Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 859 - Don't Push

Chapter 859 - Don't Push

Aiden sits by the window, staring at his laptop while the sun shines brightly on him.

Anya could only see the side of his face, but that alone was satisfying enough that she couldn't take her eyes off him. Unknowingly, her lips curved into a smile as she looked at her husband.

"Are you satisfied yet?" Aiden could feel Anya's gaze. He turned his gaze from the screen and looked at Anya with a smile. "Mrs. Atmajaya, are you hungry? If you are hungry, you can eat first. Then, we can continue."

Anya blinked her eyes and looked at him in confusion. "Continue what?"

"Making children," Aiden said bluntly.

Anya immediately grabbed the pillow behind her and threw it at Aiden. "Aiden, even though you want to have a daughter, this isn't the way…'

"Then?" Aiden looked at her with a smile.

"I can't stay in bed until I'm pregnant. I have other things to do!" Anya glared at him.

Aiden laughed, "But that's what I want. That's why I took three days off and took the children to the Atmajaya Family's house this morning. All the maids in this house are also on vacation. There's only Mrs. Hana downstairs," Aiden said seriously.

"What?" Anya's eyes widened. "So you won't let me get out of bed in the next three days?"

"Doctor Tirta said your chances of getting pregnant are lower than normal women. They say more rest and lying down can make getting pregnant easier," Aiden said. "Go take a shower first. Mrs. Hana will bring the food to the room."

"Aiden, you've gone mad," Anya shook her head. Why did she have to follow Aiden's request?

The man just chuckled and carried her to the bathroom.

After finishing her bath, Anya came out and found that her food was already in the room. But Hanna was nowhere to be seen.

"You don't want to eat? Or do you want me to feed you?" Aiden reached out his hand to pick up the spoon that was on the table.

"I can eat by myself," Anya grumbled as she grabbed the spoon. After eating a few spoonfuls, she said, "Aiden, can you calm down a bit? I also want to have a daughter, but not like this. We can just let things go as usual…"

"I told you I wanted a daughter and I'll make sure you get pregnant," Aiden replied.

"Last night you were drinking, right, when you met a client..."

"I did meet a client yesterday, but I didn't drink at all. Nico took my place. I told my client that I was planning to have a second child with you and shouldn't drink," Aiden replied calmly.

Anya looked at him suspiciously, "But when you went out to meet your client yesterday, I had not agreed to have children."

"I've started to pay attention to what I eat a week before your fertile period. If you want a child, I can give it to you anytime," said Aiden.

Anya looked at him in surprise. "So you had all this planned and were just waiting for me to agree?"

"Wanting to have children with your own wife is not wrong, right?" Aiden said, frowning.

"Actually, I wanted to talk about Harris and Nadine yesterday," said Anya.

"I know," Aiden took the fork and knife on the table, helped Anya to cut the meat on her plate and fed it to her.

"You know huh? But you still invited me to make a girl!" Anya said in surprise.

"I want to have a daughter and you've agreed too. Everyone's happy, right?" Aiden touched Anya's lips with the meat, asking her to open her mouth.

Anya looked at him in surprise, thinking that she had heard wrong. But Aiden's face looks serious. It seemed that he wasn't joking.

Anya opened her mouth and bit the meat in annoyance. "Alright, Aiden. You win!"

"Don't you like it? Last night you looked really enjoying it. You…"

"Shut up!" Anya immediately interrupted him.

Yes, she really enjoyed it.

She made love to her handsome husband who had extraordinary stamina and abilities. How could she not be satisfied?

Even though she knew Aiden was deliberately tricking her into making love to him, Anya didn't mind and was willing to go along with his trick.

She could make love to the man she loved, giving birth to the fruit of their love. Is there anything that would make her happier than that?

They have a lot of money and they're having a good life. Welcoming another child would not be a big deal for them.

After eating, Anya wore her oversized pajamas then sat on the soft sofa while reading a book.

Meanwhile, Aiden was doing his work at his desk. They are minding their own business.

Hana then went upstairs to bring them tea and juice, then clean the dirty dishes. She also made Anya and Aiden's bed.josei

Anya felt a little embarrassed so she pretended not to see Hana. She didn't say anything to her, pretending that she was busy reading.

But after Hana left, Anya really regretted it. Why didn't she see the new sheets that Hana had put on?

What kind of bed sheet is this?

Hana put a pink bed sheet with flowers. Usually, the sheets in their rooms are plain white sheets. Does this one signify anything?

Around three o'clock in the afternoon, Aiden closed his laptop after finishing work.

Anya felt her legs go weak when she heard familiar footsteps coming towards her.

"Aiden, not now. I'm really tired," Anya immediately pleaded to her husband.

"I don't intend to do anything. I just wanted to talk about Harris and Nadine. What are you thinking?" Aiden looked at her with a smile.

Anya immediately blushed when she heard it. "I… I also want to talk about those two."

"What happened yesterday?" Aiden sat beside Anya and hugged her.

Anya leaned against his chest and said, "When I visited Harris' house, Mrs. Hana was with Tiara. They looked very warm like mother and daughter, while Nadine looked like an outsider. She didn't even talk much."

"Are you worried that Nadine will think about it?" Aiden understood what Anya was afraid of.

Anya nodded. "Nadine will be 30 years old soon. Even though I think that's quite a young age, if a better woman appeared in front of Harris, Nadine would definitely think of it. Tiara is pretty beautiful, still young and has a cheerful personality."

"Are you afraid that Harris and Tiara will be involved in an affair? Or they don't have any relationship, but Nadine misunderstood them?" Aiden said. "Then let me talk to Harris. He always listens to my words."

"Don't worry. I've spoken to Mrs. Hana. Next time, Tiara will come to my house if she wants to visit her first. Or she could join us together in the park. Anyway, don't let her have a secluded relationship with Harris. It's not that I don't believe in Harris. I'm just afraid that Nadine will think about it," said Anya.

Aiden nodded, "Alright, I trust you. If you need my help, just say so."

"Doctor Tirta has tried various treatments for Nadine. And finally he suggested to undergo surrogacy abroad," said Anya while frowning.

When he heard this, Aiden's face looked displeased. "Did my father tell him to suggest it?"

"No, this is a suggestion from Doctor Tirta himself. After a long time of treatment, Nadine has not gotten pregnant either. Dad kept pushing them. And perhaps Doctor Tirta had no other choice because of the pressure," Anya replied.

Aiden immediately called Bima. "Father, how are my sons?"

"You sent so many people to look after them but don't worry, Maria also cares for them too. Everything is fine," Bima said with a smile.

"Next time, don't pressure Nadine and Harris to have kids," Aiden said.

"What's wrong? Is it a health problem? Who's in trouble? Nadine or Harris?" Bima is a smart man. He had suspected this matter for a long time, but no one was willing to tell him.

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