaya Family house."

"Everyone knows that Keara is pregnant with your uncle's child, but your uncle didn't do anything at all. Do you know what Aiden's plan really is?" Anya asked.

"My uncle would never marry a woman who dared to trick him like this. Keara made a big mistake this time, I'm sure of it." Nadine said confidently.

"I hope Aiden has a good plan. Otherwise, I might hate him even more for letting my child die and Keara give birth to his child," Anya replied in a low voice.

"Don't you believe my uncle? Take it easy. He can handle everything," Nadine tried to comfort Anya with a smile.

Anya could only lean against the car window silently.

At the Mahendra Family house, Irena was very surprised when she heard that Toni was arrested.

"Rian, do you know what happened to him? Why was he suddenly arrested?" She asked.

"If you have plenty of free time to ask that, you better go to the kitchen and see if the food is ready," Rian said with a cold face.

"Dad, is it about the hotel stuff? I heard that the hotel was closed," Raisa said curiously.

"You two I swear... Why do you guys like gossip so much?" Rian put down the newspaper he was holding and said in a low voice, "I heard that Bima was the one behind it. The hotel was owned by the Pratama Family and it so happened that they were in a collaboration with Toni. Nadine and Nico had an unpleasant incident at the hotel not long ago. How could the Atmajaya Family just let go of this matter easily?"

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