Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 676 - Gravely Injured

Chapter 676 - Gravely Injured

"Nothing. Focus on looking after Arka and Aksa. When everything is over, Aiden will be back soon," Tara replied, recalling Aiden's explanation to her.

Anya was sure there was some serious problem going on  related to her that even Tara didn't want to tell her.

What happened?

Did something happen to Iris? But Iris' should be fine because no one could match it with Keara's Perfume going bankrupt.

Did something happen to her mother, Diana? But her mother lived near her house and Hana always accompanied her. Aiden had also arranged several bodyguards to always look after her mother.

Did it happen to her other mother, Indah? Several months ago, her mother had just undergone a liver transplant operation. After that, her hand had to be injured because of Mona's knife attack. Aiden said, the wound on her hand was bad enough that Indah didn't want to tell her.

Last night, Anya had a video call with her mother and father. But her mother looked a little pale. Galih told her that Indah had a cold.

Was Galih hiding something from her? Was her mother sick again?

Anya immediately contacted Galih's phone number. The phone rang for a long time, but it wasn't answered.

Anya felt even more panicked.

Aiden didn't answer his phone, neither did Galih. Something must have happened!

Tara didn't want to tell her and she couldn't ask the other members of the Atmajaya Family either. Now, who else should she find?

Her mother! He must call her mother!

Diana would never hide anything from her, not even the worst.

Anya immediately called Diana's number, but only the operator's voice could be heard from across.josei

"The number you have dialed is disabled or out of reach..."

Out of reach? Why did her mother's cell phone turn off?

Anya looked so panicked as she didn't know who else to contact.

Suddenly, Raka's name appeared in her mind. She then decided to try asking Raka.

At his house, Raka was sitting facing the window, looking at his bergamot tree in the garden. Since he was angry before, not a single person dared to touch that tree.

Della ran over to him, carrying his cellphone. "Sir, your cell phone."

"Who is it?" Raka didn't look back, still staring at the bergamot tree. Nobody knew what he was thinking right now.

"Anya," Della read the name displayed on the cellphone screen.

Della already knew some information about Anya from the internet. Anya was the head parfumeur at Iris. Despite her very young age, she had won two prestigious perfume competitions. She was a very talented woman.

And more importantly, she was Raka's first love.

Although Della didn't know why Raka often stood silently while gazing at the bergamot tree in the garden, she was sure that the tree had something to do with this woman named Anya.

"Anya?" Raka immediately turned around and took the cellphone from Della's hand.

But when he thought about someone who was seriously injured in the hospital, Raka hesitated to answer the call. What should he tell Anya?

If he told the truth, Anya would be even more worried.

If Anya insisted on returning to the city because of it, she could be in danger.

"Sir, are you not going to answer the phone?" Della reminded Raka carefully. His cellphone had been ringing for quite a while.

"You pick it up. Tell her I went out and left my cell phone at home," Raka returned the cell phone to Della.

Della accepted it with a confused expression. She did not understand why Raka did not want to answer the call. But in the end, she did what Raka ordered her.

Anya felt even more depressed when she couldn't get an answer from Raka. She left a message for him to contact her immediately.

After the call ended, Della returned the cellphone to Raka. "Sir, why don't you want to answer her call? Miss Anya sounds so panicked and asks you to contact her right away."

"Her mother is seriously injured and is in hospital. Right now, she is in the ICU. What should I tell her?" Raka took a deep breath.

"I think we should tell her the truth. I am sure that with the support from her family, Miss Anya's mother will survive. Hiding this will only make Miss Anya even more panicked," Della replied calmly.

Raka turned and looked at Della. He tilted his head and asked, "Do you want to meet Mrs. Winda?"

Della smiled when she heard that name. "I grew up in an orphanage since childhood. For me, Mrs. Winda is a mother figure. If you allow me to meet her, I will be very grateful. I will work harder."

"Tomorrow, I'll have my driver take you there," said Raka. After that, he got up and left.

Della's face immediately filled with joy. She bowed very respectfully in front of Raka. "Thank you sir. You're very good to me!"

Raka felt a little ridiculous to see Della very grateful to him. She even called him a good man, despite what he had been doing to her all this time.

In fact, Raka was always cold to her all this time.

However, indeed Della had never met a good man in her entire life before.

Her father was a complete douchebag. Salim had disappointed three women— Hana, Dewi and also Della's mother.

In Della's life, there was only one male figure, and that was her father. That's why Della didn't understand what a real good man looked like.

When he arrived at the hospital, Raka went straight to the ICU. Aiden, Galih and Indah were in front of the ICU, looking worried for Diana's news.

Seeing Raka's arrival, Aiden immediately greeted him.

"Aiden, Anya just called me, but I didn't pick up. She sounded very worried," Raka looked into the ICU through a glass window. Diana was still unconscious until now. "What did the doctor say?"

"Everything will be decided tonight, whether she can survive or not. She is still in a critical condition," Aiden looked at his cellphone, Anya called him again.

"I suggest you immediately pick up Anya. I'm sure Aunt Diana will be alright. She has no one else in this world. You cannot hide her situation from Anya," said Raka.

Galih also agreed. "He's right, Aiden. Tell Anya and bring her here. At times like these, Diana needed her the most,"

"Anya is no longer a child. She has the right to know her mother's condition," when she learned that Diana was injured, Indah cried, worrying about her condition.

Aiden thought for a moment and finally decided to comply with everyone's request. "I will pick up Anya."

His cell phone kept ringing. Anya messaged him a lot, asking what was going on.

Aiden took a deep breath and called her. "Anya, calm down and listen to me. Mother Diana is in the hospital. Change your clothes now, I'll pick you up in 40 minutes."

"What's wrong with her? I was still on the phone with her yesterday. Why is she suddenly sick? Is her heart disease recurring?" Anya was immediately worried hearing that. Diana had a history of heart disease. Did the disease recur again?

"No, it wasn't a heart attack. I can't explain it from the phone. I'll pick you up soon," said Aiden.

Before picking up Anya on the island, Aiden asked Maria and Bima for help to look after Arka and Aksa on the island while they were away. Seeing Diana's current condition, it seemed like Anya couldn't return as soon as possible.

Around 10 pm, Anya and Aiden arrived in front of the hospital's ICU.

When she saw her mother lying on the hospital bed with various tubes connected to her body, Anya felt as if her heart shattered to dust.

Her head felt buzzing and her legs wobbled.

"Mother..." Anya was crying from outside the window. She could only look at her mother from the outside and couldn't get close.

What really happened?

"Mother, I'm here... What happened to you...?" She cried from outside the glass window.

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