Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 840 - In Danger

Chapter 840 - In Danger

She not only scolded Nico, but also occasionally hit him. Even though it wasn't a hard hit, Tara was really annoyed.

In front of his wife, Nico became more honest.

All the maids stood there, watching Tara scold Nico. And no one dared to stop him.

Their butler had been expelled and the salaries of all the servants were deducted due to their negligence. If they don't want to, they can just leave the place.

But in this case, all the servants in the house knew Anya was right. They have the duty and responsibility to take care of the hosts as well as the guests. Even though guests are not their masters, that doesn't mean they can ignore them.

Nico didn't have the ability to take good care of the children so the servants were paid to help him. But what did they do? They let Nico lead the kids into a dangerous play.

Fortunately, Aksa had fallen on the air cushion. If the cushion failed to catch them, wouldn't that be very dangerous?

Who will be responsible if that were to happen?

So in the end, the servants received their punishment. After all, they will not be able to get a job with a higher salary than their current job.

Nico and Tara are excellent hosts. Their children, Mason and Madison, are also very obedient.

"There will be no new butler in this house. If there's anything you want to ask, just ask me. Nico is not only the general manager of Atmajaya Group, but also an entertainer. He doesn't understand housework, so I can only rely on all of you. He has so many ideas. If he does anything dangerous, you should try to persuade him. If you can't, please tell me or you can also call my mother-in-law. If you can't, find Anya or Aiden," Tara said in a cold voice.

"Yes, madam," the servants answered in unison.

Nico could never change. Tara had known this when she decided to marry him.

No matter what happened, Tara would go out of her way to help him.

If she is unable, Maria can still help.

And the last resort would be to find Anya and Aiden. But if that happened, they would definitely scold Nico.

Today, no one expected that such a problem would occur.

Nico himself realized his mistake after he received stern warnings from Aiden and Anya, as well as from his own wife. Luckily, Aksa is fine.

After that day, every time Nico took the kids out to play, he had to make sure of their safety first.

When Arka and Aksa played with Nico again, they became very careful. It was because they knew, even though Nico was an adult in their eyes, he wasn't reliable enough.

Half a month later, good news came from the Pratama Family. Galih was finally released from prison.

He behaved well in prison and contributed greatly. He also helped a lot so that he was released earlier than his previous sentence.

Bima excitedly ordered a restaurant at one of the Atmajaya Group to welcome Galih's return.

Many people were invited.

On the Atmajaya Family's side, apart from Bima and Maria, the young couples also attended. Aiden and Anya, Nico and Tara, as well as Nadine and Harris were all present.

On the Srijaya Family's side, there are Jonathan and Alisa.

Irena and Rian were on vacation abroad so Raka and Della came alone with their daughter.

Their daughter looks so beautiful. Anya and Nico immediately scrambled, wanting to match their son with Raka and Della's child.

Therefore, Anya and Nico were arguing fiercely, fighting over the little girl. Della just laughed at their behavior.

She wasn't worried at all.

In her heart, she knew that Raka really loved and pampered their daughter. Whatever their daughter asked for, he would definitely give her. There's no point in getting their child matched because one day, she will let her daughter choose the man she loves.

Since Raka and Della came with their daughter, Harris and Nico became the main topic again.

This time, Maria, Aiden and Anya helped to explain so that Bima would not be too demanding from them.

Nadine's infertility problem is a secret that Nico, Jenny and Bima didn't know about. Meanwhile, the rest of the family already knew.

Tara also knows because she is the one who checks on Nadine's condition. Nadine also repeatedly came to the hospital where Tara's grandfather worked to recover.

Her current condition did indicate recovery, but to be able to conceive would be a miracle.

It was hard to accept that fact, but there was nothing else she could do but wait for that miracle to happen.

Nadine and Harris were very young. They still had a long way to recover.

The happiest person today is Galih. Everyone came to celebrate his release from prison and even Bima came along.

After eating, everyone went to their respective homes. But Anya couldn't go home in peace and took the initiative to go along with her father and mother's car.

On the way home, Anya held her mother's hand tightly and occasionally glanced at her face. "Dad, I have an appointment with the doctor tomorrow. Are you willing to check your health? After that, we can go on vacation. Arka and Aksa are good at playing soccer now. Don't you want to play with your grandchildren?"

"Good. You have arranged everything," Galih agreed.

Seeing her father's stable and normal mood, Anya felt calm.josei

"Are you feeling uncomfortable? Your face is a little red," Indah reached out her hand to touch Galih's cheek, but the man tilted his head and avoided it.

When she saw this, Indah immediately withdrew her hand sadly.

Anya pretends not to see it. But the atmosphere in the car became uncomfortable.

"After checking my condition, I have no intention of returning to the company for a while. So we can go on vacation," said Galih.

Anya nodded happily.

That night, Anya could not sleep peacefully. She kept turning her face right and left, but sleep did not come.

"What's wrong?" Aiden turned on the light on his nightstand and looked at his wife anxiously.

"I find father a little strange. Today, he drank wine and his face was a little red. My mother was worried about him and wanted to touch his face but he avoided it. In the car, he only talked to me and didn't want to talk to mom," Anya recalled what had happened and felt even more anxious.

Aiden stroked his wife's arm and said, "I've arranged for some people to look after your mother. If something happened, they would definitely contact me."

Who would've known that as soon as Aiden said it, his cell phone actually rang. The call came from the bodyguard he sent to protect Indah.

"What's wrong?" Aiden answered immediately.

"Master, Mr. Galih beat Madam Indah. We heard her screaming for help, but the door was locked. Do I need to break it down?" The guard asked.

"Are you sure she is asking for help?" Aiden asked calmly.

"Yeah, I heard it twice. After that, it seemed like her mouth was gagged because her voice became indistinct," said the guard.

Anya immediately got up from her bed and ran downstairs wearing house slippers.

"Break the door and save her. If dad refuses to stop, take him down! I'll be right there," Aiden hung up the phone and rushed after Anya.

"Anya, where are you going at this late?" Hana was just about to go to bed when she saw Anya running and out of the house in her pajamas.

"My mother is in danger!" Anya said frantically.

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