Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 668 - Curious

Chapter 668 - Curious

"But you still wanted to go to that bar and beat up all the people who teased her, right? You saved her but you just said didn't want her? How come???" Nico deliberately teased Raka.

"I helped her because that's what a man should do, not because of my feelings. Now, I don't know how to take care of her. But I can't give her back to her family," Raka felt very confused and didn't know what to do.

"Why do you have to return her to her family? Della can work for you. She can help you cook, clean the house…"

Raka looked at Anya and was confused about how to explain. "My relationship with her isn't like what you think."

"Are you saying you don't have any relationship with her? Dude, you've been living in the same house as her all this time, how come nothing happened?" Nico asked with a smile.

"Nico, that's enough. Raka is not what you are talking about. You should thank him. He has been helping to look after Della all this time so that Nadine can get the Mawardi family's land and Harris can get his shares easily. Now, Dewi has made her move. We can't let her hurt Della. After all, she is Harris' sister," said Anya.

"In the meantime, please don't come to this hospital often. If there's anything you need, just give me a call. I don't want Anya to be too tired and cause her blood pressure to rise," said Aiden.

Anya looked at her husband with a smile. "Aiden, I'm fine."

"Alright then. You rest now. No need to worry, I'll take care of Della," said Raka.

"Nadine and I will often stop by your mother's house and help her. You don't have to worry. Now, you only have to think about yourself and your children," Tara said.

Nico looked around in confusion. "Is it my turn now? What can I say to make my aunt feel calmer?"

"If you can take care of Atmajaya Group better and not bother your uncle, I will be much calmer," Anya laughed.

Nico scratched his head embarrassedly and laughed too. "Don't worry, auntie. Uncle Ivan helped me with company matters. Lately, he is not as busy as before."

"Thank you for visiting me. Now you go home and work hard. Earn a lot of money so you can buy expensive gifts for my two children," Anya said jokingly.

They all laughed at that. After that, Tara pulled Nico out of the room with her, while Nico dragged Raka along with him.

After everyone left, the calm atmosphere in Anya's room returned. Anya looked towards her husband and said, "You don't need to worry too much, I'm fine."

"After undergoing the surgery, our twins have had balanced nutrition. But your blood pressure is quite high right now. If it continues to rise, you should immediately undergo surgery. I don't want to take risks that could harm you and our children. I just want to keep you safe," Aiden took Anya's hand and brought it closer to his lips.

"Aiden, trust me, I'll be fine. I have a feeling that I will be fine," Anya said confidently.

Seeing her with such confidence made Aiden's heart warm.

Anya was a very gentle woman to him. Like a sunflower that bloomed beautifully in the sun, always optimistic and positive. She looked radiant when faced with anything in her life.

He recalled the time she used her bicycle to sell her mother's flowers, looking all excited even though the flowers were not sold out.

He remembered her working hard in the garden, planting and harvesting all the plants by herself, even if the soil made her dirty afterwards.

Then her figure in the perfume room, concentrating on making her best creations.

His brave and strong little wife...

Aiden was sure Anya would be able to survive and give birth to their twin boys who were just as brave as their mother.

Raka owned a house located in the city center. Even though the atmosphere was quite crowded, the place was close to his company so he could get back from work easily.

Every Monday and Friday night, Raka would return to his family's house to have dinner with his parents. While he would spend the rest of the week in his own house.

After signing the agreement with Raka, Della stayed in his house, familiarizing herself with her new job under Alin's guidance.

"Sis Alin, how long have you been working for sir?'' After moving to Raka's house, she never saw him again.

Finding out about Raka's nature and habits was a new job for Della.

"Two years," Alin replied.

"Is he mean to his subordinates? Did he scold and beat his maid?" Della actually felt a little scared because Raka was quite creepy in her eyes.

When she lived at the Mawardi family house, she often saw her adoptive mother scolding the servants. Sometimes, Dewi even smashed things when she was in a bad mood. She would not hesitate to use her hands to punish anyone who defied her orders.

Alin shook her head with a smile. "During the two years I worked for him, he has only been angry once. At that time, he almost destroyed this house."

"Destroy this house? That's so scary," Della looked scared.

"Even though he looks cold, he is actually very kind," Alin said, trying to calm Della down. But Della could only laugh dryly.

"Don't you believe me?" Alin looked at the door and said in a low voice, afraid that someone would hear her. "Two years ago, he was furious because his first love was injured, she had a miscarriage because she was forced to take abortion drugs. That's so tragic!"

"Ah?" Della's eyes widened. "Does he still love that woman until now?"

"I don't know. But he has never brought home a lover. Maybe he still loves that woman," Alin shook her head.

Della immediately took her cellphone and wanted to find gossip about Raka's first love. But what she found was a complicated love triangle with two sisters.

Raka's first love was Anya Tedjasukmana, but his fiancée was Natali Tedjasukmana.

Natali Tedjasukmana…. Somehow, this name sounded very familiar to her.

Della suddenly remembered the shooting news that shocked the city a while ago.

At that time, the person who shot Anya during the competition was Natali.

Natali shot Anya and ended up killing herself when she found out that Anya was fine.

Did that mean... Anya was Raka's first love?

'Is it true that Anya was pregnant two years ago?' She thought, looking puzzled.

However, there was absolutely no news about it on the internet. Two years ago, there was only news that Anya went abroad to continue her studies then returned to Indonesia earlier this year.

Della wanted to know more about Raka.josei

Now that Raka had become her boss, she must know what he liked and disliked so that she could survive in this place.

After searching for quite a while, Della found absolutely no useful information.

There was only good news about Raka on the internet. Everyone called him a reliable young businessman, kind and generous on top of that— literally the best single man in Indonesia.

From the news, Della could conclude two things. Raka might really be a nice guy, or the public relations department at his company was really good at removing all the bad news about him from the internet.

"Dinner!" A cold voice came from the door. Della turned and saw Raka's grim face.

Seeing the man standing in front of the door, Della was very surprised, but she tried to remain calm.

"Sir, please wait a moment. The dinner will be ready soon," Della immediately put back her cell phone, worried that Raka would see what she was looking for.

With a grim face, Raka stepped forward towards Della.

He wore a shirt under his jacket, with the top two buttons exposed. Every step that he took made Della even more scared and her breath shortened.

"The people who wanted you dead... I've found them," said Raka.

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