Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 715 - The Queen Of The Dance World

Chapter 715 - The Queen Of The Dance World

"Tell Nico that I have to rest for a month and have him take care of company matters," Aiden ordered in a deep voice.

The man decided to listen to Galih's words.

It was time for Nico to take more responsibility. Aiden used this time to propel his nephew to take on bigger tasks.

He felt so pathetic, he was too busy working that he couldn't take good care of his body and health.

Fortunately, after undergoing an examination overseas, he found that the pain in his knee was not due to a serious illness and the surgery went very smoothly. As long as he had enough rest, he would definitely recover.

"Sir, I don't think Mr. Nico is capable." 

When he heard that Aiden wanted to leave his job to Nico, Harris felt Nico could not be relied on.

"Nico is old enough. He is almost 30 years old. It's time for him to have his own responsibilities," Aiden had made up his mind.

"Understood, sir," seeing Aiden's determination was unanimous, Harris had no other choice but to comply.

A few months later, Nadine, Harris, Nico and Tara would have a wedding party.

They decided to have a wedding party at the same time. It was a huge party, the grandest party ever held in the city, or even in Indonesia.

Nadine was Anya's favorite niece. They were close as Nadine worked as Anya's assistant.

Meanwhile, Tara was Anya's best friend.

Aiden really hoped Anya would come to their wedding.

There wasn't a day when he didn't secretly wish in his heart that he would see his wife after a long time, until finally Galih contacted him.

"The doctor said that Anya is getting better, but she is still not allowed to come to public or be around crowds for a while. And Anya herself didn't want to go either. She has recorded a video and asked to send it to you," said Galih from the phone.

Aiden was very disappointed. He thought he could meet Anya soon.

But unexpectedly, Anya decided not to attend Nadine and Tara's wedding.

He opened the video sent by Galih and saw Anya's face, which looked bright and full of enthusiasm.

"Congratulations on your marriage! Sorry I can't attend in person. Even though I couldn't come, I already sent a gift through my father. You are my best friend, you must understand why I couldn't come. I wish you happiness. May your marriage last for a lifetime!"

"What about Aiden? Don't you want to say anything to him?" Indah's face was not visible in the video, but her voice could be heard.

"Aiden, how are you? As long as I'm not beside you, are there other women near you? If you like other women, give Arka and Aksa to me. If you dare to find a stepmother for my two sons, I'll deal with you when I come back!" Anya said, ending the recording.

She was threatening him through this video, but why was Aiden feeling so happy?

Anya still cared for him! She cared and asked if he had gotten with another woman while she's gone. Anya threatened him and wanted to take their sons if Aiden had another woman.

And she said she would deal with him if he found a replacement for her.

All this showed that Anya still cared for him!

The wedding party was said to be the biggest in the town. All prominent and famous figures from all over Indonesia came to attend.

Maria and Raisa were both busy taking care of the event. Meanwhile, Aiden and Ivan were in charge of receiving guests.

The guests found that all the members of the Atmajaya Family were there and busy taking care of the event, except for one person— Anya.

At first, they thought Anya and Aiden were fighting and about to separate so Anya refused to attend the wedding. But Galih and Indah were there. They were even seen chatting happily together with Bima.

Aiden also looked very close to Galih. It didn't seem like there was any problem between them.josei

Everyone was already aware of the news about Galih and Aiden's acquisition of the Hermawan Group. If there really is a problem between them, how can they work together and build a school for Anya?

"Why do you think Anya didn't come today?"

"Is it possible that Anya is pregnant that she cannot attend?"

"Is it true that Anya is pregnant again?"

"Perhaps she has other business?"

"Who knows why Anya is not here today? However, even though Anya didn't come, the star from the Pratama Family came to attend today! "

"Big star? Who?" Someone asked curiously.

"The famous dancer who's said to be the queen in the dancing world, Agnes Pratama! She is Galih Pratama's niece. I saw her come together with Indah today."

"Agnes Pratama? Didn't she die from failed plastic surgery?"

"Yes, I also heard the same news."

"The news could be wrong. Otherwise, how could she have come to this place?"

"That's right, maybe it's just fake news. The surgery didn't fail, just look at her very beautiful face!"

"The news was three years ago. Agnes is so wealthy that even if her surgery failed, she could return to her perfect beauty in just three years!"

This was Aiden's first time meeting Agnes. He had only heard and seen her on TV before.

The news of Agnes' death shocked the world. Who would've guessed that she would make her appearance and surprise everyone?

"Uncle, don't you want to introduce me to him?" Agnes looked at Aiden with a smile.

Galih's face looked a little gloomy, but then he said, "Aiden, this is my niece, Agnes. Her father is my cousin. Agnes, this is your brother-in-law, Aiden Atmajaya."

"Keara's husband?" Agnes asked.

Galih looked at Agnes with a complicated gaze and said in a cold voice, "Agnes, Aiden is Anya's husband, my second daughter."

"I've never met Anya. Does she not come today?" Agnes said softly and in a spoiled voice.

In Aiden's eyes, Agnes still looked so young that he could not get angry at her though she asked such a sensitive question.

"Anya is on a business trip, so she can't come today. You can meet and get acquainted with her next time," Aiden replied calmly.

"Poor her, she has to be separated from my uncle and aunt since childhood. After she returned, I was still abroad so I didn't have a chance to meet her. If she comes back, you should introduce her to me," Agnes replied with a smile on her face.

"Of course. Please enjoy the party, I have to welcome the guests," Aiden did not talk to Agnes for long and immediately turned around.

Agnes' eyes were glued to the man's tall body. Even though he had walked very far, Agnes still looked in the direction Aiden left.

Knowing that gaze, Indah immediately stepped forward and took Agnes' hand. "Agnes, how long are you going to live in Indonesia this time?"

"I just got home, do you already want to kick me out?" Agnes teased.

"How could your aunt throw you out? I haven't heard from you in three years. We have to have fun first before you return," Indah said elegantly and charmingly, covering the anxiety in her heart.

If Agnes weren't interested in Aiden, Indah wouldn't care how long Agnes was in Indonesia!

But from her gaze alone, Indah could tell that Agnes was attracted to her daughter's husband!

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