Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 624 - Operation

Chapter 624 - Operation

Anya woke up with tears streaming down her face. She moved her hand and realized that she still held Aiden's hand since last night.

The man's hand seemed to give warmth to Anya and convince her that it was all a dream.

Aiden was beside her. Aiden was fine…

Then, what was the meaning of the dream she had just had?

But why did the dream feel so real? As if she had experienced it herself before?

Was it just a dream? Or memories from the past that she'd long forgotten?

Had she met Aiden somewhere before?

But why couldn't she remember it at all?

Anya remembered that Aiden had known her since the first time they met. Meanwhile, Anya didn't remember him at all.

Was it true that she lost her memory?

Anya shifted her position to the side so she could see Aiden's face clearly.

The man's eyes were still closed, his face calm.

"Aiden, have you been waiting for me all this time? Are you waiting for me to remember you again?" Anya said, looking at Aiden's face.

But unfortunately, she got no answer. There was only the beeping sound that indicated Aiden was fine.

The sound that showed Aiden was still with her.

Talking to Aiden like this made Anya remember the time when she waited for her mother to wake up from a coma. Even though she got no answer, Anya kept talking to Aiden. She knew that Aiden could hear her.

"Aiden, you've always waited patiently for me. Now it is my turn to wait for you. I will wait for you until you wake up. Until you come back to my side…" Anya whispered softly. She wanted to reach out her hand to caress Aiden's face, but they were quite a distance away.

At this point, Anya had to be patient for the sake of the person she loved.

Although she couldn't hear Aiden's warm and gentle voice still, even though it was only silence that enveloped the room, Anya was quite happy.

At least, Aiden was there.

At least, Aiden didn't get lost in the lake of fire like in her dreams.josei

At least, they were still together, even though Aiden was still fast asleep.

Now, she just had to wait.

She would pass thousands of days without complaining if it meant Aiden would return to her side.

During this time, Aiden had sacrificed everything for her. Now it was time for her to make the sacrifice.

Let her wait and welcome his return with the happiest smile.

A few days later, Anya's health had improved enough so she could be discharged from the hospital. She actually didn't want to separate from Aiden, but she couldn't possibly continue to stay in the hospital.

She also had to take care of her health, for the sake of her child and Aiden.

Anya held the man's hand and leaned on the side of the bed saying, "Aiden, I'm going home today. I'll be waiting for you at home. I'll be waiting for you to come to us. Please, come home soon..."

She kissed the back of Aiden's hand and left reluctantly.

She continued to return to the hospital every day.

Even though it was only an hour or two, Anya always made time to visit Aiden.

She told Aiden about her dream of a great fire at that time ...

She told Aiden about what she did every day while waiting for his return ...

She also told about her examination to the gynecologist ...

"Aiden, I just checked my pregnancy. We're going to have twins, as you wanted first. I can't believe your wish actually came true!" Anya whispered with a chuckle.

Just as usual, she sat beside the bed while holding Aiden's hand. She was used to speaking without getting an answer.

"Now, there are three people waiting for your return home. Hurry up and get up."

"No matter how long you sleep, I will still wait for you. I will wait for you even if I have to spend thousands of nights alone, just like how you always waited for me."

Before going home, Anya always kissed Aiden on the forehead gently. After kissing him, she had always hoped that Aiden would suddenly open his eyes and look at her gently.

But she felt her hope faded day by day...

Today, Aiden was still sleeping soundly, like a sleeping prince awaiting a true kiss from his princess.

"I will continue to wait for you until you come back to my side. Come back to me, Aiden," Anya whispered before leaving.

One week passed… Two weeks passed…

Aiden still showed no sign of getting up.

The doctor said that it might be because of his illness. Previously, Aiden had time to have his health checked overseas because he often had headaches and difficulty sleeping. However, since he didn't want to take the risk, Aiden didn't want to undergo a surgery.

It seemed that the surgery could no longer be postponed.

Finally, Ivan decided to tell Bima. He went with Harris to visit Bima and tell Aiden's true condition to his father and asked for his approval so that Aiden's surgery could be carried out.

"Dad, I'm sorry I just told you. Aiden is currently in a coma. He had to undergo a craniotomy as soon as possible in order to wake up from his coma. The success rate of this operation is quite high," said Ivan.

"Sir, I have taken care of everything for Mr. Aiden's operation. We only need your direct consent as the parent so that the operation can be carried out," Harris reported.

Bima's condition had actually improved quite a bit. However, after hearing the news about Aiden, his blood pressure rose, and it made his doctors quite worried.

"How is Anya now?" Bima asked in a choked voice.

"Madam's condition has improved considerably. She is currently pregnant with twins. We were afraid that this operation would worry Madame and affect her health so we decided to hide it from her. The only way is to get your consent, sir."

Bima closed his eyes painfully. He just realized that he made a big mistake on his sons, especially Aiden, only to defend a cruel woman who wanted to destroy their family.

However, before he could even make up for it all, his son had fallen into a critical condition.

"I want to see Aiden," he said.

When Bima entered Aiden's room, he saw Nico inside. Anya was currently resting at home. She had come to visit Aiden this afternoon, but she could not stay too long in the hospital because the doctor advised her not to be too tired.

"Aiden, I've come," Bima stretched out his hand and held his son's hand.

When was the last time he held his son's hand like this?

"Aiden, you won't leave me first, right? Look, I'm old like this but I can still survive. You also have to fight."

Unconsciously, tears flowed from the corner of Aiden's eyes.

When was the last time he had a heart-to-heart talk with his father like this? Every time they met, they would always fight. Their nature was so similar, they were both stubborn, so they were always at odds with each other.

But now his father held his hand gently and spoke to him without arguing and blaming each other like before.

"Grandpa, uncle can hear you," Nico said when he saw tears streaming from the corner of Aiden's eyes.

"Aiden, can you hear me? I will schedule surgery for you. I have brought doctors from abroad. Don't worry the surgery will run smoothly. Anya and your children are waiting for you. You can't go on like this," Bima said, holding Aiden's hand tighter. "I believe you will come back to us. You will be fine."

Aiden couldn't wake up. But when he heard that Anya and their children were waiting for him, his tears returned.

Even though he was unconscious, Aiden could hear everything. He desperately wanted to wake up, but every time he tried to open his eyes, darkness kept dragging him down again.

He couldn't get up even though he wanted to.

It was like drowning in an endless abyss and not knowing the way out...

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