Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 803 - Not Departing

Chapter 803 - Not Departing

"I was worried that your father would be sad, so I sent Keara to the best hospital and bought the most expensive medicine from abroad. I tried to heal her, but she slandered me instead. If that's the case, just leave her alone. When your father is out, let him take care of his child by himself. I don't care anymore." 

For Indah, having Anya was enough. If Galih cares about Keara more than them, she's not going to oppose him. So it's better for them to separate.

Lately, Indah spends a lot of time with Maria. She learned to live independently from her. 

She concluded that a woman does not always need a man to be with her.

All this time, Indah felt that she could not live without Galih and was so dependent on her husband. Therefore, when Galih defended Keara more, her heart was very broken.

But after that, Indah learned that as a woman, she can also be happy even without a man beside her.

What good is a man if he can't make her happy?

Keara has hurt her heart and Galih still wants her to pay for Keara's treatment. This is clearly anything but fair.

"Mother, you finally came to your senses. What do you get after being a good mother to her all your life? Keara doesn't even appreciate your sacrifice. You've also lost me for more than 20 years. If dad blames you for Keara's trouble, so be it. We can still live without him," said Anya with a smile.josei

"Yes, he deserves to be jailed. All of this is his own fault. When he saved Keara, did he ever think about the two of us?" Indah said.

In the operating room, Raka has survived critical times. His condition has stabled and he can be immediately transferred to the inpatient ward.

When Anya and Aiden entered the room, Raka was already conscious. Seeing Anya fine, a smile appeared on Raka's face.

"I am fine. Thank you for protecting me," said Anya.

Irena was at the bedside with bloodshot eyes. Raka pretended to be fine and said, "Mom, I'm fine."

"Can you still say you are fine? You scared your mother to death!" Irena rebuked him hard and hit Raka's shoulder gently.

"Ah! It hurts, mother!" Raka immediately shouted.

"You deserve it!" Irena said irritably. But her hand fixed the blanket that covered Raka gently. "Next time, you should also think about Della when you do something."

"Mom, don't be like that, Della will be sad to hear that," Raka turned and looked at Della who was standing in the distance.

Since everyone surrounded Raka's bed, Della couldn't get close.

When thinking about Della, Irena immediately approached her and helped her to get closer to Raka. "Della, you understand right? Raka is a man and he won't be able to let Anya get hurt," she said carefully, worried that Della would misunderstand.

"I understand." With a faint smile, Della approached the man's bed and gripped Raka's hand tightly. "When you do something next time, can you think about me first?"

"I always think of you," said Raka with a smile.

Della laughed at that. "Does the wound hurt?"

"Ugh, trust me you won't want to find out!" Raka replied.

"I'm hurt too." Della raised her bandaged hand. "I was injured at work. We'll share our pain."

"Della..." Raka looked at Della's hand in surprise.

"It's okay. It's just a small wound. I suddenly got hurt. Maybe this is a sign that something has happened to you," Della's eyes turned red.

"That's called destiny," said Irena with a smile. She liked Della more and more. For her, Della is the daughter-in-law that she wants. Gentle, understanding, kind, has a good character and family background.

When Anya saw Raka and Della holding hands tightly, she immediately took Aiden's hand. "When I was in danger, did you feel something?"

"My hand hurt because my coffee was too hot. Does that count?" Aiden asked seriously.

Anya nodded with a laugh.

"Raka is fine now. Thank you for visiting." Upon seeing so many people in the room, Irena hurriedly chased everyone away so her son could rest.

After knowing that Raka was fine, Bima immediately went home. Aiden wants to take Anya home, but Anya doesn't want to be home alone. Finally, she decided to return to Iris Perfume Academy.

Aiden immediately replaced all the guards and sent more people to protect Anya.

At Iris Perfume Academy, Anya notices that the security guard at the door has been changed. And the guards who followed her also changed.

"Don't worry. They won't do any harm. They will protect you," Aiden said.

Anya nodded, "Just now, Jenny texted me saying that she wanted to visit me, but dad didn't let her out. Hasn't she gone overseas yet?"

"Brother Ivan is still taking care of her school's paperwork. Father thought it was better to send Jenny away after everything was completed so that she could be with Sister Maria longer. She hasn't left yet, but father told her to stay at home so as not to make a fuss after the commotion at the engagement party," said Aiden.

Anya replied, "We ate and got together to discuss what we should do after Jenny left, but actually she still hasn't left. And you hid it from me."

"I've sent her away but she escaped and ran back to Indonesia. This time, let dad take care of everything," Aiden said calmly then added, "Jenny canceled her engagement party saying that she wanted to study abroad. So now, she can't run away from her responsibilities anymore."

"She said she wanted to study abroad according to your father's wishes. But Jenny is asking me for help now. What should I do?" Anya asked.

"You're scared right now, so you don't have time to check your phone," Aiden replied, telling Anya to pretend.

Anya laughed hearing that. "You are right."

Bima hoped that Jenny would not make a rash decision. He doesn't want Jenny to marry Jonathan, a widower with a kid. The first day Jenny becomes Jonathan's wife, she will become a stepmother.

Bima asks Ivan to arrange everything as soon as possible, worried that Jenny will do something beyond his imagination.

Today's Thursday, the weekend was just around the clock. But Bima told Jenny to immediately pack up and leave after all the documents were completed.

"Dad, can't Jenny go after the weekend? Let her stay here for a few days," Maria's eyes turned red as she said that. She couldn't send Jenny because Tara was about to give birth. Nico is still busy filming and Maria is responsible for looking after her daughter-in-law and future grandchildren.

But Bima was adamant.

On the way to the airport, Bima asked Anya to take Jenny directly, along with Rudi.

When Rudi heard the news, he was also shocked. "Jenny hasn't left yet?"

"Aiden was busy and couldn't see her off a second time. He let his father take care of everything," said Anya.

Bima agreed and let Rudi take Jenny. In fact, he wanted to create more opportunities for Rudi to be together with Jenny. He even repeatedly told Rudi to take Jenny to her destination safely.

During the journey, Jenny is guarded by bodyguards, not letting her escape anywhere. In a rage, she repeatedly stomped hard on the guards' feet, making Anya feel sorry for them.

But the guards didn't even frown a bit and carried out their duties professionally.

"Are you afraid of me running away? Why do you have to bring me like this? At least, stand a bit away from me!" Jenny said angrily to the tall bodyguard behind her.

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