Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 641 - Accidentally Met

Chapter 641 - Accidentally Met

"What are you doing?" Aiden asked as he grabbed Nico's cell phone.

"I took a photo of your hairstyle. When I cut my hair, I'll show it to my barber and ask for the same hairstyle as you, uncle" Nico said with a smile.

"If you cut your hair like that, you won't look as handsome as him," Nadine said, chuckling. Her words no doubt attacked her brother so badly.

Tara looked at her future husband's face as if wondering, what if Aiden's hairstyle was attached to Nico's face? 

"You better not follow your uncle's hairstyle. Find a hairstyle that suits yourself."

"Isn't my hairstyle good right now? If I style it a little, maybe my hair will be much better," Nico asked.

Anya thought for a moment and then decided to make a suggestion.

"Nico, your hairstyle is great, but I think it'll be a bit difficult to style it. The curls are a little exaggerated and make it look chaotic. If you and Tara have children later and appear in front of them with a bird's nest hair like that, I'm afraid they will be traumatized," said Anya.

Nico looked at his uncle, hoping he would defend him. But unfortunately, Aiden nodded instead. "Listen to your aunt. You should pay a little more attention to your appearance."

"So, you don't think I'm attractive enough?" Nico asked.

"Right! Your shirt's color is too tacky. At least, if you don't like neutral colors, don't choose flashy ones. Just pick one color and don't wear clothes like traffic lights," Tara shook her head in resignation. "I want to postpone our marriage indefinitely. I need time if I can really live forever with you."josei

"I also have my own style. You should accept me for who I am," Nico said irritably.

"But unfortunately, you don't have good taste. The color of your clothes always hurt my eyes," Nadine attacked Nico once again.

"If someone disagrees with you, maybe it really is just a matter of taste. But if a lot of people complain, that means something is really wrong with you," Anya said calmly.

"If you want people to notice you, there's no need to wear flashy clothes. You can use your skill too," Aiden rose to his feet and patted Nico's shoulder. "Think carefully about my words."

Nico did not argue anymore and thought about the criticism from those around him.

Nadine also left the dining table. She would accompany Anya and Aiden to the hospital today. She had asked permission not to come to work. When Mila asked the reason, Anya told Nadine to tell her the truth, that she was going to take Anya to the hospital.

She didn't know what Anya's real purpose was for telling Mila about the schedule for her examination.

After they all left, only Nico and Tara remained in the dining room. Nico moved seats beside Tara and asked, "Tara, do you really want to postpone our marriage?"

"I am serious. I like you, so I can accept you as you are. But what about our child later? Can they accept their father like this? I only thought about their future. I want my child to have a good and responsible father," Tara said seriously.

"I… I will be a good father. I will definitely be a good father," Nico said, patting his chest.

"Then, when you get home, you have to get rid of your clothes that are too flashy. I'm not forbidding you to use accessories, but please refrain from making people dizzy because of that," Tara said.

"You… You do it because I… I won't be willing to throw them away myself," Nico hugged Tara and leaned his head on her shoulder. "Tara, I really love you."

"I love you too. That's why I'll give you time to be more responsible as a man. Three months…"

"Three months? But… But…"

"If you can't show me your dedication, there won't be any marriage between us. You may also lose me." Tara put down her fork and wiped her lips with a tissue. "I've finished eating. You can eat slowly."

Nico sat at the dining table for a long time. Nobody knew what he was thinking, but when Hana looked at him, she felt that Nico would really change.

Over the years, Nico had always lived under the wings of his grandfather and his two uncles, without ever having experienced any difficulties in his life.

He was used to living like a very rich and powerful prince, never having felt any struggle in his life.

If Tara really broke their engagement it would be a huge blow to him.

Nico loved Tara very much and she loved him too. But Tara thought about their future and felt that Nico couldn't take the responsibility of being a father yet.

Nico was too childish. He still liked to play and hang out at night.

He wasn't independent and always depended on his uncle.

He was not serious in his work and felt no responsibility towards the Atmajaya Group.

Nico thought for a long time in the dining room.

'Actually, what is it like to be a father?' He wondered.

Then he thought about his father. Since childhood, it was Aiden who often accompanied him. He didn't really remember his father's figure, and so he didn't know how to be a good father.

He recalled how Aiden comforted him when he lost a fight.

When he failed his test, Aiden taught him.

When he became lazy about studying, it was Aiden who reminded him to return to the right path.

For Nico, Aiden was a friend, uncle and father to him.

Perhaps, someone like Aiden whom he had known since childhood was the perfect example. Aiden was a father figure as well as a friend to him.

A strict father when it came to educating him and a good friend when he needed.

Nico wanted to understand all of this more deeply.

When he returned home, Tara had put all of her extravagant clothes into a big box. Tara had also prepared clothes with a color neutral enough for him to wear to the office today.

After Nico finished taking a shower, Tara had already gone to work.

At the same time, Aiden and Anya had arrived at the hospital. Since Anya was about to undergo an ultrasound examination, Aiden's bodyguards were not allowed to enter.

In the end, only Nadine was allowed to accompany them.

Unexpectedly, they met Keara there. She came and approached them with a smile. However, Aiden immediately stopped her when she approached Anya.

"Aiden, have you told her who I really am?" Keara asked as she smiled at Anya.

"Sorry I don't really know you," Anya said with a cold smile on her face.

"Anya, do you know that mother is looking for you? How do you think she got sick like this? It's because she misses you too much and is depressed for thinking that you are dead. Her illness happened because of you. But you live happily like this. Why don't you visit her?" Keara asked.

"My mother is very healthy. She is taking care of her garden now. Every day, she got up early and went to bed early. That's why my mother's life is so long," Anya avoided, not recognizing Indah as her mother.

For her, Diana Hutama was her only mother, as well as her idol.

"Don't you really know? Or are you just playing dumb? The doctor said mother could not last long, only three months at the most. I came today because I planned to schedule a caesarean section at the end of the month so I could save her," said Keara.

"It is your family's business. You don't need to tell me," Anya said calmly.

But Nadine could feel Anya trembling as she said that.

"Anya, are you really that cruel? You don't even want to visit her. Aren't you afraid you'll never be able to see her forever?" Like a well-trained actress, it was easy for Keara to shed tears.

Even her eyes were red and her expression was sad.

Without realizing it, Anya's hands were tightly clenched. Indeed, she had no feelings for Indah, but blood relationship could never be erased.

No matter how long they separated, the blood flowing in Anya's body came from Galih and Indah.

Seeing his wife starting to lose her temper, Aiden immediately stood in front of Anya and protected her. He then looked at Keara coldly. "What do you want?"

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