Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 820 - No Need To Show Support

Chapter 820 - No Need To Show Support


"Brother Jonathan and Jenny love each other. Why can't they be together?"

"Is love a must have?" Aiden approached his wife and hugged her.

"But the happiest thing in the world is getting married to the person you love," Anya replied with a serious expression.

Aiden lowered his head and kissed her lips. "In this world, not everyone who loves each other can be together. There is always a reason that separates them. True love can always get through problems, but what's the point of love when they're only going to hurt each other?"

"Do you also mind if Brother Jonathan and Jenny are together?" Anya looked at her husband.

"No, but my father and Sister Maria will be sad. Nico wouldn't agree either. Jonathan is not the partner the Atmajaya Family wants. We can only see his appearance from the outside. The dark side of his heart is still not visible," Aiden took a deep breath.

"You feel that Jonathan is cruel to his own father so you consider him evil? You know for yourself what Toni did to me and to his family, but instead you think that Brother Jonathan is bad. If Toni didn't hurt him or kill Alisa's mother, didn't use him and didn't intend to overthrow him from his current leadership, Brother Jonathan wouldn't do anything either," said Anya.

Aiden stroked her head, trying to calm his wife and said helplessly, "But how can I entrust Jenny to a man who is cruel to his own father?"

"Aiden, you are going too far. You forced Brother Jonathan to act against his father. Otherwise, you will not give him the opportunity to work with Atmajaya Group again. You forced him to do it and now you call him a cruel man. He just wants to grow his company and give Alisa a good life. Is there something wrong with his ambition?" Anya pushed her husband's body in annoyance and ignored him.

She could understand what Jonathan was going through right now.

Toni repeatedly wanted to harm him. In the past, Toni was the one who prevented him from finding his mother.

Anya had absolutely no feelings for her uncle.

But Jonathan was different. Even though they are father and son, Jonathan is not like Toni.

Anya has known Jonathan since she went to France.

He is a good man. Even though he is a widower without a wife to help him, he still tries hard to raise Alisa.

Anya was sure that her opinion of Jonathan was not wrong.

After returning to Indonesia, Jonathan took over the Srijaya Group while Toni was imprisoned.

The shareholders of the group wanted to kick him out of the company, but he still tried hard to fight them. No one knows how heavy the burden Jonathan has shouldered so far.

And in the end, he fell in love with a woman who could warm his heart. But unfortunately, no one supports their relationship.

While Jenny was away to study abroad, Jonathan worked hard to develop and strengthen the Srijaya Group. He did everything he could to make himself worthy to be with her.

But no matter what he did, the Atmajaya Family always thought that he could never be with Jenny.

Aiden then looked at Anya who covered her body with the blanket.

"Are you angry?" He asked as he sat on the edge of the bed and gently stroked Anya's shoulder.

"Jonathan has relented for two years to let her go and find a better man. But the girl returned with the same love. Still, you... Your family, and also my mother, can't accept all that," Anya muttered.

"What your mother thinks is very reasonable. Srijaya Group is still weak. Jonathan needs support from a strong partner, not a little girl like Jenny. I don't look down on her and I don't hate Jonathan either, but I just don't think they're the right match for each other," Aiden said calmly.

Anya stood up and looked at her husband. "To me, you are the most appropriate man. But am I the right woman for you? When we got married, I was also young. I didn't have any good family background to help you. But you still chose me. Why do you think that Jonathan can't be with the woman he desires?"

"He is a grown man and he knows what kind of woman he needs," Aiden said.

Anya took a deep breath. No matter what she said, she would not be able to change the Atmajaya Family's decision.

"Even though Brother Jonathan is not married to Jenny, me, my mother, the Atmajaya Group and the Pratama Group will still help him. So he has no ulterior motives behind his feelings for Jenny!" Anya decided to continue persuading her husband.

After all, Aiden's decision is also very important in the Atmajaya Family.

The man then nodded.

Even though Jonathan never married Jenny, he still owns the Srijaya Group. Indah is also the daughter of the Srijaya family. Of course Pratama Group will always support Srijaya Group.

Therefore, Jonathan could actually find another partner who could help him even more.

Some of the families in the city are very close with each other.

Jonathan has Aiden, Indah, Rudi and also Raka's support. If he wanted to marry into a family that was quite influential, even if they were not as great as the Atmajaya Family, Jonathan could restore the Srijaya Group's strength to how it used to be.

So, marrying Jenny was actually not the best choice for him.

"Two years ago, Jonathan said that if Jenny still liked him after two years, he would go after Jenny. During these two years, he did not get close to any woman. He just spent all his time working hard. He waited for Jenny to come home. Do you know that?" Anya was very angry. She thought marriage was a sacred thing, not just for profit.

Jenny and Jonathan loved each other. It's true that there were many men and women out there who might be more suited for them, but love couldn't choose.

Why is everyone trying to separate them?

Bima and Indah both called Jonathan, asking him to stay away from Jenny. However, Anya wanted to support Jenny and Jonathan's choice.

"I know Jenny can choose which man she wants to love, but Jonathan's current situation isn't good enough to let him choose love over profit. Anya, Jonathan may soon realize that marrying another woman is a better choice for him," Aiden said sincerely.

Anya rested her head on his shoulder. "I know it. But Brother Jonathan wants to return Jenny's love. Aiden, there are so many people getting in the way of their relationship. But at least, let's support their choice, okay?"

"Yeah, I promise you. Don't be angry anymore," Aiden did not expect that he and Anya, who had always had a good relationship and agreed on various matters, finally had an argument over Jonathan and Jenny.

"You don't need to show your support. I'm just asking you not to get in the way of their relationship," Anya said while raising her head.

"I see," Aiden hugged her and they both lay under the covers.

Anya's hands hugged her husband back and rested her head in Aiden's arms. That night, they slept in each other's arms.

Meanwhile, Jonathan intends to take Jenny home.

He looked at his car which was still in the parking lot of the bar then called his assistant. "My car is in the parking lot of the Blurry Night bar. Take the spare key and take my car home."

"Master, do you need me to pick you up?" His assistant asked.

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