Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 742 - The Baby's Anger

Chapter 742 - The Baby's Anger

"If I were him, I would have replaced Keara with someone else when she was about to commit suicide. After that, I'd send her for plastic surgery and turn her into Agnes, so she can start her life again. After all, she is my flesh and blood. I can't watch her die just like that."

Indah looks sad when she looks at her daughter. "Yes. Whoever in his position would have done the same thing. If he could, he would definitely save his daughter. But I really feel sorry for you if he saved Keara."

"Mother, don't worry. Aiden had promised to investigate it. If the results are out, I will plan what I should do. It doesn't matter if it's Agnes or Keara, I won't let her hurt us," said Anya.

After that, Indah turned her gaze to Aiden. "Aiden, I hope you can take care of Anya. If Agnes was really Keara, she would not just stand by and let Anya live in peace. Keara had been very competitive since her childhood. If she couldn't get something, she wouldn't let others get it either," Indah said anxiously. "Not only Anya, you also have to take good care of yourself."

"I understand. Don't worry," said Aiden.

Indah took a deep breath. "If she really was Keara, she wouldn't hurt me and your father. I'd raised her like my own, but she wanted to kill my real daughter instead. She was not even willing to donate her liver to save me. Does she still have the face to meet me?"

"Mother, if Agnes was Keara, she could have hurt you. You said yourself that Keara doesn't want to save you. Don't think she has any respect for you just because you've raised her since she was a child," said Anya. "I hope Agnes is really Agnes. I don't want her to be Keara."

Keara deserved punishment for her actions. But if she were still alive, Anya didn't know what to do.

"Don't worry. I will immediately look for new information," said Aiden.

Three days later, all information regarding Agnes was sent to Aiden's email.

Three years ago, Agnes loved a man named Rudi, who was the CEO of the Aditya Group. For the sake of that man, she was even willing to run a surgery on her face to make herself perfect. However, Rudi left her and married someone else.

Since that day, Agnes experienced severe stress until her health deteriorated. She also gained weight because she took her sadness out on food.

Some journalists got a photo of her when her body was fat and her face was damaged. They said that she was addicted to plastic surgery and felt that she was not perfect so Rudi didn't want her. However, her face got even worse and the surgery turned out to be a failure.

But half a year ago, someone saw Agnes returning to Indonesia. At that time, she was wearing a mask and only showing her eyes so that no one would recognize her.

Once she returned, she looked way slimmer than before.

Before she appeared in public and showed her face out, she always wore a mask and was very careful when she met other people.

From Agnes' death to her reappearance, there was a gap of two years. Nobody had seen her before and no one knew where she had gone.

And it was a coincidence that Agnes' appearance coincided with Keara's death.josei

The information that Aiden has so far cannot prove Agnes' true identity, unless there is a medical record of the plastic surgery she underwent.

Nothing can prove whether Agnes is real or fake. But Aiden and Anya suspect that Keara isn't really dead yet.

In early June, Aiden came home with Anya and Indah. Since Agnes is still injured and there are many things to do in the garden, Galih stays there.

By the time they arrived in town, it was already daytime.

Anya didn't immediately go home and went to the mall with Indah. Meanwhile, Aiden went straight to the Atmajaya Group to help Nico.

"Mother, I want to buy gifts for my twins. Please help me choose toys for Arka and Aksa. I've been away for a few months, I want to go home with souvenirs," said Anya. She felt confused when she saw the many toys there.

"It is not the gift that is important, but sincerity is. You don't have to choose the best gift. For them, the best gift they can get is their mother," Indah said with a smile.

Anya chuckled hearing this.

Finally, she chose two train carts and went home with Indah.

Arka and Aksa were really loved by everyone. All members of the Atmajaya Family often buy gifts of toys for them so that many toys are piling up in their room.

There are also toys for older children, which are immediately stored in the warehouse, waiting for Arka and Aksa to be old enough to play them.

"Mm... Mmma..." When he saw Anya, Aksa immediately crawled towards her.

"Did Aksa call me?" Anya asked happily.

"Sounds like it," Indah smiled too. "Aksa is very clever, he remembers how to call you,"

On the other hand, Arka did not immediately greet her with enthusiasm like his brother. However, he turned around angrily and showed his butt at Anya instead, as if he wanted to ignore her.

Anya carried Aksa and kissed his chubby cheek. "Does Aksa miss me?"

Aksa laughs happily. His little hands tightly hugged Anya's neck and kissed her cheek.

Indah felt that her grandson was very cute. "Surely Aksa really missed his mother."

"Aksa, I bought a carriage for you and your brother. We'll play together, okay?" Anya carried Aksa and took him to the playing room.

After finding out that Anya was pregnant with twins, Aiden immediately combined several rooms on the second floor to become a very large children's playroom.

Anya put Aksa on a sitting mat and then took turns to pick up Arka.

She showed the train she was carrying towards Arka and said, "Arka, mother is coming home. Are you not happy?"

Arka was still silent, he kept showing his butt towards Anya.

Indah looks at Anya and gives support to her. On the previous trip home, she had given some advice to her daughter. 

"Anya, when you went before, Arka and Aksa were very young. They are also born prematurely. But after you come home, they have shown their intelligence and are smarter than ordinary children. After that, you left them again and took their father with you. The kids are too young to talk, but that doesn't mean they don't understand anything."

Previously, Anya thought that a barely one year old toddler wouldn't understand anything. But when she saw Arka's attitude towards her at this time, she knew that these two intelligent boys understood that she had left them for a while.

Aksa is very innocent. Seeing his mother return, he felt so happy and kissed her to show his longing. After that, he can play alone with the gifts that Anya brought.

But Arka was different. As the older sibling, he was furious when he found out that his mother had left them again.

It is true that the older brother still can't walk, but he is already angry.

Anya put the carriage in front of Arka and reached out her hand to carry him. But Arka tried to throw her hand away and refused.

"Arka, I'm sorry. Now that mom and dad are back, I promise we won't leave you again," Anya hugged Arka in her arms tightly.

When he heard Anya's promise, Arka finally wanted to turn around and look at his mother with a serious gaze, as if wondering whether the promise was false or not.

Then, he stretched out his tiny fingers to Anya.

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